Asst. Prof.Dr Güssün Güneş EDUCATION 2003-2009 UNIVERSITY OF MARMARA , Göztepe, İstanbul PhD, Information and Documentation Management Science Dissertaion title : “Occupational Health Problems and Risk Factors Related to the Working Environment of Information and Documentation Centers” 1996 – 1999: UNIVERSITY OF ISTANBUL , Beyazıt, İstanbul MLS, Master of Library Science Thesis: “Preservation Works in Libraries: Acid Free Paper” 1992 – 1996: UNIVERSITY OF ISTANBUL, Beyazıt, İstanbul BA, Dept of Library Science, Chair of Documentation and Information Science. Thesis: “The Internet and Applications in Turkish Libraries” PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Marmara University Dept. of Information and Record Management, Faculty Member, Aug 2012-Present Director of Marmara University Libraries, Aug 2012-Present Koç University School of Nursing Library, Nişantaşı, İstanbul Head, Jan 2009-Jul 2012 Koç University School of Nursing Library, Nişantaşı, İstanbul Koç University Library- İstinye Electronic Resources Librarian Planning & Operations Management Branch, June 1998-Sept 1999 Koç University Library, İstinye Assistant Circulation Librarian, Reference Dept., Oct 1996- June 1998 1 VOLUNTER EXPERIENCE EAHIL 2011 Workshop IPC Co-chair, LOC member 2009-2011 ANKOS Negotiating Group on Databases, June 2008-December 2010 EAHIL Auditor, June 2007-2008 ANKOS Medical & Health Sciences Database Liaison, June 2004-2009 Teaching “Statistics 106” at Marmara University Dept. of Information and Record Management, Spring 2008, Spring 2009 and Spring 2010 Webmaster, Turkish Librarians Association Istanbul Branch, 2004-2008 Managed web activities, mostly updated association’s webpage 61st IFLA Council and General Conference, Istanbul Organising Committee, Istanbul, August 20-26, 1995 Duke University Medical Center Library -North Carolina, INTERNSHIP Jan22-Feb09, 2001 Zafer Bindery , Sultanahmet I trained in a binder’s workshop in August 9-15, 1999 . I was interested in learning “The Art of Modern Book Binding”. 6/95- 10/96 NCR Information Solutions Human Resources Dept. Library 2/95- 3/95 Marmara University Law Faculty Library 1/94- 5/94 Kadıköy Public Education Center Library PUBLICATIONS & PRESANTATIONS Book, PULMAN XT: Digital Guidelines Manuals with D. Bayır, D. Kızılaslan, E. Ocaklı, et al., Istanbul: TKD Istanbul Branch, 2004. ISBN 9756351055 Translation, EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to Be Published in English, with Tuba Akbaytürk June 2011 Poster, Güneş, Güssün and Aydın, Nuran, “Electronic Nursing Care Guide”. EAHIL Workshop 2011. Istanbul, Turkey. July 5-8, 2011 Poster, Güneş, Güssün and Dörtbudak, Zeynep, “Occupational Respiratory Symptoms in Museum, Archives and Library Workers: A Cross Sectional Survey”. IAQ 2010. Château de Germolles, France. April 21-23, 2010 Poster, Çolaklar, Huriye, Güneş, Güssün and Yıldızeli, Aytaç, “The Contributions of the ÜNAK Medical Group to the Turkish Medical Information System: Experiences and Recommendations”. EAHIL Workshop 2009. Dublin, Ireland. June 2-5, 2009 2 Articles Güneş, Güssün., & Çolaklar, H (2010). “Turkish Medical Information System and Medical Librarianship”, In Studii de Biblioteconomie şi Ştiinţa Informării / Library and Information Science Research. No. 14/2010,. pp.27-39 Güneş, Güssün, Çolaklar, Huriye (2010). “Elektronik Sağlık Bilimleri Süreli Yayınlarının Web İçerik Özellikleri ve Analizi” in Yılmaz, Orhan, Eds. Proceedings Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık 2010 8. Ulusal Sempozyum, pp.59-65, Ankara (Turkey). Güneş, Güssün.(2009),”Alışılmadık Bir Karakter, Uluslar Arası Bir Kütüphaneci” in Hilmi Çelik : Bir Ömür Kütüphaneci…, (pp.500-502). Çolaklar, Huriye and Güneş, Güssün and Küyük, Ayşen (2007) Ulusal Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimlerinde Dergi Adı Kısaltmaları: Bir Pilot Çalışma. In Yılmaz, Orhan, Eds. Proceedings Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık 2007 5. Ulusal Sempozyum, pp.148-170, Ankara (Turkey). Güneş, Güssün (2007) Hemşirelik Alanında Güçlü Bir Bilgi Merkezi: Koç Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Kütüphanesi. Bilgi Dünyası 8(2):pp.310-313. Güneş, Güssün (2007) Tek Problem İmaj mı? Meselesi. Türk Kütüphaneciliği 21(2):pp.230-236. Türkiye Gerçeğinde İmaj Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kütüphaneciliğinde Ulusal ve Uluslararası Dernek Oluşumları. Bilgi Dünyası 8(1):pp.155-166. Güneş, Güssün (2007) Güneş, Güssün (2007) Kütüphaneciler Kimdir? Kütüphaneler Toplumda Neden Vardır? Değişen Kütüphaneler ve Kütüphaneciler. İmece Dergisi, Sayi:16 2007 : pp.11. Güneş, Güssün.(2006),”Library Preservation Dictionary” in Essays in honour of Celalettin Kişmir, (pp.161-171). Güneş, Güssün.