




FAX 770-975-6602

Deborah Morris, Principal

Tawana Phillips-Taylor, Assistant Principal



My child’s teacher is: _____________________________________

My child's bus letter and driver is: ___________________________

My child’s carpool number is:________________________________

My child eats lunch at: ____________________________________



They bring their child to me

And hope I'll come to know

How much the offspring means to them,

Their trust in me bestowed.

They bring their child to me

With love and hope and pride,

Looking for a helping hand,

A teacher who will guide.

They bring their child to me,

And our partnership is clear:

To nurture and allow to bloom

A life we both hold dear.

They bring their child to me,

A step toward letting go

And trusting in our special plan

To help the child grow. by Gloria Weber Henbesst






Building and Grounds

Copy/Production Room

Fifth Grade Events



Scholastic Book Fairs

Spring Fling

Yearbook Production

PTA Committees

Bulletin Board

Family Fun Nights- Art, Music and PE

Fifth Grade Celebration



Spirit Wear

Spring Silent Auction

Yearbook Sales



Acworth Elementary PTA Executive Board

Marcie Tarwater

Tyra McKinney



Erin Myers

Carrie Sheheane

Michaele Kutyna

Toby Carmichael








Our vision is that all children will receive the respect, encouragement and opportunities they need to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful, contributing members of a global society.

We embrace the future!


The mission of Cobb County School District is to provide an academically

rigourous, caring and safe educational envioronment in partnership with families, students and the community.



Our vision is to build a community that promotes student achievement

in a nurturing atmosphere.


Our commitment is to create a positive learning environment that encourages every individual to be a life-long learner and a productive member of society.


Acworth All Stars Always Achieve Academically


Be kind.

Be truthful.

Be responsible.

Be respectful.

Be safe.


ACCIDENTS AND ILLNESSES: A licensed pratical nurse serves our children during the day. Minor cuts and bruises are treated. We are not prepared to care for sick children. It is important that children stay home if they are sick or have a fever. It is the Cobb County Board of Education policy that a student having a temperature of

100 degrees or above be sent home immediately. We provide short-term care until parents can pick up their child.

If a child has an accident during the day which requires immediate medical attention, the child will be taken to a local emergency room, if parents cannot be reached, provided the parents have signed a medical release. Judgment in such cases is at the discretion of school authorities. Parents assume all financial responsibility such as ambulance and hospital bills.

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: The After School Program operates each school day from 2:20-6:00 pm. Activities are planned that include art, games, homework assistance and general recreational activities. The cost is $7 per day or $35 per week. There is a yearly, non-refundable application fee of $10.00 per child. Payment for each child is due in advance on or before the first day of the school week or each day the child is in the program.

Students whose fees are not paid in advance will not be allowed to attend.This is a county policy that will be

strictly enforced. Advance payment not used rolls over to the following week. Children are provided with a snack and restroom break after attendance is taken. Students are not permitted to participate in the program unless they are properly registered in the program. Application materials are available at registration and in the school office. The program does not operate on teacher workdays or school holidays, or in case of inclement weather.

Parents should enter the back door next to the busport to pick-up their child. If a parent arrives before 2:30 to pick-up the child from ASP, then the parent should go to the office to pick-up the child.

ATTENDANCE/TARDIES: Regular school attendance is required by law for all children enrolled in public

school. Regular attendance means actual attendance of a child during the entire day of school. If the child comes to school after 11:00 a.m. or leaves before 11:00 a.m., he/she is counted absent for the day. Children arriving in

the classroom after 7:50 a.m. are tardy and must stop by the office to get an admittance slip to the


OFFICE TO SIGN IN THEIR STUDENT. Tardiness disrupts the classroom. Children who are tardy miss much of their early hours of instruction, a critical period of learning during the school day. Please schedule appointments

(doctor, dental, etc.) and extracurricular practices after school hours so students are neither tardy nor absent during the school year. Children should not arrive at school prior to 7:15 a.m. due to our inability to provide supervision of children before that time.

