Music Policy January 2015 To be reviewed January 2018 Music Policy Introduction This policy outlines the teaching, management and organisation of Music at St. Nicholas-atWade CE Primary School. “Music is our daily medicine which aids far better communication with others and ourselves.” Evelyn Glennie OBE, percussionist (re-printed in 1999 National Curriculum) “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Friedrich Nietzsche Mission Statement At St. Nicholas –at – Wade we believe that all pupils deserve and need a fully rounded curriculum to become confident and independent lifelong learners. Music is something which can enrich lives, promotes creativity and affects people in many different ways. Our children are given many opportunities to perform which gives them greater confidence in their academic subjects. We hope to instil a love of music and performance in all our children. Key Aims and Objectives Aims 1. Children to gain a love of music 2. Children to experience the selfconfidence which comes from performing in front of others 3. To listen to, perform, review a wide variety of music. 4. To learn to sing and use their voices Objectives To inspire creativity in the children. To promote the pleasure to be gained from listening to and performing a wide variety of musical genres. Performance built into curriculum music lessons. Children who are learning an instrument at school to be given chances to perform. All children to be involved in a school production each year. Staff having access to CDs and being able to use the internet to find music. Children to realise that there is life beyond X-Factor and other talent shows. To appreciate something of the development and history of music. Singing Club and School Choir available for all children to attend should they wish to do so. Singing during Collective Worship and Church services. 5. To have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument 6. To have opportunities to create and compose music 7. To understand the language of music and to be able to notate it appropriately 8. To use ICT in support of the music curriculum Singing forms a major part of school productions. Recorder club available to children in Classes 3 – 6 should they wish to attend. Music Plus in Class 3. Opportunity to learn guitar in Class 6. Peripatetic music teachers visit school on a weekly basis Use of Music Express for class-based lessons. Kindermusik in use for Reception and KS1 Access to wide variety of tuned and un-tuned instruments. Musical terms used during singing practices Kindermusik in Reception and KS1 Children in Class 5 taught formal notation. ipads used to record and playback music for evaluation purposes Computers and recording devices also used for this purpose Access to electric keyboards. Curriculum Our music curriculum is wide and varied. Reception and KS1 children are taught through the Kindermusik scheme. In Year 3 the children are taught to play an instrument through the Music Plus scheme. In Years 4, 5 and 6 a cross-curricular approach is pursued so that, where possible, the music the children experience has relevance to their topics. As far as possible in KS2 lessons are taught using Music Express so that children experience composition, performance and evaluation on a regular basis. School Productions During their time at St Nicholas at Wade children will perform in 7 school productions. They leave us having experienced what it is like to perform in front of an audience, coping with the nervousness which an unfamiliar situation can bring but more importantly benefitting from a huge increase in self-esteem. They also learn that music production don’t just ‘happen’, but that an enormous amount of work goes on behind the scenes, not least in the amount of time needed for rehearsal and practice. In Classes R and 1, children participate in a Nativity in our school hall. They give three performances – one to the school and the others to parents. The production for Classes 2 and 3 gives children an opportunity to perform not only in the school hall, but also on the stage at the Village Centre in Birchington. In Classes 4, 5 and 6 the focus is the summer production. They give a performance in the school hall before heading to the Theatre Royal in Margate and giving a performance with a professional orchestra. Extra-curricular music All children at St Nicholas at Wade are given the opportunity to sing and learn a musical instrument. Children in Reception class and KS1 are able to come along to Singing Club which runs during Terms 5 and 6. KS2 children can attend Junior Choir which runs throughout the year. We also run a recorder club which is open for all children in Classes 3 – 6. These activities take place at lunchtimes throughout the year and mean that all children at school, should they wish to do so, can sing in a choir and learn a musical instrument. Identifying Gifted and Talented Pupils Children who are particularly gifted at music are given opportunities to perform in school concerts and other performances. Gifted children are sometimes identified by peripatetic teachers and through Music Plus in year 3. These pupils are offered further tuition through the school. Equal opportunities We aim to provide all pupils with equality of access to a broad and balanced music curriculum, irrespective of gender, ethnicity or special educational needs. Staff are aware that just because a child is not particularly ‘academic’ they may be talented in music. Additional Educational Needs/Special Educational Needs All pupils will have access to the full National Curriculum for music. Pupils with specific learning difficulties and disabled pupils will be provided with modified learning programmes, resources and equipment appropriate to their needs. For most pupils curriculum access will be enabled through the use of modified teaching methods and the deployment of learning support assistants. This policy should be read in line with our Teaching and Learning policy and Subject leader job description. Written By: Paul Ainsworth (Jan 2015) Approved by governors: To be reviewed: Jan 2018