English 1105: Critical Literacy - mrsbivsde

Dual-Enrollment English
(Freshman Composition 111 & 112):
Fall 2014
Instructor: Mrs. Biviano
Room #: 108
Office Hours: By appointment
E-mail: bivianoa@floyd.k12.va.us
Website: www.mrsbivsde.wikispaces.org
Phone#: 745-9450, ext. 5039
I. Introduction:
Welcome the Dual-Enrollment English! We are fortunate to be able to offer this
New River Community College course to our juniors and seniors at FCHS. Students who
successfully complete this course will earn six credits towards a degree program at
NRCC. Students will take NRCC 111 for the first half of the semester and NRCC 112 for
the second half of the semester.
Completing this course requires lots of active reading and writing. Students will
keep daily writing journals in and out of class, as well as write eight formal essays.
Many essays will be revised repeatedly to focus on style, coherence, and the correct use
of standard written English. In addition, students will read and analyze nonfiction
articles, novels, short stories, and essays to serve as models and research for writing.
Through our hard work, students will grow to realize and appreciate the art of writing, as
well as become skilled and competent writers.
II. Course Descriptions:
English 111 introduces students to critical thinking and the fundamentals of
academic writing. Through the writing process you will learn how to refine topics;
develop and support ideas; investigate, evaluate, and incorporate appropriate resources;
edit for effective style and usage; and determine appropriate approaches for a variety of
contexts, audiences, and purposes. Writing activities will include exposition and
argumentation with at least one researched essay.
English 112 continues to develop college writing with increased emphasis on
critical essays, argumentation, and research, developing these competencies through the
examination of a range of texts about the human experience. 112 requires students to
locate, evaluate, integrate, and document sources and effectively edit for style and usage.
III. Objectives:
English 111:
Goal One: The Writing Process
English 111 will help students discover that writing is a process that develops through experience and
varies among individuals. The student shall be able to:
A. Demonstrate prewriting skills
1. limit topic
2. develop topic
3. write a thesis sentence
4. write a plan or outline
B. Write unified compositions by making each sentence contribute to the thesis statement.
C. Write coherent compositions through
1. clear, logical order
2. appropriate use of transition
3. clear pattern of organization
D. Write paragraphs which demonstrate the use of primary and secondary supporting detail.
E. Write effective introductory and concluding paragraphs.
F. Write, using standard English and correct mechanics.
G. Demonstrate understanding of revision and editing process.
Goal Two: Critical Thinking for Writing
English 111 will develop students’ ability to analyze and investigate ideas and to present them in well
structured prose appropriate to the purpose and audience.
A. Demonstrate the ability to read, summarize, and respond to college-level texts – their own and others –
of varying lengths.
B. Produce 15-20 pages of finished, graded text, including at least one documented essay.
C. Demonstrate rhetorical modes, including argumentation.
D. Demonstrate comprehension of literature through class discussion and writing assignments based on
assigned readings.
E. Demonstrate the proper treatment of borrowed material to avoid plagiarism (forms, etc., for
documentation will be taught in English 112).
PROCESS: ENG 112 will help students recognize that writing is a process that develops through
experience and varies among individuals. Students will meet the following objectives:
1. Engage in all phases of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and reflecting.
2. Incorporate reading and experience into their writing processes.
3. Conform their texts to instructor-specified document formats.
4. Create, save, and print texts using word processing technology.
B. RHETORIC: ENG 112 will teach students to recognize and apply rhetorical principles in order to
improve the quality of their writing. Students will meet the following
1. Write for a variety of rhetorical purposes
2. Employ a clear focus that guides their choices of evidence, language, organization, and rhetorical and
persuasive strategies.
3. Effectively apply organizational strategies to open and close their texts and to move the reader between
and within ideas, paragraphs, and sentences.
4. Synthesize information from a variety of sources.
5. Write a minimum of 15-20 pages of finished, graded text
6. Write a text of a minimum of 1,000 words that incorporates documented research.
7. Appropriately employ grammatical and mechanical conventions in the preparation of readable
C. CRITICAL THINKING: ENG 112 will develop students’ ability to analyze and investigate ideas and to
present them in well-structured prose appropriate to the purpose and audience. Students will meet the
following objectives:
1. Develop strategies for critical thinking, reading, and writing processes.
2. Examine and analyze their experiences and readings as sources of material for writing.
3. Competently read, summarize, analyze, evaluate, and write about college-level texts – their own and
others' –of varying lengths.
4. Examine subjects from multiple perspectives and formulate and express their own perspective.
5. Apply their knowledge of composition to class discussions and peer response workshops.
D. GOAL FOUR: RESEARCH: ENG 112 will develop students’ ability to locate, evaluate, use,
and document information to support their thinking and writing. Students will meet the following
1. Learn and apply methods of research, using primary and secondary sources in print and electronic
2. Identify the merit and reliability of sources. 3
3. Appropriately employ the mechanics of introducing, integrating, and documenting source material.
IV. Texts & Materials:
The Bedford Guide for College Writers, Sixth Edition
The Student Writer, Seventh Edition
Literature and Its Writers, Third Edition
Prentice Hall Literature, The American Experience (11th grade DE only)
Optional: Subscription to major newsmagazine (The New Yorker, The Atlantic, or other
approved by me)
Class and independent reading novels
What you must bring:
3-ring binder
Loose-leaf paper
2 composition books
One pack Crayola Classic markers
Multi-colored highlighters
1-2 Packs of Post-It notes
1 pack of Index cards
Pens and pencils
Class contribution materials (post-it notes, Kleenex’s, loose-leaf paper, hand sanitizer,
Expo markers, and pencils for classroom use)
V. Course Requirements:
1. In-class journal assignments- You will complete a number of journal writings,
either in a composition notebook or online using edublogs.