BOOK FAIR: Book fairs are an opportunity for the children to purchase books from a selection of titles appropriate for their age level. All proceeds from the book fairs will be used to purchase items needed in the Media

Center and classrooms.

BREAKFAST PROGRAM: The breakfast program is open to all students. Breakfast is served from 7:15 until 7:40 each school day and consists of milk, fruit or fruit juice and two servings of bread or meat or one serving of each.

The student cost of breakfast is $1.25 per day. The adult price for breakfast is $1.50. Students who receive a reduced lunch price also qualify for a reduced breakfast cost of $.30 per day. Students who have been approved for free lunch also receive a free breakfast. Students are NOT permitted to charge breakfast but may use credits purchased in advance or pay in cash. Students who do not eat breakfast report directly to the classroom after arriving on the bus or from the car drive while students who are eating report directly to the cafeteria.


No student shall bully any person while on school property. Bullying is defined as (1) any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so; or (2) any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm. School property


includes, but is not limited to, (a) the land and improvements which constitute the school (b) any other property or building including school bus stops, wherever located, where any school function or activity is conducted; (c) any bus or other vehicle used in connection with school functions and activities including, but not limited to, school buses, buses leased by the Cobb County School District, and privately-owned vehicles used for transportation to and from school activities.

BUS PERMISSION: Students are to ride their assigned buses only. Studens will not be allowed to ride a different bus unless they have a written note from a parent that has been approved by the office. A bus pass will then be given to the student to present to the bus driver when boarding the bus, verifying permission.

BUZZ IN SYSTEM AT FRONT DOOR:As an added safety feature, Cobb County School District added a buzz in system at the front entrance of each elementary school. Upon arrival, please buzz and you will be greeted by a voice from our office personnel. They will ask you your name and your purposes for visiting our campus. After answering, you will then be “buzzed in” to the building. Please sign in at the desk in the front foyer and get a visitors badge before going anywhere in the building. Thank you for your cooperation!

CAR RIDERS and WALKERS: Are dismissed at 2:20 PM. Students who are car riders must be registered as car riders. This can be done in the office at any time or at Meet and Greet. Each family will receive a car rider number to display in their car window to hang from the center mirror. If you pull into the car rider line and do not have an

Acworth car rider number displayed, you will be asked to park and come inside to verify identifcation before dismissing the student. Any student not picked-up by 2:35 PM will be placed in the After School Program at the parent’s expense of $17.00 (a $10.00 registration fee and a $7.00 daily fee). Parents may not ask their children to come to the car until all cars have pulled up and the teacher on duty releases the child. Teachers will help children into cars. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to walk to the driver side of the car unattended.

CELL PHONES: All cell phones must be turned off in the building. This aligns with the Elementary Student Code of Conduct F. 1 which states: F. PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS/ELECTRONIC DEVICES: 1. Students shall not use, display, or turn on communication beepers, cellular phones, video phones, or electronic devices during the regular school day, including instructional class time, class change time, recess periods, breakfast or lunch. No such devices may be used at any time on school-operated vehicles, including buses. (Level 1) Consequences for an infraction ranges from administrative conference to three (3) days of Administrative Detention. If a child abuses this privilege, the cell phone will be confiscated and the parent will be called to come to school to retrieve the phone.

CHAIN OF COMMAND: If a parent/guardian has a concern, he/she should contact the child’s teacher first to discuss the matter. If further attention needs to be given to the matter, the parent may then cotact a school counselor or one of the school adminisatrators. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE: If your address or phone number at home or work changes, please send the change in writing to the office. IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT WE KNOW WHERE TO CONTACT


CLINIC PROCEDURES: The clinic is designed for health promotion and disease prevention. We cannot diagnose or treat conditions, and therefore we do not give out medications whether prescription or over the counter, for your child. If your child requires medications while at school you will need to follow procedures listed under

Administrative Rules “J” relative to medications form JLCD-2 is included at the back of this handbook for

your convenience). It is important for you to bring any health care needs for your child to the nurse’s attention so that we can help to indentify and manage possible barriers to optimal student learning for him/her. It is very important that we have updated, reliable phone numbers to contact you in the event of an emergency.


