Properties of Matter Unit Review: Answer on a separate sheet of

Properties of Matter Unit Review: Answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What are the four basic properties of matter?
Weight- measure of the force of gravity
Density- the ratio of mass over volume
Volume- the measure of the amount of space something takes up
Mass- the measure of an objects matter and inertia
2. What defines matter?
an object that takes up space and has mass
3. What is inertia?
the measure of an objects resistance to change in motion
4. How can you measure inertia?
Measure the object’s mass or measure how much it resists changing motion
5. How can you tell if one object has more inertia than another?
If one object has more mass, then it has more inertia
6. What is mass?
the measure of an object’s inertia or the amount of matter in an object
7. What does mass measure?
the amount of Inertia
8. What is weight?
the force of gravity acting on an object
9. What is the weight of a 5 kg mass?
Fg=5 x 10
Fg=50 N
10. Compare the weight of an object on the Earth to the moon.
The object will weigh more on Earth because Earth has a larger value of gravity than the moon does
11. What is volume?
the measure of the amount of space something takes up
12. How do you calculate the volume of a box, and of a cylinder?
Vbox= length x width x height
V cylinder= πr2h
13. How do you find the volume of an object with a graduated cylinder?
Put some water in a graduated cylinder
Measure the volume of the water (ex: 65 mL)
Put your object completely under water (may use a pencil to push floating objects just below the water line)
Read the new value of volume (ex: 75 mL)
Subtract the new volume from the original volume (ex: 75 mL- 65 mL)
The subtraction gives the volume of the object (ex: 10 mL)
14. What is density?
the ratio of mass to volume; it is a measure of how closely the mass is packed together in a volume
15. Density is the combination of what two properties of matter?
Mass and Volume
16. Find the density of a 50 g mass that has a volume of 5 ml.
D= 𝑉
D= 5
D=10 [g/ml]
17. Give three examples of everyday ratios.
20 m/s
$. 50/ lb.
18. What classifies as a fluid? Give an example of each type.
fluid-any liquid or gas
Liquid example= water/ glass
Gas example= oxygen/air
19. What has more mass a kilogram of something or a kilogram of something else?
They are the same!
20. What has the larger volume, a kilogram of deflated balloons, or a kilogram of inflated balloons?
Inflated balloons. They take up more space. *** the deflated balloons have the greater density- mass is closer
21. If two object sink in water, how does a mass balance tell which is denser if used under water?
Whichever side of the balance sinks faster will tell you which of the two objects is more dense
22. Of scales and balances which truly measure weight and which truly measure mass?
scales measure weight and balances measure mass
23. How can you use a graduated cylinder and an electronic balance to find the density of an object?
Put an object on the electronic balance and get its mass. Put the object in the graduated cylinder and get its
volume. Then divide the mass by the volume and the answer is your density!
24. Where is it easier to lift of box of beans? On earth or on the moon?
Lifting is changing motion so that is inertia (based on mass). It is the same on the earth and moon to lift the box
because inertia is the same everywhere in the universe
25. Where is it easier to throw a box of beans? On earth or on the moon?
same it is inertia again!
26. Describe the steps for using a triple beam balance.
Clear off the pan and move the weights back to zero
Make sure the scale is balanced (turn little knob under pan to get lines to line up at zero)
Put the unknown mass on the pan
Move the large weight to the last spot that does not tip the scale
Move the medium weight to the last spot that does not tip the scale
Move the small weight until it balances out
Add up the three values (this will be the mass of the unknown object)
27. Describe the steps for using a basic mass balance.
Empty both of the pans
Put the object with unknown mass on one of the pans
Put known masses on the other pan until it balances out
Add up the known masses (this will be the mass of the unknown object)
28. Describe the steps for using an electronic balance.
Plug it in and turn it on
Select the unit that you want the balance to measure
Press the “zero” button
Put the object with the unknown mass on the pan.
Read the displayed value
29. A mass balance is used to find the mass of a golf ball. It takes 3 dimes (2 g each), 2 pennies (2.5 g each), and 4
nickels (5 g each) to balance out the golf ball. Find the mass of the golf ball.
(3 x2) + (2 x 2.5) + (4 x 5)= 31g
30. A triple beam balance is used to measure the mass of an action figure. When balanced the 100 g mass is in the 1
position, the 10 g mass is in the 8 position, and the 1 g mass is in the 2 position. What is the mass of the action
(100 x 1) + (10 x 8) + 1 (1 x 2)=182 g
31. What is gravity? Why is it different from place to place in the universe?
gravity is the force of attraction between two objects that have mass. It is different from place to place in the
universe because planets and other solar objects have varying masses.
32. A graduated cylinder reads 22 ml before putting in a paper clip. Then it reads 26 ml. What is the volume of the
paper clip?
26ml-22ml = 4 ml
33. Chapstick has a radius of 1 cm and a height of 4 cm. What is the volume of the chapstick?
V= πr2h= 3.14x12x4=12.56[g/cm3]
34. A matchbox has a length of 8 cm, a width of 5 cm and a height of 3 cm. What is the volume?
V=l x w x h= 8x5x3=120cm3
35. The mass of a frog is 150 g and its volume is 3 cm3. What is the density of the frog?
D= 𝑉
D=50 [g/cm3]
36. What are the density rules for what an object will do when surrounded by a fluid?
If an object is more dense than the surrounding fluid, then it will sink
If an object is less dense than the surrounding fluid; then it will rise
If the object has the same density as the surrounding fluid, then it will be suspended
If two objects are both more dense than the surrounding fluid, the denser one sinks faster
37. Why does ice float?
when water freezes the volume goes up making the density to decrease making it less dense than the liquid
38. How far should you safely stay away for an iceberg that measures 250 ft wide above the surface?
10 x 250=2, 500 ft
39. What happens to the density of an object if the volume increases, and b) decreases?
A) density decreases B)density goes up
40. What happens to the density of an object if the mass increases, and b) decreases?
A) Density goes up
B) density goes down