BARLEYHURST PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT POLICY INTRODUCTION We believe that effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We give our pupils regular feedback on their learning so that they recognise what they have achieved and understand what they need to do next to improve. This allows us to base our lesson plans on a detailed knowledge of each pupil. We give parents regular reports on their child’s progress so that teachers, pupils and parents are all working together to raise standards. AIMS The aims and objectives of assessment in our school are: To provide information about what pupils know, understand and can do. To celebrate pupils’ achievements and help them understand what they need to do next to improve their work. To enable teachers to plan work that is pitched at the right level for all pupils and to ensure all pupils make good progress. To identify the level at which pupils are working. To close the gap between current attainment and an expected standard. To provide information for parents to enable them to support their child’s learning. To provide the Headteacher, SLT, teachers and governors with information that allows them to make judgements about progress and attainment. FORMS OF ASSESSMENT We recognise the importance of formative, summative and diagnostic assessment and plan opportunities for all of these to take place. Formative assessment involves the pupil and teacher in celebrating their achievements and in identifying their next steps. This enables teachers to plan for teaching and learning that is well matched to pupils’ needs. Assessment for learning (AfL) involves sharing learning objectives, use of success criteria, effective questioning and use of oral and written feedback (see Marking and Feedback Policy). Teachers adjust their plans and teaching in response to on-going assessments. Diagnostic assessment involves identify gaps in pupil’s knowledge and barriers to learning so that appropriate provision can be made. This may be in the form of additional interventions eg. Springboard, Better Readers, 1:1 tuition. Summative assessment involves making a judgement about a pupil’s attainment at a point in time in order to assess their performance. We use end of KS1 tasks and tests in the summer term for pupils in Year 2 to support our teacher assessments. When pupils are in Year 6, they take statutory KS2 SAT tests in May. We use the QCA optional SAT papers in English and Maths in the summer term to assess pupils in Years 3 and 4. In the summer term, pupils in Year 5 complete KS2 SAT past papers in English and Maths. FEEDBACK We believe that feedback to pupils is very important, as it tells them how well they have done and what they need to do next to improve their work. Feedback relates to the lesson’s learning objective and pupils’ individual targets. Comments are childfriendly and appropriate to the age and ability of the pupil. They recognise positive aspects of the pupil’s work and improvements that will have an impact on future learning. We believe that pupils should be given opportunities for self-assessment. We use a traffic light system for pupils to assess their understanding of the learning objective and to reflect on their work during the lesson. A green dot indicates that the pupil has fully understood what they have been learning, a yellow dot indicates that they have understood some aspects but need further support and a red dot indicates that they have not understood and require further teaching. This information is used by the teacher to inform their planning. TRACKING CHILDREN’S ATTAINMENT AND PROGRESS We use the Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) grids to inform our teacher assessments in English (reading and writing) and Maths. Assessment of a pupil’s attainment is based on evidence from a variety of sources. This enables us to make a more secure judgement of what a pupil knows and can do most of the time rather than relying solely on their performance in a test or one-off task. Each term, teachers use their APP grids to make a judgement about the level each child is working at in reading, writing and maths and record this on the school’s tracking sheets. These levels are moderated to ensure consistency across the school. In Reception, assessments are based on observations of pupils’ learning and development during childinitiated play. During their first half-term of starting full-time in Reception, a judgement is made on their attainment against Development Matters and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile. This attainment on-entry judgement provides a baseline for evaluating pupils’ progress across the EYFS. Each term, teachers assess each pupil against each of the 13 areas of the profile and against Development Matters. TARGET SETTING The Headteacher sets targets in English and Maths for end of KS1 and KS2 with the School Improvement Partner during the autumn term. Fisher Family Trust data is also used to set end of KS2 targets based on a pupil’s attainment at KS1. End of year targets are set in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, based on prior attainment and expected levels. Individual targets are set in reading, writing and maths and displayed in pupils’ books. These are shared with the pupils and referred to regularly so that they know how they are progressing. When pupils have met their target they receive a sticker on their target card and a new target is set. REPORTING TO PARENTS We have a range of strategies to keep parents fully informed of their child’s progress in school. We also encourage parents to contact the school if they have any concerns about the progress or wellbeing of their child. In the autumn and spring terms, we give parents a written mid-term report on their child’s progress, achievement and attitude to learning in the core subjects. In the summer term, they receive an endof-year report on their child’s progress and achievements during the year in all subjects, including religious education, or areas of the EYFS. We also provide parents with details of EYFS Profile scores, national test results and teacher assessments. Each term, we offer parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher to discuss the information on the report. ACCOUNTABILITY, MONITORING AND REVIEW Pupil progress meetings are held each term by the Headteacher in consultation with class teachers. The objectives of these meetings are to review individual pupil progress, evaluate the impact of interventions and plan appropriate next steps for pupils who need to make accelerated progress. The Assessment co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring that assessment procedures are used consistently by staff. Subject leaders have an important role in monitoring and reviewing current practice. This involves learning walks, work sampling, monitoring planning and pupil interviews. The governing body are involved in discussing standards, expectations and targets. Agreed by staff: Agreed by governors: 26.5.11 Date for review: Summer 2013