CONFERENCE: The county has scheduled one parent teacher conference to be held durin the week of October

22-26. During this week, students are dismissed at 12:10 PM and the school buses run at that time. Students not picked up by 12:30 PM will be placed in the After School Program at the parent’s expense.

COMMUNICATION: Most county, school-wide and PTA correspondence will be sent home with children on

Thursday of each week. Classroom communication and papers may be sent home daily or weekly, at the discretion of the classroom teacher. All students will be provided with agendas to record daily assignments and promote parent teacher communications.

COUNSELOR: Our Acworth counselors teach a curriculum for school counseling designed by the CCSD. They also support students through individual and group sessions which may include friendship skills, grief counseling, study skills, etc. They can also assist at times of loss (such as a death in the family or even loss of a pet). Hoever, please note thatthey are not therapeutically trained couselors and can not hold therapy ssessions with students.

DISCIPLINE: An orderly environment must be maintained for learning to take place. Mutual respect between teacher and child is vital. A feeling of "belonging" and having success in the classroom greatly reduces problems.

Our objective at Acworth is to teach children self-control and responsibility. All children are guided to respect self, others, and property. Calm, respectful, well-mannered behavior is to be evidenced at Acworth Elementary

School. A positive, collaborative relationship between home and school ensures student success. A copy of the

Student Information Guide was sent home to all parents at the beginning of the school year which outlines all policies and levels of discipline in regards to conduct.

DISMISSAL: Children may be dismissed before the school day ends when a parent or guardian comes in person to our school office. Proper identification will be requested before a child is released from school. A note to the teacher on the day a student will leave early helps the teacher plan the child's instructional day. Children will not be allowed to leave with anyone other than the parent or guardian or emergency contact persons under any circumstances, prior to regular dismissal, unless a written notice is given to the office. YOU MAY NOT GO


RELEASE CHILDREN. If there is a change in what your child normally does after school, a note from the parent is required. If an emergency arises, please notify the school office prior to 1:50 P.M. For security reasons, phoned-in dismissal changes WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You may FAX EMERGENCY dismissal changes to (770)

975-6602 BEFORE 1:50 P.M.

IMPORTANT: Due to the activity in the office, hallways and classrooms at the end of the day and to assure the safety of all of our students, we will NOT call children out of the classrooms for early pick-up after

1:50. Parents needing to check their children out early must make arrangements for pick up before 1:50.

DRESS CODE: Every child at Acworth is encouraged to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with the level of formality of the school situation. Attire should not interfere with the school program.

• Shoes must be worn always.

• Students need to wear tennis shoes during Physical Education.

• Closed toed shoes must be worn on Science Lab days.

• Clothing or onamentation displaying or advertising substances illegal for minors is prohibited.

• Baggy pants/shorts must be worn with a belt around the waist.

• Shorts must have a clearly defined leg.

• Boys may not wear muscle shirts.

• Open back shirts or blouses may not be worn.

• Racer back shirts may not be worn.

• No off the shoulder apparel may be worn.

• Spaghetti straps and low cut tops are prohibited for girls. Straps on sundresses must be 2” wide.


• Shorts and skirts worn by girls should be long enough to reach the tips of the fingers along your side.

• See-through garments without proper undergarments are NOT permitted.

• Hoods of hoodies may not be worn inside.

Hats may only be worn for special events.

Please discuss these regulations with your child and consider them as you purchase your child’s school wardrobe.


EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER: A form is provided in the agenda for parents to indicate where their child will go and who will transport their child in the event of snow and/or icy road conditions which necessitate early release of children from school. If you want your child to ride the school bus or daycare center van as usual, this should be indicated as your first choice on the form. If there is inclement weather, the After

School Program WILL NOT be in session. Be sure to check and update this form throughout the year.

EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Absences must be followed by a written explanation with a parent or guardians signature. Emails can not be accepted. Please send this with your child the day he/she returns. Excused and unexcused absences are governed by state law. Reasons for excused absences include personal illness, serious illness or death within the child's immediate family, recognized religious holidays observed by the child's faith, serving as a page in the Georgia General Assembly, or conditions which render school attendance impossible or hazardous to the child's health or safety.

FIELD TRIPS: A field trip is a planned educational experience directly related to and correlated with a particular unit of study or a specialized function of the school. The principal will approve only those trips which can be shown to have a direct and meaningful relationship to the curriculum. When trips are taken, there will be a notice and permission slip brought home by each child participating. A donation is usually needed to cover expenses of the trip. Field trips may be denied to any child exhibiting any behavior which is deemed as unsafe by the teacher or administrator.

HOMEWORK: Homework is defined as necessary additional preparation in a given subject area which is assigned by the child's teacher. This extra practice is to be completed within a specified time limit depending on the grade level of the student. Children must independently complete the assignment at home. Homework policies will be shared by classroom teachers.

HOURS: Classes begin promptly at 7:50 AM and conclude when dismissal begins at 2:10 PM Monday through

Friday. Please arrivie on time. Students may not be dropped off at school before 7:15 AM. Teachers report at this time and supervision is not in place prior to 7:15 AM.

INSTRUCTIONAL TIME: The goal of home and school is to provide the best educational experience possible. We solicit your cooperation in guarding valuable instructional time. Please do not go to the classrooms unless you have checked into the office and the teacher has been notified of your arrival. THANK YOU!

INSURANCE: School accident insurance is available to children during the first few weeks of school. Information will be included in the folder students bring home the first day of school.

LOST AND FOUND: Items left at school are placed in a lost and found bin located outside the dining room area.

All unclaimed items are donated at the end of each quarter to a local charity. LABELING YOUR CHILD'S

BELONGINGS will assist us in finding the owner.


LUNCH PROGRAM: The Acworth lunchroom offers many choices of menu. Parents are invited to have a school lunch with their child at any time, but must sign in at the office and put on a visitor sticker before going to the lunchroom . No fast food is allowed to be brought in to students. There are special tables for parents, their child, and their child’s guest. A student may pay for lunches for the week, or longer, or pay cash on a daily basis.

Prices for 2011-2012 school year are: Elementary Student Lunch: $2.15; Reduced Lunch: $.40; Visitor Lunch $3.25;

Extra milk: $.60. You are encouraged to complete a Free and Reduced Price Meal Application if you think you meet the eligibility standards. The applications are available at Acworth Elementary prior to the first day of school. In addition, an application will be provided in the student folder that your child will receive on the first day of school.

Once you have submitted a completed application, the notice of approval or disapproval will be sent home with your child. The processing time can take up to ten (10) working days for eligibility determination; therefore, you will need to either pack a lunch for you child or give them money to purchase school meals during this time. You may visit the website at to fill out an online application.

Once again, in support of the Acworth Elementary Café, no outside food is allowed to be brought in to

students. We appreciate your understanding, support and cooperation regarding this matter.

Please visit the Food and Nutrition Services website for current meal prices, menus, nutrient analysis, and staff contacts. Go to:

( )

(click) Lunch Menus (located on the left side of the page). This will take you directly to the Food and Nutrition Services website. Meal prices are located at the bottom of the page. The link to our menus is at the top of the page. Nutrient analysis, staff contacts and more can be accessed from our Food and Nutrition Services website.

MAKING UP MISSED CLASSWORK: If a child is absent for only 1 or 2 days the teacher will work with the child to make-up the missed work when the child returns. The student will have the number of days missed due to absence to make up the work. If a child is out for 3 or more days, a parent should call the office by 8:30 AM and request make-up work. It may be picked up in the school office after 2:45 PM. When a child is absent from school, and the absence is unexcused, the teacher is not obligated to provide make-up work.

MEDIA CENTER: Acworth has a well-supplied media center. We encourage parent volunteers in the media center.

