Scientific Revolution SPRITE summary

SPRITE Review Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution
Science during the Scientific Revolution changed Europe socially because, rather than focusing so much
on church, society was more focused on learning and becoming more knowledgable about the sciences
and math.
Science during the Scientific Revolution changed Europe politically because many scientists were getting
funding and support from the government to come up with new theories and inventions. Also, other
scientists were being scolded or even put to death for disagreeing with popular scientists such and Isaac
Science during the Scientific Revolution changed Europe religiously because, again, people were more
focused on science and learning more about the world and new theories that were being put out there by
scientists. A lot of things the priests said contradicted scientific theories, and people were choosing to
believe the scientists.
Scientific Revolution:
Society as a whole is greatly unaffected as a whole at first, the rich have a different outlook on society and
life because the very foundations of their beliefs have been destroyed, people have a greater knowledge
of how the universe works, society was better as a whole because science was created that started to help
work on society's problems Sadly it also brought the decline in belief in witch craft. Also it brought a
sense of social progress to Europe.
Monarchs gain power because of these discoveries because they discredit the Church and strengthen the
idea of secularism which is what most monarchs follow, political governments become less dependent on
the Church because of the new discoveries that disprove the Church, governments were able to centralize
control, made absolute monarchies less successful because people questioned if there even was a God to
give their monarch absolute power Politically the Scientific Revolution changed Europe by bringing a
New Justice System based on Evidence not just belief, they now examined evidence and that’s what the
punishments were based on. Also it brought a legal
counsel to Europe.
People's religion is shaken up very much, many intellectuals become deists, some continue to be devout.
The Church's political and religious power is greatly diminished, the Church tried to threaten the
scientists of the scientific revolution which eventually led to more resentment toward the Church, some
people converted to other religions because of the Catholic church's falseness The Scientific Revolution
had huge impact on Religion because now that they could examine things and rule out some ideas
because there was no supporting facts of it the religions were affected. The Scientific Revolution brought
skepticism towards religion because there was no answers about Jesus and God and some people lost
their faith, not a giant amount but it still was enough to impact the churches and religions. Things were
based on observation not faith during the Scientific Revolution and that hurt Religion therefore there was
less faith.
Science during the Scientific Revolution changed Europe intellectually because people began thinking for
themselves rather than doing whatever a religious leader's translation of the Bible told them to do. They
were being led by scientists, but they were actually thinking. This was huge. And there was scientific
theory; people were coming up with ideas like gravity and evolution that were getting others to question.
They discovered latitude and eventually James Cook discovered longitude which made the maps much
more accurate; also they started to predict when tides would come in based on the moon and what they
saw in the stars so astronomy was formed. They also started to predict when comets would come based
on their recordings. Another idea during the Scientific Revolution was paleography – deciphering,
reading, dating, and authenticating of manuscripts which made a huge impact on Europe now that they
could figure things out by paleography. Also textual criticism to scripture started to come into play. The
idea of “Tabula Rosa” was formed which is humans are influenced by what they are taught which brought
better education which made a better society for Europe. Natural law – inherit rights and wrongs that
weren’t confined to any one people or belief system. The idea that human mind is rational. Scientific
method was discovered which is ideas are based on observation not faith. Philosophy/epistemology is
formed. The Scientific Revolution de-spiritualized the Universe. Laws are
discovered by human reason. Deistic view of God. The Mechanical view of Universe. The Rise of the
Scientific Community. Led many people to start thinking more about science and what else there was to
be discovered, created the branch of modern science, made people start questioning things more because
they discovered that something thought they knew was really false especially of religion and God, made
more people become intellectuals because of their curiosity of the universe and its laws
New inventions and technologies were created during the Scientific Revolution such as a diagram of the
Heliocentric solar system. Latitude and longitude were new. Telescopes, binoculars, and microscopes
were also invented during the Scientific Revolution. Improved fire arms, and also the steam engine is
starting to be created., Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravity
EThe economy is very good because the governments of countries are stable which helps increase trade
which benefits the economy, new inventions boost the economy because other countries want them and
are willing to pay high prices for them, inflation is down because no major wars are being fought and
trade is favorable. Many new inventions were created that allowed people to analyze and discover the
universe and its laws, new ways of studying and analyzing things were created, (like inductive reasoning,
deductive reasoning, and empiricism), Europe had better capabilities of being more technologically
advanced because science was created which attempts to solve problems through rational and logic, new
laws of then universe are discovered and studied.
Important People :
-Copernicus: 1473-1543
Earth revolves around the sun
Book “On The Revolutions”
Sun is the center of the universe (heliocentric)
-Sir Francis Bacon: 1561-1626
Preferred inductive reasoning facts>theory
Invents scientific method
-Rene Descartes: 1595-1650
Deductive logic
Deduced existence of god
Invented Cartesian geometry (xy axis)
“I think therefore I am”
-Tycho Brahe: 1546-1601
Danish royal astrologer
Follower of Ptomelic System
Observed and mapped over 700 stars in a 20 year period
-Johann Kepler: 1571-1630
Brahe’s student for 20 years
Living during 30 years war
Loved the planets and made it his life works to explain the motion of planets
Invented 3 Laws of Planetary Motion
“I recant”
Invented the telescope, pendulum clock, thermometer, water pump and sector
Discovered speed of acceleration for gravity
-Isaac Newton: 1642-1727
The Principia
Tied up loose ends of Kepler and Galileo
3 Laws of Motion
Invented optics, calculus and defined gravity