Minutes 7th December 2011

held in Room 309, 2 University Gardens on 7th December 2011
Ann Gow (Chair), Michael Murray, Adam Rieger, Peter van Dommelen, Alex Marshall, Stuart
Airlie, Thomas Clancy
Simon Ball Graeme Small Matthew Fox, Sheila Kidd,
Pauline McLachlan, Ian Ruffell
Table of Contents
Minute of previous meeting held 16th November 2011 .................................................................................................. 1
Matters Arising .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Strategic Plan Update .................................................................................................................................................... 1
School Committees ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Ms Gow Chaired the meeting in the absence of Professor Ball
Minute of previous meeting held 16th November 2011
The minute of the previous meeting was approved. PMcL will circulate to all School of
Humanities staff.
Matters Arising
2.1 PGT Marketing – AM still to receive marketing information. MM will pursue.
2.2 New Posts – Will be discussed further under Strategic Plan Update.
2.3 Graduate School Convenor – Catriona Macdonald has come forward to replace Alex
Marshall. AM will contact CM regarding a handover and SJB will send a formal
announcement to the School. The next Graduate Studies meeting is scheduled for midJanuary. Thanks were offered to AM for performing the role to date and to CM for coming
Any other matters arising will be discussed under agenda.
Strategic Plan Update
Prior to the meeting, MM had circulated an update to the Strategic Plan based on last year’s
actual figures and activity. A discussion followed and including a top level breakdown
review of how the School performed in relation to College and GU targets. Issues discussed
included: the % of staff holding grants exceeded the target of 30%; PGTS of 128 FTE across
the School against target of 125 and an NSS satisfaction rate of 93% against a target of 90%.
MM had also provided a breakdown of KPIs by Subject. AG reported on an issue
surrounding JISC funding. GU has re-classified income from JISC as commercial rather
than research, which will have an obvious impact on the School and College figures. AG
will continue discussions internally and also with colleagues in England and at JISC. A
review of Objectives discussion included an increase in RCUK applications and awards; the
launch of the Museum Studies MSc; the joint PGR exchange programme with Mainz
University and the investments made in staffing last year: Chair in Global Security, Reader in
Late Modern Scottish History, Name Studies Research Associate. AG invited discussion
regarding future investments. Four post proposals had been circulated prior to the meeting.
It was suggested that we consider how best these posts could enhance and develop within the
School. The posts are: Research Fellow in Medical Humanities; Research Fellow in Digital
Economy & Culture, Chair of Logic & Rhetoric and Senior Lectureship in Digital Heritage.
MM agreed to review and circulate the School MPA:Student FTE figures for the School.
MM confirmed that a review of MPA provision would be conducted as suggested by Prof
Nolan in the review of restructuring. Further revisions will be made throughout the year to
the plan, with the major issues being the investments in new posts and JISC funding.
MM sought feedback regarding how best to express research on the School website. AG
suggested that the research and Graduate Studies considered this further.
School Committees
4.1 Graduate Studies
AM reported that there had not been a further meeting since the last meeting of SMG. AG
reported that Catriona Macdonald had come forward to replace AM as Graduate Studies
Convenor. SJB will circulate a formal announcement to colleagues and AM will contact CM
to discuss and pass on the RED report, PG marketing, grant deadlines and development the
research profile on the School website. PvD queried whether there was any update regarding
AHRC BGP. TC reported that Celtic & Gaelic may lead on a type B bid by Celtic Studies.
A meeting had been held with AHRC representatives 2 weeks ago which had been
encouraging. TC will push forward. AG confirmed that GU is involved in a Digital Heritage
bid, but is not the lead. AM reported that 5 colleagues, himself included, had been appointed
to the RSE Young Academy of Scotland.
4.2 Research
TC reported that a Research Committee meeting had been held on 15 November and a
College meeting will be held this afternoon. A discussion had been held regarding REF and
the next stages of REF preparations. TC had requested research information from each
subject with a view to producing a School research profile. Meetings will be scheduled by
Adrienne Scullion with UoA Champions. A REF Impact workshop will be held on 13
December. TC encouraged a representative from each subject to attend. An email had been
circulated by Christelle LeRiguer detailed the School and College deadline for SRA and
Research Leave applications. TC reported that a request for the development of School
conference support provision had been made. It was agreed to discuss at a future meeting.
4.3 Learning and Teaching
SA reported that the Careers Service will attend a L&T Committee meeting. NSS results
will be discussed at Staff:Student Committees at subject level and employability will be
looked at in further detail next semester. The proposal to review Level 3 will go ahead and a
review of Level 3 provision will be conducted. A JYA cap of 50 has been put in place; only
26 students went aboard last year.
5.1 Actions points – agreed
AG offered thanks to colleagues following an eventful year.