Second through fifth grade children may check out three items at a time if they wish. Children are encouraged to return books by the due date. Any book damaged beyond repair is the responsibility of the child. (See Board Policy


MOMENT OF SILENCE: We will be observing a moment of silence at the beginning of each day as required by the offical Code of Georgia Annontated.

PARENT RESOURCE ROOM: One of our Title I initiatives is having a Parent Resource Room located in our school.

It is located in a room off of the media center and materials there are available for parent checkout. PLEASE


PARENT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: We ecourage parents to volunteer in the Media Center, PTA, and in the classrooms. Please contact the school or PTA representative if you have a desire to serve. Please be aware that children not enrolled at Acworth may not accompany you during your volunteer time.

PARTIES: Cobb County Board of Education Policy stipulates only one party is allowed each year. That party is held just prior to winter holidays. Thank you in advance for not requesting parties at other times of the year.

Additionally, invitations to birthday parties or get-togethers MAY NOT be distributed at school unless each

student in the classroom receives an invitation. This limits embarrassment and hurt feelings if a child is not invited or is unable to attend the activity. You may contact your child's teacher if you would like to supply "treats” on your child's birthday. These treats will be served at lunch. Balloons and flowers may not be delivered to


classrooms as they are a distraction and interfere with instructional time. Please do not bring or send these items to students during the time they are at school. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

PARTNERS IN EDUCATION: Acworth is fortunate to have the Acworth Business Association, Marietta Golden

“K,” the Kiwanis Club, AMEC, Publix at Baker Road, Atlanta Budukon, PNC Bank, Bounce America, Marietta Eye Clinic and Steve B’s as our Partners in Education. Partners in Education is a national program designed to mutually benefit the school and businesses. These partnerships generate additional support for our staff and students.

PERFORMING ARTS: The Cobb County School System provides a performing arts program for all children in kindergarten through eighth grade. These performances are usually brought to the school during our Cultural Arts

Day or children may be transported to these performances by Cobb County School System buses during normal school hours. A donation from parents is requested to help cover the cost of these performances.

PERSONAL ITEMS: Children MAY NOT bring personal items to school. Electronic hand held games are not allowed

Cell phones may be turned off and kept in the student’s book bag during school hours as they are to be used for emergency purposes only. In the event an item is allowed on a special occasion by the classroom teacher, written notification of the event will be sent home. At all other times, items will be taken from the child and kept by the teacher or administrator until a parent can come to retrieve them.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Physical education is a vital part of development of the total child. A written excuse is necessary for a child to be excused from physical education. Children must provide a note from a physician if they are to miss more than three consecutive days of physical education classes. An excuse for physical education from total participation of any duration or restrictive participation beyond five consecutive days shall be confirmed by a physician's statement specifying the type of illness or injury and the nature and duration of the restriction. In order to participate, tennis or athletic shoes must be worn on P.E. days.

PTA MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the Acworth PTA is encouraged for all staff and parents. Grandparents, step-parents, other relatives and anyone else interested in Acworth Elementary are eligible for membership. The cost for membership is $7.OO per person.

PUPIL RECORDS: If your child transfers to another school, his/her records will be sent to the new school when we receive a request from the receiving school. Please notify our office in writing at least two days in advance of a move so that records can be prepared and charges cleared. Release forms must be signed by a parent or guardian before special education records may be sent. Your child's records are available for inspection by parents or guardians upon request.

REPORT CARDS: Report cards are sent home each nine weeks in second through fifth grades. Teachers will send an “Academic Alert” for students during the marking period if the child is experiencing difficulty in any subject area. Fourth quarter report cards will be mailed. Each student will bring a self-addressed envelope with three stamps attached in May.

The key used in reporting progress in grades 2-3 Standards-Based.

