Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Sarah Hamman1 Jonathan D. Bakker2 and Sierra Smith1 Prepared for The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Agreement # F11AC00065 Webster’s seed farm in full bloom 1 The Center for Natural Lands Management, Olympia, WA 98501; Sarah Hamman - email:; phone: 360-790-4180; Sierra Smith - email:; phone: 360-480-6105 2 School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Box 354115, Seattle, WA 98195-4115; email:; phone: 206-221-3864 1 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Summary Today, native prairies of western Washington are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the United States. Native prairie habitats have been nearly extirpated from the region and are the most endangered ecosystem in the state. A number of rare and endangered species are associated with this habitat, including golden paintbrush (Threatened), Taylor’s checkerspot (Endangered), Mardon skipper (Species of Concern), and valley silverspot (Species of Concern). The restoration work conducted through this project occurs across a large portion of these species’ ranges. This project contributes to the recovery of golden paintbrush and these rare butterfly species. A unique aspect of this project is that it provides crucial restoration information to land managers while also restoring expanses of critical habitat for rare species on protected prairie sites. It builds directly upon years of restoration and research, as demonstrated by the strong support for this project by partners. This project had three components: 1) Seeding technique and rate assessment, 2) Seed production, coordination and development, and 3) Companion planting of golden paintbrush. The first component of the project expanded tested seeding rates and methods for 27 native species at multiple sites. The second component involved increasing capacity for seed production, the development and documentation of seed handling and production techniques, and increased regional coordination and networking. The third component involved an examination of companion planting techniques to improve survival and performance of outplanted golden paintbrush. We have a high certainty that the benefits of this project have been realized, and that they will have long-term consequences for prairie habitat restoration because they contribute to the information base necessary to properly manage these species. Background The prairie ecosystems of Puget Sound contain a disproportionate number of federal and state listed species, including the following species addressed by this project: Taylor’s checkerspot (Euphydryas editha taylori) - Federally Endangered and Washington State Endangered butterfly species. Recovery guided by the 2009 USFWS Candidate Assessment and Listing Priority Assignment form. Mardon skipper (Polites mardon) - Federal Species of Concern and Washington State Endangered butterfly species. Recovery guided by the 2009 USFWS Candidate Assessment and Listing Priority Assignment form. Valley silverspot (Speyeria zerene bremnerii) – Federal Species of Concern and Washington State Candidate butterfly species. Island marble (Euchloe ausonides insulanus) – Federal Species of Concern and Washington State Candidate butterfly species. Golden paintbrush (Castilleja levisecta) – Federally Threatened and Washington State Endangered plant species. Recovery guided by the 2010 Recovery Plan for the Prairie Species of Western Oregon and Southwestern Washington, 2010 Spotlight Species Action Plan, 2009 Evaluation of Prairies for Reintroduction in North and South Puget Sound, 2004 Reintroduction Plan, and 2000 Final Federal Recovery Plan. 2 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 This multi-year project builds on more than a decade of habitat restoration in native prairies and specifically supports and improves the burgeoning native seed development efforts to restore habitat for these rare plant and butterfly species in the prairies of western Washington. It consisted of three components: 1) Seeding technique and rate assessment, 2) Seed production, coordination and development, and 3) Companion planting of golden paintbrush. Project Objectives The objectives of the project were to: 1. Adaptively improve current methods and develop new native seeding techniques for restoring prairie habitat for rare and endangered butterfly species in Puget Sound. 2. Increase the total production of native prairie seed in the South and North Sound. 3. Support the coordination of regional seed production efforts and the development of a best management practices (BMPs) handbook and database. 4. Enhance knowledge of BMPs for golden paintbrush recovery and conduct experimental plantings of golden paintbrush to establish a viable population in at least one new site. The benefits of this project include: 1. Restoration of 25 acres of habitat for Taylor’s Checkerspot and other rare butterflies in South Puget Sound; 2. Development of BMPs for seed collection, storage, and quality control. 3. Large-scale seed production of over 100 native species and seed purity information on over 50 species. 4. Testing and development of seeding techniques and field germination estimates at large scales. 