Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center Frontiers in Plant Sciences: Tutorial on Plant Modelling Lecturer: Dr. Barbier de Reuille, Pierre Location: tba Dates: March 10 and 11, 2016 Credit Points: 1 ECTS Course Objectives This course aims to provide the basis for understanding computer modelling applied to plant sciences. Students will get a feel for what it takes to create a computational model, learn to be critical about modelling issues and be better placed to decide which modelling techniques to apply to their own needs. Course Program We will start by discussing the nature of modelling and in particular computational modelling and talk about the main modelling formalisms currently used in Plant Sciences, discussing their pros and cons. We will then study a set of specific problems using the VVe modelling platform: How to model genetic networks on a single cell or a tissue. How to model a growing cellular tissue, in a descriptive or mechanistic manner. How to account for growth in modelling genetic networks. How to include experimental data in your model. In particular, how to extract the geometry of cellular tissues and use them as templates for your model. This 2 days course mixes presentations, discussions and hands-on approaches. In particular, you will see what it takes to create a model, from the idea to the final implementation. Prior Knowledge: No previous experience with programming languages is required. Number of Participants: 8 Individual Performance and Assessment: Active participation is expected Participants will be given practical tasks: their performance will be assessed by their degree of commitment, ability to apply the theoretical concepts to the task in question and creativity.