Key to Performance Indicators:

3+ = Exceed Standards, makes applications and inferences beyond expectations

3 = Meets Standards – Consistently and independently

2 = Progressing towards meeting standards

1 = Limited progress or does not meet standards

Key to Learning Skills and Behaviors :

S= Successful – Student displays appropriate learning skills and behaviors


P = Progressing – Student is progressing; displays appropriate learning skills and behaviors most of the time

N = Needs Improvement – Student does not display learning skills and behaviors that lead to success

The key used in reporting progress in grades 4-5 is:









F- 0-69%

Marks of 1, 2, 3,3+ (in grades 1-3) and A,B, C, or D (in grades 4-5) indicate that the student's performance complies with State Rule 160-4-2.13 on Grading Systems which establishes 70 as a minimum passing score.

Handwriting, Behavior, Work/Study Habits, Physical Education, Music, and Art grades will be Primary 1,2,3 and

Intermediate O,S,N.

RTI (RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION): This group assists parents, teachers, and children when a child is having academic and/or behavior difficulties in school. The team is composed of teachers who pool together their expertise and knowledge to assist the classroom teacher with different strategies. At times, an administrator, the school psychologist, the school counselor, the academic coach and the referring teacher may be asked to attend.

Special education teachers act as consultants. The team meets regularly. Parents are often invited to join the team in order to provide insightful information and for the team to make suggestions for the home environment.


Second –Fifth Grade: Checkpoint Asssements

Grade 2- English and Math

Grade 3-5 – English, Math and Science

Third Grade: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Third Grade: Developmental Reading Assessment

Third and Fifth Grade: IOWA Test of Basic Skills

Third and Fifth Grade: Writing Assessment

ACCESS- ELL students only

GAA- Georgia Alternative Assessment (identified and pproved for specific students)

Georgia Criterion Reference Competency Test (Grades 3-5)

The CRCT is designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in Georgia’s

Performance Standards. Georgia law mandates require that all students in grade one through eight take the CRCT in the content areas of Reading, ELA and mathematics, science and Social-Studies. Second grade students take a

“mock” CRCT test in the areas of Reading, ELA and Math only. The CRCT is given in mid-April every school year.

Students in third and fifth grades must make a minimum score of 800 (reading for 3 rd and reading and math for

5 th ) on the CRCT to be promoted to the next grade level (per GA Law). In order to be prepared for the reading and math portions of the CRCT parents must ensure that their children practice reading independently for a minimum of thirty minutes each evening and memorize basic grade level math facts.

TEXTBOOKS: Textbooks are furnished by the Cobb County Board of Education and the State of Georgia and are used as a resource to teach grade level Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. Due to varied instructional media and flexibility of the instructional program offered, it may not always be necessary for each child to be issued a specific text for each of the subject areas. It is important for every child to have available those books and materials most meaningful and appropriate to his/her needs. Lost or damaged textbooks will not be replaced until the assessed debt is paid. (Board Policy IFAC)


TRANSPORTATION: All precautions are taken at the school to insure safety. We have staff members on duty while cars and buses are loading and unloading in the designated areas on the school campus. The bus area, located on the right side of the building (first driveway off Cantrell Rd.) is designated "FOR BUSES ONLY" during the school day. STUDENTS SHOULD NEVER BE DROPPED OFF ON CANTRELL ROAD OR INSIDE THE FIRST

DRIVEWAY BY THE LOADING DOCK. Car drop-off and pick-up areas are located on the left side of the building and may be accessed by the second driveway off Cantrell Rd. Parents who wish to park and enter the school may do so from the parking lot located to the left of the building.

TUTORING: Teachers are not allowed to be paid to tutor children in their own classes. You may check out books over the summer for enrichment, but may not check out materials which have not yet been presented to the child.

In order to account for materials checked out, only parents or guardians may receive loaned materials (NOT

TUTORS). A school official must collect a deposit equal to the value of the items. These items must be returned at least one week prior to the first day of school. At that time, deposit money will be refunded.

VISITING THE SCHOOL: A warm welcome is extended to parents and interested persons to visit the school.

