View Syllabus - Walla Walla Community College

OT 281
Comprehensive Medical Terminology II
Qtr: Spring 2014
Start date:
5 Credits
April 2, 2014
Krista Mahan, M.S. CCA.
Office: #21 WWCC, Walla Walla branch
Phone: 509 527-4233 (a.m.) 509 527-3669 (1:00-5:00)
Canvas message center or use
On-line Office Hour: Asynchronous – I check for messages throughout
the day, as I am available, and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please feel free to call me at the phone numbers above if the Canvas Mailbox is not
sufficient to answer your questions.
Text: Comprehensive Medical Terminology, 4th Ed., by Betty Davis Jones
ISBN: 978-1-4354-3987-0 (Continuation of OT280 text)
We will begin using the textbook in the third week of class.
Media: On-line course within Canvas Learning Management Suite. Utilize
free applications such as,,
Optional: If you are using only school computers, you will need ear-phones
to listen to audio pronunciations.
Course Description: This course is designed as a continuation of the prerequisite
course, Medical Terminology I. In that course you mastered medical terminology
as it relates to the body’s systems. In Comprehensive Medical Terminology II, we
will reinforce the knowledge you have acquired and focus on medical terminology as
it relates to specialty areas of practice including Child Health, Obstetrics,
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, Oncology, Mental Health, Pharmacology, and
Gerontology. Upon successful completion, you will have the skills necessary to
communicate effectively in health care environments.
Student Outcomes:
1. At the conclusion of the course, the student will possess instant recall of over
600 prefix, suffix and word roots and will use this knowledge to demonstrate
their ability to decode both familiar and unfamiliar medical terminology.
2. At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to perform the
following tasks for each of the medical practice specialties covered:
Define, spell, and pronounce medical vocabulary and word elements.
Recognize frequently encountered conditions and their signs, symptoms and
complications within specialty areas of practice.
Identify diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for common conditions.
Apply knowledge to solve critical thinking activities and scenarios.
Read and understand medical reports/records containing terms and
abbreviations related to each specialty.
Method of Assessment
Your course grade will be based on your percentage of points earned in six
categories as follows:
Quizzes ...................................................................................................................... 15%
Three quizzes durings Weeks 1, 2, and 3.
Tests ............................................................................................................................ 40%
Seven tests during Weeks 4 – 10.
Chapter Review Exercises ...................................................................................... 15%
Assigned for Chapters 18 – 24
Flash Cards ................................................................................................................... 5%
Create for word elements in Chpts 18-22
Terminology Pronunciation (Audio Dictation) ....................................................... 5%
Correctly pronounce terminology in Chpts 18, 19, and 20
Miscellaneous Learning Activities ....................................................................... 20%
As assigned throughout the quarter
Standard Grading Scale:
87-89% = B+
77-79% = C+
67-69% = D+
93-100% = A
83-86% = B
73-76% = C
60-66% = D
90-92% = A80-82% = B70-72% = C< 60 = Retake
Testing Guidelines:
Tests must be taken in the Testing Center which offers a variety of testing times
(see table next page). Report to the Testing Ctr, with a photo ID. Once you log
into Canvas, the testing center will enter a password to get you started. The first
three quizzes have a time limit; however, the seven chapter tests have no time
limit. The quizzes and chapter tests, may be taken twice to help reduce stress.
Testing Center Hours:
Walla Walla Campus
Drop in lab hours. You must check in
a minimum of 50-minutes before
closing time.
1:00 am
— 5:00 pm
9:00 am
10:00 am
4:30 pm
10:00 am
4:00 pm
10:00 am
— 4:30 pm
7:00 pm
2:30 pm
7:00 pm
2:30 pm
7:00 pm
If testing hours will not work, see
Krista to set up alternate proctor.
Clarkston Campus
Room 117
Testing must be started by 4:00 pm.
Testing times are by scheduled
appointment only. Please contact
Shelly Bush to schedule your quizzes
and tests at 758-1772.
(When scheduling your tests, keep in mind that
you get two attempts so you may want to
schedule for two consecutive days.)
Course Policies
Attendance Policy: The course is broken into 10 distinct Modules approximately one week
each. You are required to log in and perform assigned tasks and assignments for each week’s
Module. Plan on investing approximately 100 – 150 hours throughout the 11-week quarter.
Complete each Module before beginning the next one; i.e., DO NOT skip ahead and complete
assignments in future modules—focus on your current content and take the test before begininng
work on a later module/chapter. You may work ahead and move on to a new module as soon as
you complete the previous one.
Late Work Policy: For your own benefit, complete your assignments by their due dates. This
will ensure you get through all assignments by the end of the quarter and are well prepared for
your quizzes and tests. I do realize, however, how busy your lives are and the unpredictability of
work and/or children so I am willing to accept late work if you find it absolutely necessary.
Work is graded immediately following the due date. If you have not completed the assignment, I
will enter a grade of zero at that time. If you complete the assignment late, you will need to send
me a message explaining why -- if you don’t send me a message, I won’t know to go back in
and grade it. CAUTION: Avoid getting behind; my policy is meant for emergencies (or the
occasional “oops”). If you get behind, getting caught back up can quickly become a daunting or
impossible task!
Note: While Test and Chapter Reivew scores will appear immediately in the Canvas grade book,
the remainder of the assignments are manually graded, and I will generally enter scores into the
Canvas grade book the day following the due date. Therefore you will not see a grade
immediately upon completion, so don’t be alarmed.
Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy:
Each student has the right to expect a learning environment in which all students:
• Are given the opportunity and encouragement to succeed • Are free to ask for help, anytime
• Are safe from harassment and discrimination
• Are treated with dignity and respect
• Are provided with clear directions and due dates
• Receive feedback in timely manner
• Receive a response to communications within 24 hours (usually much quicker).
Each student has a responsibility to:
• Support a learning environment that provides opportunities for all students to succeed
• Treat fellow students and instructor with dignity and respect exhibiting common courtesy
• Be accountable for your own actions
• Prepare mentally to be the best you can
• Keep up with the course calendar
•Maintain internet access to our Canvas Classroom
Suggestions for Success
Plan on investing at least 10 hours a week on
learning course content; this compares to five hours of
class plus 1-2 hours daily for study/homework in a
lecture class.
Read all directions carefully so you don’t miss
important instructions.
Pay close attention to the due dates listed for each
module’s assignments. Print the Course Calendar and keep it handy.
Form a study group with others in the class.
To prepare for Chapter tests, you will need to read/study the chapter, practice your
flashcards and play the StudyWare games that come with your book.
Don’t hesitate to contact me for questions.
Students with Disabilities Policy: WWCC has support services for students with
disabilities to ensure our programs and facilities are accessible. Our campus provides reasonable
accommodations to qualified students with disabilities. To learn about services contact: Claudia
Angus; Coordinator of Disability Support Services, Phone: (509) 527-4262, TDD: (509) 5274412, E-mail: Or visit WWCC Website at