5. Experimental plantings of golden paintbrush to establish one new population with 1000 flowering individuals in the South Sound and to augment an existing population in the North Sound. Project Details This report summarizes the work that has been completed during this multi-year project for each of the three focus areas: (1) Seeding technique and rate assessment, (2) Seed production, coordination and development, and (3) Companion planting of golden paintbrush. Results from prior years were reported in Hamman et al. (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). (1) Seeding Technique and Rate Assessment Phases I-II: The Seeding Technique and Rate Assessment study was replicated at four sites in the South Sound during Phase I (2009-2010): Glacial Heritage, Tenalquot, Scatter Creek, and JBLM. In Phase II (2010-2011), we replicated the entire project at all but one (JBLM) of the original sites. We were unable to continue the project at JBLM due to disruption of the plots by off-road training and off-road At each site, research plots were located in areas that had been prepared for larger scale seeding through restoration and enhancement efforts over previous years (prescribed fire, mowing and 3 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 herbicide treatments); thus building on a foundation of successful restoration work. We tested three seeding techniques (seed drill, broadcast seeder, hydro-seeder), and five seeding rates (0, 350, 700, 1050, 1400 seeds/m2). Because seed weights differ among species, we sowed on the basis of seed density rather than combined weight. With the mixture of species, these rates were equivalent to approximately 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 lbs per acre, respectively. In Winter 2009, we used Festuca roemeri, Eriophyllum lanatum and Castilleja hispida with a grass:forb ratio of 1:1.3, except at McChord, where only F. roemeri was used due to site conditions. In Fall 2010, we used four species: Festuca roemeri, Eriophyllum lanatum, Castilleja hispida and Potentilla gracilis with a grass:forb ratio of 1:1. The experiment had a 3x5 randomized factorial block design with three replicate blocks per siteyear and no replication within blocks. The experimental units were strips, sized such that operationally realistic equipment could be used. The total research areas varied slightly in size between sites, but were all approximately the same size for Phases I-II (Table 1). Overall research area was much smaller in Phases III-IV due to reduced plot size and fewer treatment plots. Table 1. Research area details (acres) for each site throughout the entire project Site 2009 2010 2012 2013 Glacial Heritage Preserve Tenalquot Preserve Scatter Creek Wildlife Area JBLM Total Research Area 1.94 1.40 0.90 1.85 6.09 1.80 1.58 1.22 N/A 4.60 0.16 0.16 N/A N/A 0.32 0.16 N/A N/A 0.16 0.32 The strips were seeded using either a Kasco no-till seed drill, a Truax broadcast seeder or a hydroseeder (Figure 1). Because the hydroseeder was designed to sow seeds at extremely high rates (10-30lbs/acre), we had to adjust our methodology to sow native seeds using lower rates. To simulate the hydroseeding treatment, we applied the seeds using the broadcast seeder and then sprayed Hydrostraw mulch (at the standard 2000 lbs/acre) over the seeds evenly across the treatment strips. In 2010 - 2013, we monitored seedling establishment in the experimental plots. We established five 1 x 1-m quadrats along the central transect of each strip. Distance between quadrats ranged from 2m to 7m, depending on the size of the strip. We counted the total number of individuals of each seeded species within each quadrat in June of each year following seeding. Older established individuals were not separated out from new seedlings because we assumed this distinction would be impossible to make within two or three years of seeding. C. hispida was so infrequent in plots that only frequency instead of density was recorded in 2011 and 2012. In the third year of monitoring, due to the rhizomatous spread of E. lanatum, we estimated percent cover rather than number of individuals. Percent cover was a visual estimate of foliar cover within cover bins (0%, 0-1%, 1-5%, 6-10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-50%, 51-70% 71-90%, 91100%). For the purposes of analysis, the median of the bin was used as the cover estimate for each quadrat. Percent bare ground was also recorded in 2011. We analyzed comparisons of seeding methods and rates using meta-analysis and moderated multiple regression procedures outlined in Viechtbauer (2010), Stewart et al. (2008), Harrison 4 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 (2011). Each site and year sown combination was treated as a separate study (n = 6). We transformed the density (plants/m²) and percent cover data using ln(y+1) to normalize the distribution. We examined two different effect sizes: standardized mean difference Hedges’s g (Hedges 1981) for method treatment effects, and Pearson’s correlations transformed into a Fisher’s z for rate treatment effects (Fisher 1958; Corey et al. 1998). Table 2 displays a summary of which effect sizes were used for exploring relationships between treatment and outcome variables. Figure 1. Treatment strips were seeded using a seed drill (a), broadcast seeder (b) or hydroseeder (c). Since the aim of the study was to determine sources of variation in sown species occurrence related to both experimental treatment effects (method and rate) and uncontrolled factors (site and month sown), we ran mixed effects regression (ME) models with moderators, followed by separate random effects (RE) models for subsets of any moderators that explained a significant proportion of variance in the full model. We ran the meta-regression models in R Studio 3.1 (R Studio 2010), using the package metafor, with a restricted maximum likelihood estimator (Viechtbauer 2010). Calculations for the REML estimator for mean and variance are described by Viechtbauer (2005). The associations between different sowing method (n = 3) required three different models for multiple comparisons, with site and month sown specified as moderators. The association between rate and the dependent variables only required one model, with method, site, and month sown specified as moderators. We created Forrest plots showing estimated treatment effect sizes from each study, along with overall RE model effect size or effect sizes, if moderators produced significant variability. When applicable, we back-transformed data for presentation purposes. No sowing method performed significantly better than any others under all conditions. Although seed drilling was most effective at establishing sown species in Winter 2009 plots, broadcasting produced more reliable results overall (Figure 2). Besides producing high first year densities of Potentilla gracilis in Fall 2010 plots, hydroseeding was regularly the second or third best method. Although significant effect sizes for method treatments were relatively small (0.21 to 0.42), the impact of an additional 5 – 10 sown plants/m² across a large-scale restoration project could be substantial. Contrary to expectations, the best sowing method was not site specific; differences between methods were relatively constant across sites. Overall, sown plant densities at Glacial and Scatter Creek were higher for plots sown in Winter 2009 than those sown in Fall 2010. Tenalquot sown plant densities were higher in Fall 2010 plots (Fig. 2). Individual sown species also displayed lower densities in Fall 2010 seed drilled plots 5 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 compared to broadcasting and hydroseeding (Table 2). Hydroseeding did a poor job of establishing Festuca roemeri in Winter 2009 plots, but was not significantly different from any other method in Fall 2010 plots (Table 2). Method had no effect on frequency of Castilleja hispida occurrence (ME model of pooled log odds ratio between methods, p > 0.05). Fall 2010 Winter 2009 Figure 2. Individual site and month effect sizes comparing three methods of sowing: a) Broadcast (BC) vs. Seed drill (SD), b) Broadcast (BC) vs. Hydroseed (HS), and c) Seed drill (SD) vs. Hydroseed (HS). The squares represent mean effect size of individual studies with 95% Confidence Intervals. Diamonds represent pooled effect sizes generated using standardized mean difference random effects meta-analysis (95% CI is indicated by diamond width). Densities are back-transformed. C. hispida was not included in total sown plant density. Across all sites, methods, and years sown, sowing rate was positively correlated with first year total sown species density (plants/m²) (Fig. 3). Year sown explained 35% of between-group variance, while method and site collectively accounted for less than 10% of between-group variance. The correlation between sowing rate and total sown species density was stronger for plots sown in Winter 2009, as opposed to those sown in Fall 2010 (Fig. 3). The strength of the relationship between rate and sown species density was moderate (r² = 0.46 for Winter 2009 and 0.26 for Fall 2010), indicating that other unexplained variables influence sown plant densities. The average target density (14 plants/m²) for F. roemeri was exceeded by the highest sowing rate of 840 seeds/m² but was not met by the second highest rate of 630 seeds/m² (Fig. 3a). The average target density (0.2 plants/m²) for Potentilla gracilis was exceeded by the lowest sowing rate tested of 70 seeds/m². Even by the third year, C. hispida was only present in approximately 12% of sown plots (Fig. 3c). Average density of C. hispida for all sowing rates tested was less than 0.5 plant/m², well below the desired 4 plants/m² habitat target. 6 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Fall 2010 Winter 2009 Figure 3: Effect sizes of the relationship between sowing rate and sown species density for each site, month, and method. The squares represent mean effect size of individual ‘studies’ with 95% Confidence Intervals. Diamonds represent pooled effect sizes generated from Fisher’s z random effects meta-analysis (95% CI is indicated by diamond width). C. hispida was not included in total sown species densities. As expected, higher seeding rates usually resulted in higher plant density. In this experiment, we could not measure exact germination rates, as there were low background levels of all sown species except C. hispida. However, the density of all sown species never topped 10% of the amount of sown seed and was often less than 5%, indicating that germination was very low. At the time of sowing for this experiment, our seed production operation did not take measurements of seed viability, so all of our sowing rates were calculated in terms of bulk seed and not pure live seed (PLS). Recent (2013) PLS estimates for the species used in this experiment were 12% for F. roemeri, 52% for P. gracilis, and 79% for Eriophyllum lanatum (Hamman et al. 2013). Now that seed production has evolved in the South Sound Prairies and seed cleaning procedures are improved, we have measures of seed viability and are staged to increase field germination. 