Upon entering the school campus after our school day begins, all parents and visitors are to report

immediately to the office. For security reasons, all visitors must sign in and be cleared. Each visitor and volunteer will be issued a badge which indicates that they are approved to be in the school. Anyone not wearing a badge will be addressed by the staff and directed out of the area and back to the office to fulfill the sign in process. This safely monitors the school environment. For people wishing to spend formal time observing in classes, there are school guidelines which are to be followed. Anyone violating these guidelines will be requested to leave. A request to observe in a classroom has to be approved by administration for a specific date and time. Classroom observations may not be used to evaluate children or staff. Evaluating children other than your own violates the FERPA Federal

Privacy Act. Staff evaluations are the responsibility of the school administrator who is trained in staff evaluation techniques.


WATCH D.O.G.S.,invites fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or other father figures to volunteer at least one day all day at their child’s/student’s school during the school year. The program goal is to help every school to be positively influenced by the committed involvment of fathers and father figures in lives of their children and students.

WatchDOG volunteers perform a variety of tasks during their volunteer day including monitoring the school entrance, assisting with unloading and loading of buses and cars, monitoring the lunch room, or helping in the classroom with a teacher’s guidance by working with small groups of students on homework, flashcards, or other activites.




The Georgia State Board of Education defines a gifted student as "...a student who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual, and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities."

Cobb County provides services for identified gifted students at all levels. The gifted program is designed to meet the very specific needs of these students and extend competencies in the areas of cognitive skills, learning skills, research and reference skills, communication skills, and metacognitive skills beyond the experience of the regular classroom.

Cobb's gifted program is part of the School Improvement Division and is funded by the state. The Georgia State

Department of Education governs the procedures for identifying and placing students in the gifted program.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for gifted services, the criteria must be met in three of the following four areas or psychometrically through qualifying test scores in only areas 1 and 2:

1. Mental Ability

• 96th percentile on a nationally normed test

3. Creativity

• 90th percentile on a nationally normed grades 3-5 test

• 99 th percentile for grades K-2

2. Achievement

• 90th percentile on Total Reading, Total

Math, or Composite on a nationally

normed test


• 90th percentile on a standardized

creativity rating scale


• A superior student-generated product


• A superior student-generated product or


or performance (90% on scale of 1-100%)

4. Motivation

• 90th percentile on a standardized

motivation rating scale


• A superior student-generated product

or performance (90% on a scale of 1-100%)

* A qualifying score on a nationally normed test is required to meet the criteria in at least one


* Any data used to establish eligibility in one area shall not be used to establish eligibility in

another area.

* Any test score used to establish eligibility shall be current within two years.

* Outside testing may not be substituted for school generated data to determine eligibility.

* Only one of the criteria may be met by a score on a standardized rating scale.

* A product/performance may be used to meet eligibility in only one area.

• Third Grade:

• Fifth Grade:


Elementary students have three opportunities for evaluation for gifted services:

All students are evaluated through system-wide assessment in the fall.

All students are evaluated through system-wide assessment in the fall.

*** No referrals are necessary for second and fourth grade students. ***



A student already participating in a gifted program in Georgia will most likely be transferred into the Cobb County program. However, the student's records and test data will be reviewed by the eligibility committee before a final placement decision is made. Students who transfer from out-of-state must meet Georgia requirements for placement in the Cobb County program. Test data from a previous school will be considered if the test results are less than two years old and if they meet the Georgia eligibility criteria. Referrals for transfer students are available from the school office or from the Target teacher.


Gifted services must meet Georgia Performance Standard objectives while providing differentiated curriculum based on the assessed needs of the student. This gifted curriculum includes a more elaborate, complex, and in-depth student of major ideas, problems, and themes than would ordinarily be available in the regular classroom.

The curriculum blends instruction in math, science, social studies, and language arts into units that examine central themes, issues, problems, and topics.

Fundamental to curriculum developed for gifted students are learning experiences that develop the use of thinking skills and processes. This instruction enables students to apply these skills and make informed decisions, to understand and apply concepts, to make judgments and to define, create, and implement strategies for solving problems.



Acworth Elementary School participates in a program called the “Safe Rider Program”. Your child’s safety and well being are very important. This program will improve the safety of the school bus ride and make it more enjoyable as well. Please take a moment to review the information below that highlights how the program works.

