Minute of meeting of Monday 12th January 2015, 7pm

Shawlands Academy PTC
Minute of meeting of Monday 12th January 2015, 7pm
Academy Conference Room
Welcome and Apologies
Present: Kevin Kane (Chair), Jan Ziervogel (Treasurer), Farooq Razzaq, Lesley Turan ,
David Wylie, Susan Haynes, Kath Dransart , Mrs Grant, Muhammad Shafique, Ann
Downie (Minutes).
Apologies: Derrick Wright
Resignation: Mary McDonough-Clark
Minute and Matters Arising
The PTC Minute of 8th December 2014 was approved.
The current balance in the PTC account is £4,202.50. A number of agreed purchases
were still to be deducted.
Creative Shawlands Academy event
Discussion took place to scope out the event. Event to take place on a Saturday, late
morning to early afternoon in May - Action: Mrs Grant to advise as to suitable date.
To be an exhibition of art and other creative work, highlighting the school's creative
talent rather than purely a fundraising event although it was expected that the event
would cover costs. For the previous event the framing was done within the school by
Kenny Morrison. Frames to be sourced from budget outlet. Mrs Grant informed the
committee she was awaiting a response from IKEA regarding a discount or donation
for frames. Action: Mrs Grant would check with the Art department as to what art
work was presently available that could be used for the event.
Possibility of an on-line auction , placing pictures of art work on website and silent
auctions was discussed. As the PTC website was on the school website , it was
difficult to manage. Details of how the auction would work and pricing would be
decided at a later date. Action: an agenda item on PTC website to be on agenda for
the next meeting. A small entrance charge of £1 per adult, 50p child and under
5years free would be made. Tickets could be made available in advance by
eventbright. Action: Susan Haynes to investigate setting up on-line ticketing. It was
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suggested that pupils could provide and sell cakes and other baked goods. Action
Mrs Grant to contact Food Health Technology
There was some discussion that pupils may not wish to sell their work. Other areas
for either auction or to be exhibited included craft items (i.e. wooden boxes),
photographs and items designed and sold as Fair Trade. Action: Mrs Grant to
contact the Technology department and other relevant staff /pupil groups as to
what they could contribute.
The previous event had included a tableau where students dressed up and acted out
the pictures that were for sale and a fashion display using recycled items from the
Eco group. Other creative areas where talent could be showcased were dance,
singing and a diverse range of music including jazz & samba, ukulele and a string
group. Action: David Wylie to meet with Maria Kelly to scope out.
Further funding to be sought from external Companies for sponsorship. Action:
Kevin Kane to source
Previous event attended by former pupil who was a Turner prize finalist. Action: Mrs
Grant to check name
Terms of Reference to be pulled together and circulated to the group. Action David
Bid to Pollokshields Partnership
Bid made today after discussion with Councilor Norman MacLeod for technical
equipment costing 4k, consisting of 3D printer, laser cutter and wood turner.
PE were approached but have received funding for various items recently and the
curtain for the stage was less likely to succeed as may be considered an item that
should come out of normal expenses.
School / PTC Careers evening
Lesley and Susan updated the group on the preparations for Wednesday's careers
evening for S2 and S4 and above. There were 20 further and higher education
establishment and apprenticeship providers and 35 other stands. Three areas where
cover was looking doubtful were Journalism, Beautician and Optician and
suggestions of contacts to cover these areas were welcome.
There were 7 parents helping but offers were still welcome. Role would be the
setting up of tables from 5pm, registering of consultants, providing teas and coffees
and assisting with evaluations.
The floor plan was presently being finalised and a thank you being arranged for the
Janitors. It was clarified that the PTC was paying the school for the tea and coffee
and the evaluation feedback would be shared at the next meeting. Action: Feedback
from Career's Evening an agenda item for next meeting
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Lesley brought to the group's attention that Maxime McMClintock from Glasgow
Economic Leadership who was involved in modern apprenticeships with big
Companies in the Financial sector was keen to link up with Glasgow schools,
particular with a diverse pupil population. Action: Lesley to pass on contact details
to Mrs Grant.
Up-date on proposal to amend School Catchment Areas
Feedback received from Donald McLeod of Scotland (ES) regarding the good
response they had from staff, pupils and parents. It was the only area where there
had been criticism of the proposal. They had been particularly impressed with how
articulate the pupils had been during the meeting. Also feedback from Ian Robertson
(council consultation) on the impressive turnout and the 30 returns made by
Shawlands pupils. Mrs Grant thanked the PTC for their input.
Head Teachers Report
Parents’ night 22nd January 2015 - Mrs Grant reported that the new online
appointment tool seemed to be working well. Jan's feedback was that she had found
it simple to use and liked the ability to put in comments and register issues that she
wanted to discuss. The only improvement to be made was that the account holder
may not necessary be the person attending and it would be good to align this on the
Mrs Grant explained the system utilised the capacity better and more effectively
and allowed the school to access information on parents who did not have
An issue was raised regarding parents who over ran the 5 min appointment slots. An
alternative system of seeing one teacher for 20 minutes who had collated reports
from other subject teachers or to use a bell every 5 minutes to move parents on was
considered not appropriate. Mrs Grant clarified the system for issues that require
more time is to contact the school to speak to the pastoral care teacher. It was
suggested that the 5 minute slots, and the procedure if more time is required, should
be highlighted to parents via notices on the wall.
An issue was raised regarding the present report system and how there is no
information on the child's academic achievement and that pupils are not put under
exam conditions until they reach prelims in S4. Mrs Grant explained that the move
into curriculum for excellence had placed restrictions on words that can be used in
reports. With regards to sitting exams under exam conditions, this requires a lot of
teaching time to set up and pupils are assessed under exam condition at various
times within their normal class setting.
Study Leave - A new system of parents writing in if they wish for their child to have
study leave for prelims in S5 was working well. The council was planning on removing
study leave by 2016. The PTC considered that study leave was useful and helped
prepare pupils for University. Action: Mrs Grant would write in to the council
regarding the school's view to continue to allow study leave.
Date of next meeting: Monday 2nd February 2015 at 7pm.
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