7 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 a b c d Figure 4. Linear regressions of the relationship between sowing rate (seeds/m2) and third year density or cover: a) F. roemeri, b) E. lanatum, c) P. gracilis, d) C. hispida. Larger points indicate multiple observations at a particular data value. 95% confidence intervals for the mean density are shown as a gray band around the regression line. Density (plants/m2) and cover (%) have been transformed but the y axis is labeled in the original units for ease of interpretation. Figures a, c, and d have horizontal lines indicating butterfly habitat targets Seed predation also likely led to low field establishment rates. While burning our sites prior to sowing was necessary to create space for seed-soil contact, litter removal makes seeds more available to rodents. Future work could attempt to quantify levels of seed predation in South Puget Sound prairies. Results from this project have been presented at annual conferences of the Northwest Scientific Association, Ecological Society of America and the National Native Seed Conference. Results are currently being written up for publication in Restoration Ecology. Phases III-IV: In Phases III (2012) and IV (2013) we utilized some of the lessons learned in Phases I and II and installed research plots that tested fewer metrics on more species. At each site (2012: Glacial & Tenalquot; 2013: Glacial & South Weir) research plots were located in areas that had been prepared for larger scale seeding through restoration and enhancement efforts, thus building on a foundation of successful restoration work. We tested effects of two seeding techniques (seed drill, broadcast seeder), and three seeding rates (control, low, high) on establishment of 27 species (Table 3). Because seed weights differ among species, we sowed on the basis of seed density rather than combined weight. We altered seeding rates for several species in 2013 based on PLS estimates found by J. Bakker’s lab (see ‘Seed germination and viability testing’ below) and initial germination rates measured in the 2012 seeded plots. We also 8 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 added several annual species in 2013, as sufficient seed was available and managers requested information on seeding rates for these important butterfly resource species. Table 2. Species and rates (bulk seed) used in 2012 and 2013 research plots. Seeding rates are presented as number of seeds per square meter. Species Achillea millefolium Armeria maritima Balsamorhiza deltoidea Carex inops Cerastium arvense Clarkia amoena Collinsia grandiflora Collinsia parviflora Danthonia californica Eriophyllum lanatum Erigeron speciosus Festuca roemeri Koeleria macrantha Lomatium triternatum Lomatium utriculatum Lupinus albicaulis Lupinus bicolor Lupinus lepidus Microseris laciniata Plectritis congesta Potentilla gracilis Ranunculus occidentalis Sericocarpus rigidus Sisyrinchium idahoense Solidago missouriensis Solidago simplex Viola adunca Codon ACMI ARMA BADE CAIN CEAR CLAM COGR COPA DACA ERLA ERSP FERO KOMA LOTR LOUT LUAL LUBI LULE MILA PLCO POGR RAOC SERI SIID SOMI SOSI VIAD 2012 Annual / Perennial LOW P P P P P A A A P P P P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P P 6 4 0 12 12 12 0 0 15 3 4 28 8 10 12 2 6 6 9 0 6 12 70 8 12 12 18 2013 HIGH 21 14 0 42 42 42 0 0 53 11 14 98 28 35 42 7 21 21 32 0 21 42 245 28 42 42 63 LOW 5 7 5 0 9 24 12 16 10 3 5 78 7 20 24 4 12 0 18 16 21 8 156 16 24 24 36 HIGH 18 25 18 0 32 84 42 56 35 11 18 273 25 70 84 14 42 0 63 56 74 28 546 56 84 84 126 As before, the experiment had a randomized block design with three replicate blocks per siteyear and no replication within blocks. The experimental units were strips, sized such that operationally realistic equipment could be used (approximately 36m2). The strips were seeded using either a Kasco no-till seed drill or a Truax broadcast seeder in late October or early November of each year. 9 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Three 1m x 1m quadrats were established evenly along a central transect within each strip for vegetation monitoring. First and second year monitoring was conducted in the middle of the flowering season (late May/early June) and included the following variables: Number of germinants (abundance) of each seeded species Percent cover of bare ground in each quadrat Percent cover of moss and lichen These results confirm that seeding methods do not influence establishment in any % estab. (seedlings/# seeds sown) % estab. (seedlings/# seeds sown) Overall findings from Year 1 and 2 establishment in the 2012 plots show that establishment rates ranged from 0% to 33% across species and sites (Figure 5). Only ten of the 24 species sown in 2012 had densities