Communications Plan (local Campaign)

Communications Plan (local Campaign)
A communication plan outlines who you need to talk to, when and how. It ensures consistent messages are used across all channels,
sets expectations and builds assurance and accountability.
While some of the sections are pre-determined for Get it Right on Bin Night, it’s worth completing the plan as a whole to understand
the communication process and how it all flows and fits together to achieve your objectives.
This template is a guide to help you plan out your campaign. You may have other structures that you prefer to use.
Target completion date
This target date reflects when the plan will be completed by, usually after the review phase.
Distribution dates for specific phases or individual communication pieces are provided in the
The background section should provide enough context for all stakeholders to understand how
the need for this communications plan originated. Ideally this section is brief. Each plan’s
background can vary and it’s important for each stakeholder to be able to understand the bigger
picture of how this plan fits in within organisational strategy and objectives. The background is an
introduction to what the plan’s objective is.
In one or two sentences, outline the plan’s objective/s and how it will address the issue stated in
the background section.
The long-term objective is for this to positively impact recycling behaviour. What’s your objective
for this campaign?
Get it Right on Bin Night Communications Plan v1.0
Using bullet points, succinctly list each key message this plan will communicate. These may vary
according to audience.
Get it Right on Bin Night campaign key messages are:
Key messages
Don’t put your recycling in plastic bags.
Recycle from every room:
o Recycle from the laundry
o Recycle from the bathroom
Outline each of the risks associated with this plan and the actions taken to mitigate these risks.
Outline scenarios including if the communications plan does not proceed, if distribution dates are
not met, or if audiences do not receive the right key messages. Are there governance or
reputational risks?
Are there any or risks associated with this plan? Consider reputational and financial risks of both
proceeding and NOT going ahead..
Which group are you aiming to reach in order to achieve the plan objectives?
Target audience
Primary: Residents aged between 30 and 39
Secondary: Residents aged between 40 and 49
Additional audiences include Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic speaking and Indian communities.
List the groups which will either influence the audience toward a positive result, or key
influencer audiences who need to be made aware of any of the key messages e.g. any
internal staff or external advocates.
Get it Right on Bin Night Communications Plan v1.0
Provide an overview of the communication channels you will use to reach audiences. Use the
schedule at the end of the plan to provide more details about these.
E.g. Print media. Electronic media, social media etc
Specify each individual who will sign off on each piece of communication before distribution /
publication. Outline responsibilities for each which may include agreeing to the overall approach
and key messages, and/or signing off on individual communication pieces. Also list where
individuals or groups provide additional support but are not signing off on content, e.g. subject
matter experts.
Roles & responsibilities
It’s really important to get this right from the outset so you can provide adequate time for
everyone to fulfil their responsibilities, but also to set and manage expectations. It’s critical to
ensure everyone is on the same page to reduce any risks to the campaign.
Remember to check the approvals processes required by Sustainability Victoria. These are
outlined in the Local Campaign Guide.
How will the plan be measured, reviewed and reported? What are the key performance
indicators? How will findings be addressed or implemented for future communication plans?
Keep in mind that you’re measuring the communication plan’s success in reaching the right
people. However, that is a longer tern outcome is changing behavior.
Get it Right on Bin Night Communications Plan v1.0
Activity schedule
Roll out
Get it Right on Bin Night Communications Plan v1.0