(2006),”Preservation Works in Libraries” in Essays in honour of Nimet Bayraktar (pp.5”4-74). Güneş, Güssün.(2002), “The First Medical Librarians Symposium in Turkey” MLA News, Number 351 November-December 2002, p.11 Güneş, Güssün.; Gürboy, B.(2002),“Acid-Free Paper Use in Biomedical Publications in Turkey: A Comparison”, Information World, 3(1), April 2002, pp.100-111. Presentations Presentation, Güneş, Güssün , “Effective Use of Scientific Health Databases”. Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. Istanbul, Turkey. December 22, 2011 Presentation, Güneş, Güssün and Aydın, Nuran, “Library-Based Learning in Nursing Informatics ”. EAHIL Workshop 2011. Istanbul, Turkey. July 8, 2011 3 Presentation, Güneş, Güssün “Electronic Databases Usage in Health Sciences”. Sağlıkta Bilişim Zirvesi. Istanbul, Turkey. May 13-15, 2011 Presentation, “Electronic Resources Strategic Analysis” 2nd International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World with presentation and as a workshop trainer on September 22, 2010 Presentation, “Electronics Records Usage in Medical Libraries” hosted by Kasımpaşa Military Hospital, 19 February 2009 Presentation, “National Medical & Health Sciences Journals Abbreviation : A Pilot Study” .Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık 2007 5. Ulusal Sempozyum, 19 October 2007 Presentation, “Organizations of National and International Associations in Medical and Health Sciences Librarianship” Association University and Research Librarians(ÜNAK) Annual Conference in Ankara hosted by Gazi University between 12-14 October 2006 Presentation, Güneş, Güssün and Holt, İlkay.” Role of the Library and Information Centers in Gaining Information Literacy Skills: Koç University Information Literacy Programs” Delivered at Academic Informatics 2006 & Information Technologies Congress IV , Denizli (Turkey)., Presentation, , Güneş, Güssün and Tarlan, Mine “Electronic Resources Usage in Turkish Medical Libraries” III. Medical Information Management and Technologies Symposium, Istanbul, Maltepe University , September 22-25th 2004. Presentation, “Occupational Health Diseases of Librarians, Archivist and Documentation & Information Science Workers” Held at Harbiye Soldier Museum and Culture Center, Istanbul, April 28-May 1 2004 Given Trainee, “Information Retrieval in Nursing” October 30 2002, The Bureau of Ministry of Health in Istanbul Presentation “Acid-Free Paper Use in Biomedical Publications in Turkey A Comparison” I. Medical Information Management and Technologies Symposium, Istanbul, Koc University School of Health Sciences, September 19-20 2002. Panel Speaker, “VI. Internet Conference in Turkey" attended Medical Librarians Panel Discussion session as a speaker. Held at Harbiye Soldier Museum and Culture Center,Istanbul, Nov.9-11, 2000 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor, Turkish Librarians Association Istanbul Branch Newsletter, May 2002-2008 Member, Journal of Education and Research in Nursing AWARD Turkish Librarians' Association Poster Competition 4 1st Place Winner: “Only my problem is Image! Reality of Turkey” Published as a Poster during the “National Library Week” in 2007 Best Library Slogan Award at Koç University Suna Kıraç Library 1st Place Winner: “Knowledge is Power! Get Empowered! Discover the Library” Published as a Poster during the “National Library Week” in 2002 ATTENDED SEMINAR & CONFERENCES “National Library Week “ activities in Istanbul 1996-2011 EAHIL Workshop 2011. İstanbul, Turkey. July 05-08, 2011 Sağlıkta Bilişim Zirvesi 2011. İstanbul, Turkey. May 13-14, 2011 10th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Negatition Group Member. Held at İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, May 05-09, 2010. EAHIL Workshop 2009. Dublin, Ireland. June 2-5, 2009 “9th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Negatition Group Member. Held at İnonü University, Malatya, April 23-26, 2009. Also I managed 11th Company session. “LIBER 37th Annual General Conference” University, İstanbul, July 1-5, 2008 worked and attended. Held at Koç “8th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Medical & Health Sciences Liason. Held at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, April 25-27, 2008 “Editörler Çalıştayı”, attended. Held at İstanbul University School, İstanbul, April 11, 2008 Cerrahpaşa Medical EAHIL Workshop 2007. Kracow, Poland. September 12-15, 2007 “Ulusal Akademik Lisans Toplantısı” attended. Held at Hotel Princess Ortaköy, İstanbul, November 7, 2007 “Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık-2007 5. Ulusal Sempozyumu” attended as a speaker. Held at TÜBİTAK, Ankara, October 