above the unseeded control plots, therefore results for these ten species are presented. Again, seeding method was not significant for most species, however site was significant for nearly all 35 species. Seeding rate was a significant for only seven Glacial Heritage 30 species across the two sites Year 2 (Figures 6a and b). The 25 Year 1 ‘high’ seeding rate was 20 effective at establishing more than one plant per 15 square meter for all species, while the ‘low’ 10 seeding rate only achieved 5 this target for three species (C. amoena, M. laciniata, 0 S. rigidus). S. rigidus CEAR CLAM ERSP LOTR LUAL LUBI POGR SERI SIID SOSI establishment was extremely high in year b 30 one, despite estimates of Tenalquot 25 extremely low PLS for this species (Appendix 20 2). Germination was positively correlated with 15 bare ground and for four species (C. amoena, L. 10 bicolor, D. californica, M. laciniata). 5 0 CEAR CLAM ERSP LOTR LOUT LUAL POGR SIID SOMI VIAD Figure 5. Range (low to high) of percent establishment for 10 seeded species, both one and two years post-seeding at a) Glacial Heritage and b) Tenalquot. 10 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 consistent pattern. Therefore, the most cost effective seeding method (broadcast seeding) should be used to maximize efficiency. Additionally, optimal seeding rates vary by species and site. Finally, sufficient bare ground must exist at restoration sites prior to seeding to ensure successful native establishment of all seeded species. a b Figure 6. 11 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 (2) Seed Production, Coordination and Development Seed Production The South Sound Conservation Nursery program now utilizes multiple seed farms in Thurston and Pierce counties to produce large lots of core restoration species (Figure 7; Table 3). The seed farm at the Violet Prairie Scatter Creek preserve has become our primary production site and the hub of the seed production program. In 2014 we expanded from Figure 1. 2014 bloom at Webster’s Nursery 20 rows to 120 rows, which filled our first five acres. This massive planting effort involved over 100,000 transplants and substantial direct seeding. We also converted an additional five acres of pasture at Violet Prairie to fully Figure 7. Oregon sunshine at Violet Prairie Seed irrigated row production that will accept seeds Farm and transplants in the spring of 2015. Rare and specialty restoration species are produced in 62 Table 3: 2014 Regional Seed Production Summary raised seeds beds at Shotwell’s Landing Nursery Pounds Number in Rochester, WA (Figure 8). Source Produced of Lots The program also contracts with large growers for Webster’s Seed Farm 459.75 60 Roemer’s fescue production. Violet Prairie Seed Farm The South Sound seed production program grew aggressively in 2014, and provided a total of 2109 pounds of seed to South Sound land managers in 2014 (Table 3), a 152% increase over 2013. Seed production from CNLM farm sites increased by 61% to 690 pounds (Table 4). The new Violet Prairie farm site is averaging an encouraging three times the production by area as our historic Webster’s seed farm. As we transition away from Webster’s and begin production in earnest on better soils, we expect the upward trajectory in production to continue. Finally, the nursery program maintains a central seed processing and storage facility to increase efficiency and tracking of over 100 species for all partner agencies (Figure 9). This facility has expanded dramatically over the past three years to accommodate the ever-increasing volume of seed. A database has been developed and maintained to track production and protocols for all species. 12 Shotwell’s Landing Cavness Ranch 144.74 16 44.39 46 41.60 1 1368.00 2 West Rocky Seed Beds 0.70 3 Bald Hills Seed Beds 1.13 5 48.80 2109.11 149 282 Fescue Contracts Wild Collection TOTAL 2014 Seed Figure 8. Rare species Royal Jacob’s ladder at Shotwell’s Landing Nursery Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Table 4. Seed production at CNLM seed farms over past three years. Species Achillea millefolium Allium amplectens Aquilega formosa Arabis glabra Armeria maritima Balsamorizha deltoidia Bromus pacificus Camassia leichlinii Camassia quamash Campanula rotundifolium Carex inops Carex tumulicola Castilleja hispida Castilleja levisecta Castilleja miniata Cerastium arevense Cirsium brevistyllum Clarkia amoena Collinsia grandiflora Collinsia parviflora Collomia grandiflora Danthonia californica Danthonia spicata Delphinium nutallii Dichanthelium acuminatum Dichanthelium oligosanthes Dodecatheon hendersoni Dodecatheon pulchellum Drymocallis glandulosa Elymus glaucus Elymus trachycaulus Erigeron specious Erigeron strigosus Eriophyllum lanatum 2014 seed production (lbs) 4.088 0.278 1.523 0.49 21.10 13.33 1.39 1.25 14.83 0.47 0.02 0.10 13.92 15.70 0.01 1.83 0.00 7.21 38.47 45.37 8.37 13.59 0.42 0.24 0.31 0.27 0.04 0.03 3.97 2.49 0.53 11.78 0.03 80.82 2014 bulb production (lbs) 10.28 17.1 13 2013 Produciton (lbs) 3.59 0.15 1.61 0.00 15.26 6.69 2012 Production (lbs) 1.91 0.08 0.27 0.00 19.48 0.27 0.55 0.32 1.10 0.06 0.00 0.05 0.17 0.13 4.86 2.11 2.66 1.17 2.39 0.02 1.98 13.89 57.85 1.41 3.29 0.92 0.87 0.80 0.10 10.20 0.80 3.14 0.00 28.21 0.06 0.34 0.01 0.00 4.10 1.84 3.21 3.24 3.18 2.53 49.34 18.39 