
At Bromley Road Primary School we provide children with a high quality computing
education. Our aim from Reception through to year Three is to equip pupils to understand
and change the world through logical thinking and creativity, including making links with
mathematics, science, and design and technology. The core of computing is computer
science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, and how
digital systems work. Computing equips pupils to use information technology to create
programs, systems and a range of media. It also ensures that pupils become digitally literate
– able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and
communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active
participants in a digital world.
Reception (EYFS)
Many activities in the early years revolve around children developing an understanding of
their environment. Bromley Road encourages children to explore, observe, solve problems,
predict, discuss and consider. ICT resources can provide tools for using these skills as well as
being examined in their own right, with computers not the only ICT resources. ICT
equipment added to role-play reflects the real world, builds on children’s experiences and
allows them opportunities to understand how, why, when and where different forms of
technology are used in everyday life.
Early experiences form a foundation upon which KS1 and KS2 can build and the early
learning goals have specific objectives relating to ICT.
By the end of the EYFS most children will:
Complete a simple program on a computer
Use ICT to perform simple functions, such as selecting a channel on the TV remote control.
Use a mouse and keyboard to interact with age-appropriate computer software.
Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and
communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning.
Year One & Year Two (KS1)
Understand use of algorithms
Write & test simple programs
Use logical reasoning to make predictions
Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
Communicate online safely and respectfully
Recognise uses of IT outside of school
Year Three
Computing (LKS2)
Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems
Use logical reasoning
Understand computer networks
Use internet safely and appropriately
Collect and present data appropriately