Volunteer Booklet

HSA Volunteer Booklet 2015 – 2016
The HSA is counting on parent support to continue sharing God’s light through volunteer efforts in the
many opportunities we have here at SJB. Reflecting on the theme for the upcoming school year, “We are
called to …,” we are all personally called to keep our most beloved traditions and events alive.
Please note that certain events are not listed (Parent Back to School Party, End of the Spring Auction
Celebration, Parent Spring Party, Tubing, Bowling, Earth Day etc) as these and/or any other events are
based on parent/whole class initiative. If you would like to materialize an event not listed below, please
see Mr. Blomquist.
In the following pages, you will find a listing of current HSA committees with a brief description. It also
includes all contact info of the chairs and a list of events that fall under a committee. A separate document
is a Volunteer Sign Up form, your “pick list”. It is a menu of opportunities for you to choose from.
Please make a check mark next to any committee that interests you and fits best into your personal
schedule. Volunteering promises you the greatest payback – the sense of accomplishment, the satisfaction
of contributing, and fulfilling the need of social fellowship.
If you have any questions about any committee, need more specific information about volunteering for any
committee, please contact:
Astrid Ingenlath-Diaz. (301) 681-9255 or moo.diaz@verizon.net
Book Fair
SJB’s Annual Book Fair is held in November 2016.
Dianne Branch. (301) 384-2299 or branchfamilyof4@aol.com
Cindy Hall. (301) 362-4517 or ctruman3@yahoo.com
Chair of the By-Laws Revision Committee
The Chair of the By-Laws Committee will lead a team to assemble, revise, and harmonize the current
versions of the By-Laws to create one current version of the By-Laws for review and adoption by the HSA
Board. In an ongoing role, the Chair and the committee will keep the By-laws up to date and distributed as
they are amended, including posting to the SJB website.
Marianela Peralta. (301) 526-4981 or marianela.peralta@yahoo.com
Career Day
Career Day is a chance for all the SJB students to learn about different career paths in the world. It is held
on March 22. 2016. If you know someone who may be a great contributor to this event, please reach out
to Mrs. Courtney Gardner.
Courtney Gardner. (301) 604-4925 or courtneycgardner@gmail.com
Community Building Activities / Fund & Fun Raising Events
 International Night (Sept 24, 2015)
Colleen Ionata. (301) 879-0888 or Ccionata@gmail.com
 Night Before Breakfast with Santa (Dec 4, 2015)
Louise Barry. (301) 989-8437 or lshawbarry@worldbank.org
 Kids Night Bingo (Feb 5, 2016)
Courtney Gardner. (301) 604-4925 or courtneycgardner@gmail.com
 Orioles Day at Camden Yards (Date TBD)
Mark Hromalik. (301) 593-1249 or mhromalik@orioles.com
Community Service
SJB supports at last three charitable projects throughout the school year: St. Camillus Food Pantry,
Thanksgiving Meals and the Baby Shower for Jesus. Helpers including drivers are needed for each event.
A project specific sign-up sheet will be available on the HSA website. It will also be available as a hard
copy in the office.
Anne Thomas. (301) 908-5722 or anne.thomas@hughes.com
Cultural Arts Committee
The Cultural Arts Committee enriches the academic curriculum through special programs and
performances, academic offerings, such as “Great Books”, and it provides a forum for special talents such
as the Creative Writing Contest.