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Table 4. cont’d. Species Festuca roemeri Fritillaria affinis Gaillardia aristata Gilia capitata Heuchera chlorantha Hieracium cynaglossoides Iris tenax Koeleria macrantha Leptosiphon bicolor Ligusticum apiifolium Lithophragma parviflorum Lomatium nudicaule Lomatium triternatum Lomatium utriculatum Lotus nevadensis Lupinus albicaulis Lupinus bicolor Lupinus lepidus Lupinus polyphyllus Luzula comosa Micranthes integrifolia Microseris laciniata Microsteris gracilis Naveretta intertexta Navarretia squarrosa Nuttallanthus canadensis Perideridia gairdneri Plantago lancelota Plectritis congesta Poa secunda Polemonium carneum Potentilla gracilis Ranunculus occidentalis Ranunculus orthorhynchus 2014 seed 2014 bulb 2013 production production Produciton (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 1452.45 313.41 0.02 11.71 1.42 23.96 0.98 1.10 1.33 0.09 0.03 1.76 0.00 11.57 3.06 2.18 0.00 0.71 0.05 0.14 0.02 1.50 0.09 12.80 9.70 5.70 7.00 0.01 39.97 22.71 36.04 20.14 2.90 0.41 0.30 0.13 0.21 0.10 9.53 7.38 11.32 12.33 0.08 1.24 2.95 1.33 1.23 0.57 0.47 0.00 48.28 13.42 39.88 56.20 0.01 0.01 18.36 3.55 26.31 5.64 0.05 0.03 14 2012 Production (lbs) 427.58 0.77 0.00 1.08 0.00 0.00 12.59 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 8.17 1.96 21.60 10.26 4.42 0.13 5.26 1.39 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.29 1.83 0.92 2.89 3.44 0.12 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Table 4. cont’d. Species Rhinanthus minor Rupertia physoides Sanicula crassicaulis Sanicula graveolens Sericocarpus rigidus Sidalcea nelsonianna Sidalcea virgata Silene douglasi Silene scouleri Sisyrinchium idahoense Solidago missouriensis Solidago missouriensis 'Glacial' Solidago simplex Symphyotrichum hallii Synthyris reniformis Toxicoscordion venenosus Trifolium wildenovii Trillium parviflorum Triodanis perfoliata Triteleia hyacinthina Vicia americana Viola adunca Viola howelii Viola praemorsa Wyethia angustifolia Totals 2014 seed 2014 bulb 2013 2012 production production Produciton Production (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 0.14 0.02 0.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 3.33 2.69 2.05 3.14 1.61 1.43 0.11 6.92 0.08 0.11 0.26 0.08 0.02 7.72 4.23 5.85 4.31 1.12 6.84 0.62 0.09 0.21 2.53 2.93 2.07 0.66 0.45 2.69 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.00 4.00 1.97 0.63 0.97 0.24 0.00 0.83 0.93 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.07 3.09 2.11 2.66 0.03 1.62 0.47 0.07 0.58 0.01 0.00 2109.12 27.38 678.61 626.85 Seed germination and viability testing Seed germination and viability testing occurred in the Terrestrial Restoration Ecology lab at the University of Washington. Testing occurred for 65 accessions from 57 prairie species (Table 5). Our general testing procedure was as follows: We separated each accession into pure seed and debris (chaff, seed of other species, etc.), and weighed each component. We also counted the seeds and calculated the 15 Figure 9. Seed cleaning center Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 bulk density (seeds per gram of material, including debris). We calculated purity as seed mass divided by total mass of sample. We then reviewed the literature and determined the most appropriate of three germination regimes (spring/fall, summer, winter) for each species. Environmental conditions in each regime were as follows: Spring/Fall: 15°C and light for 12 hours; 8°C and dark for 12 hours Summer: 24°C and light for 14 hours; 14°C and dark for 10 hours Winter: 5°C and light for 10 hours; 2°C and dark for 14 hours We counted out 400 seeds per accession and divided them into 4-8 lots. Each lot of seed was placed on filter paper in a petri dish in the growth chamber. The filter paper was kept moistened during testing. Each lot was checked periodically, and germinants were counted and removed. At the end of the germination period, non-germinating seeds were subject to tetrazolium testing to identify those seeds that remained viable (e.g., are dormant). We calculated the percentage of seeds that germinated and the percentage of seeds that were viable; these two percentages sum to the percentage live seed. We calculated the percent dormant seed as the number of dormant seeds divided by the total number of live seeds. The percent pure live seed (PLS) was calculated as the product of purity and live seed. Through this testing, we have identified accessions with particularly low PLS values due to poor seed purity and/or low percentages of live seed. These accessions would have to be seeded at much higher rates than other species to compensate for the low PLS values. Notably, Dodecatheon hendersonii, Koeleria macrantha, Ligusticum apiifolium, Lithophragma parviflorum, Zigadenus venosus and Viola adunca had < 20% PLS and Navarretia intertexta, Sericocarpus rigidus and Solidago missouriensis had < 10% PLS (Table 5), meaning that land managers seeding them at regular rates would only be putting out one fifth to one tenth the amount of seed needed to achieve target densities. We have also learned how to improve germination through experimental testing of stratification methods. For example, germination of Navarretia intertexta and of Lupinus spp. was low until we began to prick each seed to enhance water movement through the seedcoat. This process also allowed us to identify species that require additional study. For example, our testing regime did not break dormancy for any Ligusticum apiifolium seeds and for only 1% of the live Viola praemorsa seeds. Testing with longer stratification times and/or other regimes is clearly necessary for these species. 