Counting on Characters - Lakewood City Schools

Counting on Characters
Below is a list of important characters from Tuck Everlasting. You
should write down important pieces of information about each
character, such as: characteristics, appearance, relationships with
other characters, feelings, actions, character traits, how they
change throughout the novel, etc.
Keeping good notes here will help you study and keep you from
becoming confused by all of the different characters we encounter
in the novel.
Include at least 8 pieces of information for the following individuals:
Mae Tuck, Angus Tuck, Winnie Foster, Man in the Yellow Suit, Jesse
Tuck, and Miles Tuck.
Include at least 2 pieces of information for the following individuals:
Toad, Granny Foster, Mrs. Foster, Constable, and Mr. Foster.
Mae Tuck
Angus Tuck
Winnie Foster
Man in the
Yellow Suit
Jesse Tuck
Granny Foster
Mrs. Foster
Mr. Foster