 Cultural Events (Review Acts, set performance calendar)
Cam McFeeters. (301) 625-9826 or sjbbulletin@yahoo.com
 Great Books for K – 3rd grade (Enrich children through interpretive reading. Spring 2016)
Crystal Vinson. (240) 997-3650 or cryspyfry@gmail.com
 Creative Writing Contest (Judge and help set up. January 2016)
Liz Claverie-Williams. (240) 460-2264 or eclaverie@aol.com
Kelly Pemberton-Lamb. (202) 492-0660 or kpempert@email.gwu.edu
Fundraising Events
 Family Flix Night (Oct 2, 2015)
Emerson Branch. (301) 384-2299 or branchfamilyof4@aol.com
Astrid Ingenlath-Diaz. (301) 681-9255 or moo.diaz@verizon.net
 Fall Flower Sale
Mary Lombardo. (301) 388-0141 or maryjclg@gmail.com
 Charleston Gift Wrap
 Breakfast with Santa (Dec 5, 2015)
Lourdes Clyde. (301) 622-0179 or pwclyde@hotmail.com
 Spring Auction (Spring 2016)
Carmen Jenkins. (301) 388-0548 or carmenjenkins@gmail.com
Kelly Brown. (301) 681-4039 or kellybrown30@hotmail.com
 St. John the Jogger (May 7, 2015)
Committee Contact:
Debi Palmer. (301) 681-3354 or debipalmer@yahoo.com
Carmen Jenkins. (301) 467-1874 or carmenjenkins@gmail.com
Vivian Diokno. (301) 801-9283 or vivian.diokno@gmail.com
Alex Diaz. (301) 681-9255 or alejandro.diaz1@navy.mil
Garden Classroom
SJB OUTDOOR GARDEN CLASSROOM ( Lyon Center ) in its 7th year!
Volunteer Roles:
1) Garden Lab Aides-volunteers are needed to help teachers deliver garden labs for
Science/Environmental education: Language Arts, Social Studies. Once a week 1:30- 2:45 pm
before pick up Thursdays or Fridays (September through October) & (March through May.)
Each lab has "easy to use" materials list, agenda and teaching guides in Outdoor Education Garden
Volunteers help prep lesson by assembling materials needed, making copies of observation logs or
checklists and assist teachers/ presenter. Guide small groups of students in following directions in
the garden.
No gardening experience required. Perfect for those who would like to share the wonder of nature
with their children and classmates!
2) Volunteers are also needed for garden workdays 3 x a year (summer, fall, early spring). A great
opportunity to learn about native plants and sustainable gardening!
Please contact Mary Phillips to be put on volunteer email list. Specify your interest and availability. (Need
volunteers to add to schedule of labs to be available to teachers first week of school.)
Mary Phillips. mdp711@aol.com
Grocery Store Liaison
Grocery liaison works with local stores like Shoppers, Giant, Safeway or Shop Rite to coordinate a refund
program with SJB. They will collect the money weekly, purchase the cards, and distribute them through the
gold folder. They will also report to the Principal and Treasurer on a weekly basis on the amounts collected
and rewards earned for the school.
Grocery Store Liaison affords SJB families the opportunity to help our school earn money to purchase
books, supplies and items for our children. For instance, if you spend $100 a week on groceries, please
consider ordering a $100 grocery card in advance from SJB. We will send you the $100 grocery card from
the supermarket of your choice. You can order grocery cards in increments of $25, $50 or $100 that do not
Carol Schwab. (301) 622-3076 or cschwab@sjbsilversrping.org
Linda Sigg. (301) 879-2846 or sigg@verizon.net
Health and Wellness Committee
Established by HSA in 2014, the Health Advisory Committee promotes the health and well-being of all
SJB students so that they can fully participate and be successful in school and life. The committee utilizes a
coordinated school health approach which brings together school administrators, teachers, other staff,
students, families and community members to advise and make policy recommendations in areas impacting
the physical and emotional health of SJB students. Examples of committee activities include prevention
program, nutrition, parent engagement, and student education.
Hospitality Committee
SJB’s Hospitality Committee extends our “SJB Hospitality” for events throughout the year by providing
refreshments for events.