Unsafe behavior on the ride home:

 If unsafe behavior occurs before the bus leaves school, the student will be provided with two options:

(1) Correct the behavior and continue home or (2) be removed from the bus and remain in ASP at the parent’s expense until a parent or guardian can pick the student up.

 If unsafe behavior occurs after the bus leaves the school, the driver would call their field coordinator.

The field coordinator would then meet the bus and assess the situation. If necessary, the field coordinator would then remove the student from the bus and return the student to school. The student would be checked into ASP at the parent’s expense until a parent or guardian can pick the student up.

Graduated Discipline Plan:

 1st Offense – Driver/Student Conference & Parent Contacted (Courtesy Notice.) Student on probation and re-assigned to the front of Bus for 1 week.

 2nd Offense – Driver/Student Conference & Parent Contacted. (Courtesy Notice.) Student on probation and re-assigned to the front of Bus for 2 weeks.

 3rd Offense* – Referral submitted, 1 Day Afternoon Bus Suspension. Parents will pick up their child after school, or pay for ASP care. Upon return student placed on probation and re-assigned to the front of Bus for 1 week.

*Safe Rider Class and Behavior Contract Required.

 4th Offense – Referral submitted, 3 Days Afternoon Bus Suspension. Parents will pick up their child after school, or pay for ASP care. Upon return student placed on probation and re-assigned to the front of Bus for 2 weeks.

 5th Offense* - Referral submitted, 5 Days Bus Suspension. *Conference with Parent, Student, Driver,

Transportation Supervisor and School Administrator to discuss possible Bus suspension for the remainder of the year.

Additionally, if a student is going to ride a bus home with another student which is not his/her assigned bus, a wirtten notice must be sent to school by the parent and brought to the office for approval. The bus driver will accept a pass given to the student by the office when the student boards the bus. Without this pass, the student may not ride another bus home, other than his/her originally assigned bus.



Cobb County School District

A community with a passion for learning!

School Health Services


Form JLCD-2

If medication can be given at home, before or after school hours, please do so. If medication must be given during school hours, this Form must be completed and filed with the School Clinic.

STUDENT’S NAME: _____________________________________________________________________

TEACHER: ________________________________________________GRADE: _____________________

I authorize the Cobb County School District to assist my child in taking this medication. I understand that:

Medications must be in the original labeled container. Pharmacists may provide two labeled bottles for this purpose. Medications sent in an unlabeled container will not be given. If your child takes daily medication, please send an extra bottle to be used for field trips and After School Program.

Written permission of the parent/guardian is required for the administration of all medications.

The parent/guardian must inform the school of any medication changes. New medication or new doses will not be given unless a new form is completed.

Medications must be brought to the office/clinic by the parent/guardian.

Unused medication will be disposed of unless picked up within one week after medication is discontinued. If medication is given throughout the school year, medication will be disposed of according to the medication Rule Section IX.

NAME OF MEDICATION: __________________________________________________________________

DOSE ________________ ROUTE * ______________ TIME(S) to be given___________________________

DATE TO DISCONTINUE MEDICATION: _____________________________________________________

CONDITION/ILLNESS REQUIRING MEDICATION: ____________________________________________

POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS, IF ANY: _________________________________________________________

Licensed Health Care Provider_____________________

Licensed Health Care Provider’s Phone: ____________________

I hereby release and discharge and further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, or reimburse the Cobb County Board of

Education, the Cobb County School District, its employees, agents, representatives, and all other officials, from any and all claims, actions, suits, losses, costs, expenses and liability in case of accident or any other mishap because of negligence in administering such medication or because of side effects, illness or any other injury which might occur to my child through administering such medication. And, I hereby release said aforementioned board, district, employees and officials from any liability, suit or claims of whatever nature and kind, which might arise as a result of administering the medication in accord with this request.

_______________________________________ ______________________


Parent/Guardian Signature




Phone: ____________________ Phone: ______________________ Cell Phone: ______________________

* Route: The method that medication is administered, such as by mouth, injection, inhaler, rectum, etc.

