Tuck Everlasting test

Name_____________________________Tuck Everlasting
Date______________________________Reading test
Vocabulary in Context
My day started off well. I felt __________________ as
I listened to my music and got ready for school. I was sure it
was going to be a great day. However, that feeling changed
quickly when I __________________at the bus stop and
saw the school bully standing on the corner. I felt my legs
wobble. I wanted to _____________ down and hide. I
hoped he hadn’t seen me. Would he take my lunch again?
Would he push me or make a ______________ like he
wanted to fight me? I was ___________________ to go
further. Then I made a ____________________ discovery.
He was not alone. He had his partner in crime, his
_________________________ with him. I was suddenly
filled with ___________________ I did not want to take
another step. I did not want to go to school. This was an
______________ I was not ready to face.
2pts. ea.
1. insistent
2. melancholy
_____showing no guilt or regret
3. homely
_____sad or gloomy
4. hysterical
_____to rise from; come into view
5. emerge
_____demanding attention
6. remorseless
_____move back
7. recede
_____an outburst of excited emotion
2 pts. ea.
What literary device is being used?
Simile, Metaphor, Personification, or Foreshadowing
1. “... the graceful arms of the pines stretched out
protectively in every direction.”
2. A dragonfly, a brilliant blue jewel, darted up and paused
over the lily pads, then swung up and away.
3. He dropped like a tree, his face surprised, his eyes wide
open. ________________________________
4. But things can come together in strange ways. The wood
was at the center, the hub of the wheel. All wheels have a
hub. …Fixed points they are, and best undisturbed, for
without them, nothing holds together. But sometimes
people find this out to late. _______________________
2 pts. ea.
True or False
1. ______Miles and Jesse lived with their parents.
2. ______ The man in the yellow suit stopped at the
Fosters’ to see if they knew anything about the Tuck
3. ______ Jesse, Miles, and Mae kidnapped Winnie.
4. _______The Tucks did not want Winnie to tell about
the spring because they were worried that the precious
water would soon be used up.
5. _______Out in the rowboat, Tuck tried to convince
Winnie to wait until she was 17 to drink the spring
6. ______Angus and Mae lived in a tidy log cabin.
7. ______Angus Tuck shot himself to see if it were true
that he could not die.
2 pts. ea.
Matching Characters
1. Winnie Foster____ He was a curly haired 17 year-old boy.
2. Mae Tuck _____She killed the stranger.
3. Jesse Tuck _____His wife left him.
4. Angus Tuck _____He dreamed of being in heaven.
5. Miles Tuck _____ This 10 year old helped Mae escape.
6. the stranger_____ The man in the yellow suit
2 pts. ea.
Multiple Choice
_____1. If Jesse Tuck hadn’t returned to see his mother,
A. he wouldn’t have met Winnie
B. he wouldn’t have drunk the spring water
C. Mae wouldn’t have eaten toadstools
D. Angus wouldn’t have shot himself
_____2. The main reason the Tucks kidnap Winnie is to
A. keep her from talking to the stranger
B. explain why she shouldn’t tell about the spring
C. give her a chance to get to know Jesse
D. cheer up Pa by showing him a normal child
_____3. The Tucks noticed several clues that they were not
able to die. Which is NOT one of these clues?
A. Jesse fell on his head, but he wasn’t injured.
B. Mae cut herself slicing bread, but she wasn’t hurt.
C. Angus shot himself, but he didn’t die.
D. Mae clubbed the stranger, but he survived for awhile.
_____4. Which of the following best expresses Tuck’s opinion of
living and dying
A. Eternal life is a wonderful gift.
B. Dying is a part of living.
C. Eternal life offers the chance to change the world.
D. If growing means dying, I’d rather not grow.
_____5.What is the main reason the stranger wants to find the
A. curiosity
B. greed
C. hatred
D. grief
______6. Jesse gives Winnie
A. a toad and a frog
B. a book of poetry
C. a bottle of spring water
D. an address where she can find him
______7. Pa tosses ___________to safety at the side of the road
A. the mouse that had lived with the Tucks
B. the frog he and Winnie had seen in the rowboat
C. the cat the Tucks had years before
D. the toad Winnie poured water on years earlier
______8.Winnie probably never drank the water because
A. she used it all on the toad
B. she chose to live and die naturally
C. bulldozers destroyed the spring
D. Jesse never returned for her
2 pts. ea.
Terms to Know
1. prologue
____ the feeling expressed in a work of literature
2. foreshadowing_____ an introduction to a book
3. fantasy
_____ a final section of a book
4. mood
_____ where and when
5. epilogue
_____a hint or clue of things to come
6. setting
_____an unreal world with superhuman characters
2 pts. ea.
Choose one of these topics to write about. Answer in paragraph
form. Be sure to give specific details from the story.
Winnie had the opportunity to drink from the spring and live
forever. What was her decision? How do you know she made this
decision(include details from the story)? Why do you think she
made this decision?
Tuck and the stranger have very different opinions about the spring.
Compare and contrast what they think of the water. Include at
least one similarity and at least two differences.