Astrid Ingenlath-Diaz. (301) 681-9255 or moo.diaz@verizon.net
 New Parent Orientation (Aug 26, 2015)
Ann Harvey. (301) 260-8193 or annharvey9@aol.com
 Welcome Back Coffee (Aug 31, 2015)
Louise Barry. (301) 633-2507 or lshawbarry@worldbank.org
 Back to School Night (Sept. 3, 2015)
Contact :
Gabrielle Malits. (301) 681-4476 or gmalits@verizon.net
 Back to School Volunteer Fair (Sept. 3, 2015)
Jessica Fitzgerald. Jfitzgerald27@hotmail.com
Heather Ellong. (703) 201-5523 or greenellong@gmail.com
 Parent Conferences (Nov 11, 2015)
Becky Breeden. (301) 942-4431 or becky@thebreedens.net
 Christmas Show Reception (Dec 21, 2015)
Beth Norton. (301) 625-9187 or ecnorton@msn.com
Viha Nguyen. (301) 622-7049 or viha.nguyen@noaa.gov
 Open House for New Families (Jan 29, 2016)
Donna Moore. (240) 997-6480 or moore2434@verizon.net
Crystal Vinson. (240) 997-3650 or cryspyfry@gmail.com
 Open House for Current Families (Feb 4, 2016)
Jessica Fitzgerald. Jfitzgerald27@hotmail.com
 Spring Play Reception (April 29, 2016)
 Band Concert Reception (May 19, 2016)
Dianne Branch. (301) 384-2299 or branchfamilyof4@aol.com
 Teacher Appreciation Week (May 9 – 13, 2015)
Committee Contact:
Leslie Campagnari. (301) 476-7598 or lesliegroomer@yahoo.com
Tarina Johnson. (301) 494-2636 or tarinahj@gmail.com
Debi Palmer. (301) 681-3354 or debipalmer@yahoo.com
Linda Sigg. (301) 879-2846 or sigg@verizon.net
Lissa Cunningham. (301) 774-1257 or lissazcunningham@gmail.com
Come and enjoy library class with your Kindergartener, 1st or 2nd grade child! It is rewarding for parents
and a great help for our Librarian Mrs. DalMolin at the same time! At the beginning of the new school
year, please find out about the new schedule for K, 1st and 2nd grade library classes. Another way to
support our library is to assist Mrs. DalMolin with a variety of tasks during the school day. You can
commit your time based on your calendar availability.
Contact: Mrs. DalMolin. Cristina.DalMolin@sjbsilverspring.org
PE Helper
Come and enjoy PE class with your Kindergartener or 1st grade child! It is rewarding for parents and a
great help for our PE teacher Ms. Krupka at the same time! At the beginning of the new school year,
please find out about the new schedule for K and 1st grade PE classes.
Ms. Krupka. akrupka@sjbsilverspring.org
Publicity Committee
 Buddy Family Coordinator (to support new SJB families).
Laura Hatzes. (301) 622-2514 or clhatzes@verizon.net
Hilary Lappin. (301) 593-3261 or hilarylappin@gmail.com
 School Event Photographers
Kevin Trebel. (301) 622-1755 or kktreb@msn.com
 School Calendar
Kim Trebel. (301) 622-1755 or kim5408@msn.com
 School Directory
Nancie Tassara. (301) 431-2799 or ntassara@yahoo.com
 Sunshine Fund
Kim Hickey. (301) 879-0904 or kwhickey1@gmail.com
 Parish Times
School Liturgy
Eucharistic ministers needed for school masses. Sign up information will be in the first Tuesday Folder
sent home in the coming school year.
Ms. Schwab. (301) 622-3076 or cschwab@sjbsilcerspring.org
School Service Committee
 Uniform Bank
Coordination of the uniform bank (donated school uniforms)
Debi Palmer. (301) 681-3354 or debipalmer@yahoo.com
Marie Kiehl. (301) 622-3076
Science Lab
Assist in grade 5 to work with Ms. Krupka to prepare and execute science labs (Thursdays, 80 minutes.)
Ms. Krupka. akrupka@sjbsilverspring.org
Substance Abuse Prevention Corps
Requires a small amount of time for meetings throughout the year to discuss drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in
an age appropriate way to assigned classrooms.
Brian Blomquist. (301) 622-3076 or Brian.Blomquist@sjbsilverspring.org
Angela Anthony. (301) 622-2147 or adamanthony2010@yahoo.com
Grade 1/2: Becky Breeden. (301) 942-4431 or becky@thebreedens.net
Grade 3/4: Karen Lanni. (301) 924-0275 or kalanni@msn.com
Grade 5/6: Kelly Pemberton-Lamb. (202) 492-0660 or kpempert@email.gwu.edu
Grade 7/8: Gary Murray. (443) 370-7370 or gary.murray@nih.gov
Child Protection Information Letter and Forms
Archdiocesan Policy requires all parent (and/or grandparent) volunteers
complete the child protection process by taking a one-time training class
and submit to an electronic background check.
Please visit
www.virtus.org for a schedule of training classes. We strongly suggest
that all new parents complete this process.
No one may volunteer in school or chaperone a field trip without having
met this requirement.