Señora Muir`s High School Spanish Instructions and Grading Policy

Parent Letter for ACS High School Spanish 1 and 2
Dear Parent(s),
I am so excited to teach High School Spanish to your student this year. I’d like to give you an
idea of what to expect out of this class. Please read over the pages in this packet with your child and
sign and return the attached commitment page by Mon. 9/8 (Spanish 1), Tues. 9/9 (Spanish 2).
Spanish program and supplies:
Your child will be learning from a book I have used successfully for many years called Spanish for
Mastery, which is a traditional Spanish text.
Your student will learn vocabulary and grammar as well as how to speak and write in Spanish.
I will give your student a textbook to borrow. Please cover it with a Book Sox.
Needed by Mon 9/8 (Span 1), Tues. 9/9 (Span 2): 1 in. loose-leaf binder with pockets and 2 tabs
marked “Class Notes” and “Worksheets.” This binder can be shared with another subject.
Written homework 3 days/week.
Each marking period I will provide a printed syllabus as well as post it online so students can
work ahead if necessary.
Practice vocabulary and take 1-2 quizzes/week at home online without looking at the book at Once your child scores above a 90% on the quiz, he/she should print out the
results page and bring it to class or email it to me by the due date.
All tests except mid-terms and finals will be take-home/open-book and we will have 2-3/ M.P.
Tests are worth 100 points, quizzes are 25 points, and homework assignments are 15 points.
I will deduct points for late work/lost worksheets.
I do offer extra credit as outlined on the syllabus.
Because the material in this class is incremental, it is vital that a student does not slack off or
he/she will struggle the whole year. As an extra incentive, I do offer prizes to those students
who score a 90% or better each marking period.
Please refer to the next page for a more detailed description of my grading policy.
Extra Help:
Some students struggle with knowing how to do certain assignments even after we’ve covered
the material in class. If worksheets are left blank, this will negatively impact a student’s grade.
Often, all it takes is a short phone call for your child to be able to finish the homework.
Questions? Clarification? Please call me at 973-448-1747 or email me at
Señora Muir’s High School Spanish Instructions and Grading Policy
Quizzes: If you have not already, you need to create a username and password at Quizlet at Please write your username on the enclosed commitment page (pg. 3) and I will add
you to our group. Here you can practice your vocabulary and test yourself. Once you receive above a
90% on the test, print out the page with the score on it and bring it to class or email it to me by the due
date on the syllabus. The quiz should be done WITHOUT looking at your book. The quiz should have all
terms, so if there are more than 20 terms, you need to type the right number of terms in. You may
configure the test for anything BUT T/F. In addition, you may also have in–class oral quizzes.
P.C. = Para la comunicacion. This textbook assignment is on the page number listed in the syllabus. Put
your name and the page number of the assignment at the top of your paper. If you don’t, you will lose 5
points from your grade. Write in Spanish and English, unless I tell you otherwise. If you do not translate
into English, I will deduct 20 points from your score. You should NOT use an online translator except to
check vocabulary. Please use the vocabulary and verb tenses from the chapter we are working on.
W.S. = Worksheet: For each class you will need to complete a worksheet or 2 for homework. This
will be graded in class by another student, so you must include your name/write legibly or lose 5 points.
If you do poorly below 80% correct, you may be asked to translate any Spanish on the worksheet into
English on your next paper. Important Note: The letters and numbers on the worksheet correspond
with the grammar lessons in the textbook. For instance, if it says “A1” before the worksheet exercise,
this applies to grammar rule A1 from the chapter in the textbook that we just completed.
Binder Check – I will conduct these randomly throughout each marking period. I will check that you
have a binder and that you are storing your papers in the proper spots. This will be a homework grade.
If you ever need help or clarification with your homework, please call me at 973-448-1747 or email me
at .
Tests are after each unit, worth 100 points, and are take-home – open book, open notes.
Quizlet vocabulary quizzes and oral quizzes are worth 25 points.
Your P.C. and worksheets are worth 15 points.
Those who receive a grade of 90% or better at the end of each M.P. will get a special prize.
Extra Credit: Complete extra worksheets listed in the syllabus.
Late Work: Because we correct worksheets in class, I cannot accept these as late, except
in the case of an absence. Any worksheets not done will receive a 0. Other late
assignments including tests and quizzes drop 10 points the first day late and receive a 0
after that except in the case of absence.
Lost Work: You receive many worksheets in this class, so be responsible to store them
safely in your notebook. If you lose one and have to ask for another, I will deduct 20 points
from each paper lost.
Student and Parent Commitment Page
Due Mon 9/8 (Span 1), Tues. 9/9 (Span 2)
Bring 1 in. loose-leaf binder with pockets and 2 tabs marked “Class Notes” & ” Worksheets”
Cover your textbook with a Book Sox.
Join Quizlet at and write your username at the bottom of this page.
Sign at the bottom of this page.
Give Parent letter to a parent and ask him/her to sign below.
 Receive 5 extra credit points for completing these tasks on time. Receive 10 if done on 1st day!
Please read through the following, cut off signed bottom portion, and turn in by the due date.
Student Commitment:
I have read the syllabus and Mrs. Muir’s class instructions and grading policy. I
understand all this information and agree to do my very best to abide by it.
I will cover and take good care of the textbook, and I will store all worksheets and
handouts neatly in my binder.
I promise to work hard and do all I can to learn this subject with a good attitude. I will
strive to complete all my work in a legible, careful and timely manner. I will not copy off
of my classmate’s work, but will do my own work.
If I need help or clarification, I will not leave things blank, but I will call or email Mrs.
Muir because she loves it when her students show the initiative to do things correctly.
I have joined and my username is written below. I will complete the
quizzes on Quizlet from memory without looking at my book. I will test myself until I
receive above a 90% and be responsible to print out the results page and bring it to class
by the due date or email it to Mrs. Muir at
Parent commitment:
I have read through the parent letter and Mrs. Muir’s instructions and grading policy, and I
understand what is expected of my child in Spanish class this year.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent’s signature: ___________________________Printed name: _______________________
Parent’s email: _________________________________________________________________
Student’s signature:__________________________Printed name: _______________________
Student’s username on Quizlet: ___________________________________________________