These writings will be graded once a week (refer to grading scale). Please attend class
regularly to avoid complications with these writings, as most of them will be given on
the day of class.
2. Book reviews-You are required to complete at least two book reviews throughout the
semester. Your choice in books will be given to you according to your grade level.
Your review can be done in a variety of mediums and will be placed on our wiki site.
Any reviews done outside of those
3. Public writing (Wiki and Hoof Print submissions)-As final exam grades for
English 111 and 112, you will revise and post two pieces of writing for submission
publicly. Submissions may be made to the Floyd Press, Roanoke Times, a Writer’s
Contest, or other venue. You must also upload and post your writing onto the course’s
wiki page and/or your blog.
4. Essays- You will complete eight major composition assignments. These essays will
relate to our studies of various texts and writing processes. In addition, you will write
a research paper of 1,000 to 1,500 words. Please note: Each stage of your essays
and research paper must be turned in on the assigned day or one letter grade
will be deducted from your final essay grade.
The following essays will be covered in English 111:
Paper # 1
Paper # 2
Paper # 3
Paper # 4
Paper # 5
Problem-Solution Essay
Analysis Essay
Exploratory Essay
Compare and Contrast
Revision of one piece of writing for publication
The following essays will be covered in English 112:
Paper #1
Argumentative on Modern Science Issue
Paper #2
In-class Argument
Paper #3
Researched argument on Race or Class Issue
(Includes annotated bibliography, revised final, and presentation)
5. Class participation- Class participation will be evaluated through participation on
writer’s workshop days, class attendance, public submission of writings, and teacher
conferences. You will be expected to post responses to class readings and complete
online projects within your literary circle on the wiki as part of this grade. If you are
absent on any of the days these activities are scheduled, you must contact me
beforehand (if possible) and schedule to makeup the work missed.
VI. Evaluation:
Because this course counts as two college courses, you will receive two separate
grades—one grade for English 111 and one grade for English 112. Your final grades are
entered with NRCC at the end at the end of the semester. Your final grades are averaged
according to percentages for each semester according to the following scale for English
Major compositions and process
Paper # 1
60 points
Paper # 2
50 points
Paper # 3
80 points
Paper # 4
70 points
Paper # 5
100 points
Draft # 1
Draft # 2
Draft # 3
Draft # 4
Draft # 5
Daily grades
15 points
15 points
35 points
35 points
40 points
500 points
=360 points
=140 points
250 points
7 Reading responses and blogs/15 points
5 Peer reviews/10 points
Final self evaluation
Daily participation activities
Final Exam
=105 points
=50 points
=20 points
=75 points
85 points
835 points
Please note: Because we are organized into two courses, your six weeks grades will not
accurately reflect your final grade in English 111 and 112; instead, you will have frequent
writing conferences with me to discuss your grade and concerns in class. If you are
concerned about your grade or have any questions before then, feel free to ask me at any
VII. Class Policies:
1. NO laziness. This class is WRITING INTENSIVE. We will be writing EVERY
single day.
2. Work efficiently. I will give you opportunities each day to work on your writing. I
expect you to be working on your assigned task(s) at all times.
3. All assignments are due on the class period of the assigned day. Late assignments
will only be accepted unless you have contacted me beforehand with an adequate
reason for the delay.
4. All stages, including rough drafts, of the essay writing process are due on the
assigned date. One letter grade will be subtracted from your final grade for
each day late.
5. You are allowed one “computer freebie” for technological difficulties on a paper;
however, you must also contact me beforehand if this incident were to happen.
6. Respect and honor others in this classroom.
7. If you’re having a problem with a student or assignment, please let me know ahead
of time. Do not wait until the last minute to discuss grades or other class concerns. If I
am busy, you may grab an index card from the front of the room and write out your
concern to our class mailbox or email me to do so.
8. Plagiarism is not accepted in this class. Any student found cheating on an assignment
will receive a grade of zero for that assignment with no opportunity to make it up.
9. Attend class regularly. Your progress as a writer and as a student (who wants a good
grade) depends heavily on discussion, writings, and readings. You will not be able to
make it in this class if you miss.
10. You may revise several essays for each semester. The revision is
due one week after I have returned your final graded paper. The revised grade will be
counted as your final grade.
11. If absent, you are responsible for work missed. Check our class wiki for any
assignments, announcements, or change in dates, and if possible, email me on days you
are not able to be in class.
PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO Mrs. Biviano by Friday,
August 22nd .
I have read and understood the extensive requirements for
Dual Enrollment English 111/112.
Student signature:
Parent Name(s)
Parent signature:
Phone number where parent can be reached during the day:
Phone number where parent can be reached in the evening:
What is the best time to call?
Parent email address:
Again, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions, concerns or comments.