16 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Table 5. Germination and viability data for species and accessions tested at the University of Washington during the reporting period. Species abbreviations represent the first two letters of the genus and first two letters of the species. Red highlight shows species with PLS < 20%. Abbrev. UW # CNLM # N Testing Regime Bulk Purity Live Seed Dormant PLS Density Seed (seeds/g) (%) (%) (%) (%) ACMI ALAM ALAM AQFO ARMA BADE CAHI CAIN CALE CAQU CARO CEAR CIBR CLAM COGR COGRX COPA DACA DASP DENU DENU DOHE ELGL ELGL ERLA ERSP FERO GAAR HECH 222 223 285 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 286 241 242 283 243 244 245 246 247 2246 2128 2128 2145 2207 2203 2196 2136 2121 2092 2263 2103 2125 2123 2108 2216 2104 2220 2202 2159 2159 2097 2221 2221 2211 2214 2127 2247 2199 400 200 183 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 387 400 200 200 400 199 192 400 400 272 400 399 Summer Winter, Spring, Winter Winter, Spring, Winter, Spring, Winter 165 d Winter, then Spring Spring 42 d Winter, then Summer 52 d Winter, then Summer Summer 84 d Winter, then Spring 80 d Winter, then Spring 31 d Winter, then Summer Summer Spring Spring Spring Spring; poked Spring Summer 30 d Winter, then Spring Winter + bagged (dark) Winter; light 84 d Winter, then Spring 15 d Winter, then Summer Summer 20 d Winter, then Spring 34 d Winter, then Summer Spring Spring 68 d Winter, then Spring 17 3922 357 357 509 352 106 6012 327 114 227 11478 6452 692 2657 1466 280 741 231 643 1065 1065 967 247 247 2120 3497 178 232 16059 41.2 98.2 98.2 99.4 86.7 92.0 78.1 99.9 99.0 99.5 97.6 100.0 90.8 80.4 96.4 99.2 95.3 89.3 97.4 93.7 93.7 98.9 87.5 87.5 92.8 94.4 56.3 64.2 96.4 87.5 66.0 88.5 79.3 79.8 38.8 59.5 66.3 53.8 81.8 67.5 92.8 33.0 85.5 81.8 80.0 86.3 82.7 90.8 76.5 77.0 10.8 85.9 88.5 78.3 81.3 61.4 51.5 52.9 2.0 50.8 4.9 89.9 3.4 63.9 18.5 67.2 48.8 9.5 4.8 2.7 32.6 1.5 0.9 20.9 25.8 15.6 1.7 8.5 24.7 20.9 1.2 0.0 7.0 0.6 3.0 68.0 2.6 36.1 64.8 86.9 78.8 69.1 35.7 46.5 66.2 53.2 81.3 65.9 92.8 30.0 68.7 78.8 79.4 82.2 73.8 88.4 71.7 72.1 10.6 75.2 77.4 72.6 76.7 34.6 33.1 51.0 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Abbrev. UW # CNLM # N Testing Regime Bulk Density (seeds/g) Purity (%) HICY HICY KOMA LIAP LIPA LONU LOTR LOUT LUAL LUAL LUBI LULE MIGR MIIN MILA 248 289 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 2153 2153 2210 2149 2115 2152 2206 2205 2212 2212 2110 2242 2111 2096 1838 200 200 400 435 409 400 400 400 396 400 387 400 400 400 400 2004 2004 4908 316 181818 122 122 443 29 32 156 219 738 12300 654 96.2 96.2 83.4 98.4 90.9 93.2 94.6 91.5 100.0 99.8 73.6 97.0 92.6 95.3 96.0 NAIN NAIN NASQ NUCA PLCO PLLA POGL POGR RAOC SERI SIDO SIID SINE SISC SOMI 262 287 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 2243 2243 2219 2116 2105 2241 2201 2197 2100 2244 2217 2198 2200 2264 2253 109 318 378 400 400 400 400 400 400 397 400 400 400 400 400 Winter, then Spring Spring Summer 30 d Winter, then Spring or Summer Spring 56 d Winter, then Spring 82 d Winter, then Summer 26 d Winter, then Spring Poked; Summer Poked; Summer Scarified (hot water, razor); Summer Hot water, nicked; Summer 14 d Winter, then Spring 15 d Winter, then Spring Summer 53 d Spring, 36 d Winter, 11 d Spring, 35 d Winter, Spring; poked near end of test Various Spring Winter then Summer Winter Summer 63 d Winter, then Summer 34 d Winter, then Spring 38 d Winter, then Summer 43 d Winter, then Summer 56 d Winter, then Spring 63 d Winter, then Summer Scarified (jar w/ rocks); Spring 56 d Winter, then Spring Summer 2772 2772 15738 44444 822 442 2881 2633 436 551 1259 581 293 1349 8937 97.0 97.0 94.4 100.0 66.1 74.5 98.7 87.5 99.3 15.6 99.8 100.0 96.2 77.9 49.9 18 Live Seed PLS (%) Dormant Seed (%) 68.5 78.5 14.8 16.6 93.9 20.8 83.5 90.8 27.5 35.3 84.2 66.3 69.5 92.8 72.0 27.0 5.1 0.0 100.0 0.5 50.6 4.8 5.2 9.2 0.0 0.0 29.1 1.8 1.9 12.8 65.9 75.5 12.3 16.3 85.3 19.3 79.0 83.0 27.5 35.2 62.0 64.3 64.4 88.4 69.1 27.5 6.9 75.7 49.8 43.8 76.5 74.8 58.0 48.3 22.9 28.5 28.3 68.3 57.5 8.3 20.0 86.4 1.0 3.5 8.6 40.2 8.7 5.6 18.1 11.0 9.6 29.2 24.2 0.9 30.3 26.7 6.7 71.4 49.8 28.9 57.0 73.8 50.8 48.0 3.6 28.4 28.3 65.7 44.8 4.1 (%) Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Abbrev. UW # CNLM # N Testing Regime Bulk Density (seeds/g) Purity (%) SOSI SOSI TOVE 276 277 278 2222 2252 2180 400 400 406 1958 2565 561 71.0 78.9 99.8 TRWI VIAD VIPR 279 280 281 2117 2224 2189 399 395 400 Summer Summer 42 d Winter, then Spring Scarified (hot water, razor); 33 d Winter, then Spring 87 d Winter, then Spring 93 d Winter, then Spring 755 1859 240 90.8 99.5 99.8 19 Live Seed PLS (%) Dormant Seed (%) 79.3 83.3 12.3 1.3 1.2 16.0 56.3 65.7 12.3 76.4 9.4 25.8 0.0 43.2 99.0 69.4 9.3 25.7 (%) Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 (3) Companion Planting of Golden Paintbrush This component of the project was conducted at Glacial Heritage Preserve in South