19, 2007 “7th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Medical & Health Sciences Databases Liason. Held at Karadeniz Teknik University, Trabzon, May 31- June 02 2007 “Institutional Repositories, e-Books and Long Term Preservation, ANKOS workshop 2006. Sabancı University, İstanbul. October 26-27, 2006 “ÜNAK 06” attended as speaker. Held at Gazi University, Ankara, October 12-14, 2006 “6th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Medical & Health Sciences Databases Liason. Held at Çanakkale University, Çanakkale, June 2-4, 2006 “I. Uluslarası Bilgi Hizmetleri Sempozyumu: İletişim” attended. Held at Istanbul University, İstanbul, May 25-27, 2006 5 “Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi IV, Akademik Bilişim 2006” attended as a speaker. Held at Pamukkale University, Denizli, February 9-11, 2006 “5th ANKOS Annual Meeting” attended as a ANKOS Medical & Health Sciences Liason. Held at Sakarya University, Sakarya, June 16-18, 2005 “Sağlık Bilimlerinde Süreli Yayıncılık-2005 3. Ulusal Sempozyumu” attended. Held at TÜBİTAK, Ankara, April 8-9, 2005 “III. National Medical Management and Technologies Symposium” attended. Held at Maltepe University, Istanbul, September 22-25, 2004 “II. National Medical Management and Technologies Symposium” attended. Held at Baskent University, Ankara, September 25-27, 2003 “I. National Health Sciences Journal Publishing Symposium” attended, TÜBİTAK, Ankara, March 28, 2003. held at "VIII. Internet Conference in Turkey " attended. Held at Harbiye Soldier Museum and Culture Center, Istanbul, December.19-21, 2002 “I. National Medical Management and Technologies Symposium” organized and attended. Held at Koc University School of Health Sciences, Istanbul, September 19-20, 2002 “Seminar on Medical Information” conducted by Dr. Stuart Nelson, the Head of the Medical Subject Headings Department of US National Library of Medicine. Held at Hacettepe University Medical School, Ankara, April 25-26, 2001 “Acidic Paper Problem ” presented by Dr. Ernest Becker and Dr.Tuba Cavdar, held at Goethe Institute , Istanbul, Apr. 17 , 2000. “Adventure of Information: Its Past, Present&Future” Turkish Librarians’ Association International Symposium, held in the National Library of Turkey, Nov 17-21 November 1999. “Information Technology and Information Services in Turkey,” presented by Dr. Yasar Tonta,Hacettepe University Dept.of Library Science Faculty, National Librarianship Week Symposium held at Ataturk Library, Istanbul, Mar.15, 1999. “Acidic Paper Problem and Deacidification Techniques in Germany,” presented by Dr. Ernest Becker, held at Istanbul University Library Science Dept., Oct. 27, 1998. “Library Automation,” presented by Caroline Moore under the sponsorship of UNAK and presented by British Council, held at Istanbul Technical University, Sep. 16-18, 1998. "Library Automation Programs Produced in Turkey", held at Ege University, Apr. 24-25 1998 in Izmir. SKILLS Proficient in : Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/XP, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Adobe PhotoShop, AutoCAD , Corel Draw, HTML, wide range of Internet applications, Web Page Design, SPSS, STATA Experience with Innopac Millennium, and other library automation programs and online databases on health sciences 6 English, good command of speaking and writing Good reading knowledge of Arabic (Intermediate), Russian (Beginner), and Ottoman Turkish(Beginner) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES Member of EAHIL and EAHIL Council Member (2007-2010) for Turkey Member of Turkish Librarians Association, Istanbul Branch, Member of the University and Research Librarians’ Association (ÜNAK) President of the University and Research Librarians’ Association Medical & Health Sciences Work Group Member of Koc University School of Health Sciences Nursing Club Attended the “Research Methodology in Health Sciences” Koç University School of Medicine, Jul 10-15, 2012. Attended the “Basic Epidemiology” American Hospital, İstanbul, February 25, 2011 Attended the “Research Methodology in Health Sciences” Koç University School of Medicine, Jul 18-22, 2011 Attended the “Basic Research and Statistics Course” HEMAR-G, Medicana Hospital, Ankara, May 22-23, 2010 Attended the MLA Online Continuing Education Course “Expert Searching for Evidence Based Nursing”, 8 credit hours, November 18 – December 23, 2009 Attended the Continuing Education Course “Tips for the Trainer of Library Courses” EAHIL Workshop 2009. Dublin, Ireland. June 2-5, 2009 Attended the Continuing Education Course “Making Library Instruction Count: User Education Methods and Techniques” EAHIL workshop 2007.Kracow, Poland. September 12-15, 2007 7