Sound. The purpose of this component of the project was to help determine whether growing golden paintbrush (CALE) with companion plants for it to parasitize provides significant benefits in the establishment and maintenance of recovery populations of golden paintbrush in the region. Two primary experiments were conducted. Experiment One: Two factors were tested in a factorial design: pot size (4” pot or 1” tube) and host plant identity (none, Eriophyllum lanatum, and Festuca roemeri). The CALE were grown without host plants in the nursery. Host plants were grown in 1” tubes in the nursery, and outplanted immediately adjacent to the CALE to maximize the potential for CALE to establish haustorial connections with them afterwards. Outplantings occurred in a field at Glacial Heritage. Site preparation in planted areas consisted of spraying glyphosate and tilling. To assess the generality of the results, the experiment was repeated in two years, 2010 and 2011. 576 CALE plants were installed in November 2010 (80-100 per treatment), and 594 CALE plants were installed in November 2011 (97-100 per treatment). Each plant was individually labeled so that its performance could be tracked. Plants were weeded periodically to maintain differences in host identity. During this reporting period, we continued to maintain these experimental areas. In Fall 2013, we monitored the number of Figure 10. CALE plants fruiting stems and number of capsules of each surviving CALE grown with F. roemeri (above) plant in both arrays. In Spring 2014, we monitored survival and and E. lanatum (below). vigor of each surviving plant in both arrays, and the number of flowering stems and maximum stem length of each surviving CALE plant in the 2011 array. In Fall 2014, we monitored the number of fruiting stems and number of capsules of each surviving CALE plant in the 2011 array. Experiment Two: In Fall 2012, Natalie Footen (graduate student) initiated a new experiment to test the performance of CALE when grown with a wider array of host plants. Plants were grown in 4” pots in the greenhouse and outplanted into a field that had received several years of periodic glyphosate applications to control invasive weeds. Twenty CALE plants were planted with each of 11 host plant species: Achillea millefolium, Danthonia californica, Deschampsia caespitosa, Eriophyllum lanatum, Erigeron speciosus, Festuca roemeri, Lupinus lepidus, Lupinus littoralis, Rosa nutkana, Solidago canadensis, and Symphoricarpos albus. A no-host treatment was also included, but rather than planting a single CALE with no competition, two CALE plants were planted together so that competition was still occurring. We monitored survival, vigor, number of flowering stems, and maximum stem length in Spring 2014, and the number of fruiting stems and number of capsules of each surviving CALE plant in Fall 2014. Results from Experiment One indicate that the presence of a host plant continues to improve survival, and that host identity matters: performance of golden paintbrush is enhanced more by 20 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Eriophyllum lanatum than by Festuca roemeri (Delvin 2013). Data from 2014 have not yet been entered, but our observations are that this effect is persisting beyond 2013 (Figure 11). Preliminary results from Experiment Two indicated 55% survival of Castilleja levisecta over the first winter. Surviving plants were much smaller than those in Experiment One, perhaps due to nursery cultural practices (e.g., container type, lack of fertilization). Survival ranged from a low of 15% when planted with Lupinus lepidus to a high of 85% when planted with Deschampsia caespitosa. Results have been presented at two events: Invited lecture at the University of Maryland, College Park (February 2014) and Presentation at the University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium (May 2014). 2011 Array 2010 Array Figure 11. 1. Survival of Castilleja levisecta planted alone (No host), with Eriophyllum lanatum, or with Figure Festuca roemeri in Fall 2010 and Fall 2011. Line color and symbol shape distinguish host identity treatments; line type (solid or dashed) and symbol shading (filled or hollow) indicate pot size treatments. 21 Regional Prairie Native Seed Project – Final Report for CNLM Budget G1005 Literature Cited Delvin, E.G. 2013. Restoring abandoned agricultural lands in Puget lowland prairies: a new approach. Dissertation. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Hamman, S., E. Delvin, and J.D. Bakker. 2010. Regional prairie native seed project: first annual report. Prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Lacey, WA. 22 p. Hamman, S., E. Delvin, and J.D. Bakker. 2011. Regional prairie native seed project: second annual report. Prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Lacey, WA. 15 p. Hamman, S., E. Delvin, and J.D. Bakker. 2012. Regional prairie native seed project: third annual report. Prepared for US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Lacey, WA. 16 p. Hamman, S., J.D. Bakker and S. Smith. 2013. Regional prairie native seed project: Final Report for The Nature Conservancy. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy, Seattle, WA and US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Lacey, WA. 15. 22