Semester Honors Project
Honors Latin III
Nōmen ___________________________
Diēs __________________Pd._________
Your assignment:
 Research a topic from a list of choices, write a paper/journal/Power Point presentation, and create a product.
Language: Compare Italian to Latin, and create a journal of similarities.
 You should create a free account on DuoLingo, and share your progress with me (use my school email.)
 You should get to at least the first checkpoint (or a similar amount of lessons if you had already started learning Italian
on Duo Lingo previously.)
 While you are leaning Italian, you should keep a list of similarities between Latin and Italian that help you understand
the language. For example, in the first lesson, you should explain how endings for some feminine words are the same,
or that the word for “man” is similar to the word for “human” in Latin.
Mythology: Read a myth not covered in class (Get approval), and create a piece of art inspired by the myth.
 You should read a myth that we did not learn about in class, then explain the myth and find art inspired by this myth.
You should present this information on a Power Point or Prezi.
 You should then create a new artistic interpretation of the myth – a painting, drawing, small sculpture or other.
Mythology: Research a common purposes of myth, and create an original myth.
 You should research a type of myth – myths that teach lessons of human behavior (especially related to hubris), myths
that explain things in nature, and/or myths that explain societal norms (especially related to xenia.) Present your
findings as a paper, or a Power Point/Prezi
 Create an original myth. This should be a modern interpretation of a myth or an original myth set in ancient times or
in modern times. Your myth should include one major theme or framework of mythology.
Roman art: Research art found in Roman houses, and create a mosaic or fresco.
 You should learn about how each form was created, what were some common themes, where could they be found, and
show some examples of ancient art that survives to today. Your findings should be presented in a Power Point or
 Create a piece of artwork – a mosaic, a fresco, a vase, or a small sculpture that is inspired by a piece of artwork found
in a Roman house.
Roman architecture: Research a famous Roman building (Colosseum, Pantheon, Domus Aurea) or a type of Roman building
(Roman housing, aqueducts, amphitheaters) then create a model or diorama.
 Explain how this type of building was made, common construction elements, etc. Present your findings on a Power
Point or Prezi.
 Create a 3D model of your building type or a diorama.
Archeology: Research a site location (Pompeii, Herculaneum, Alexandria), and create a visitor’s guide pamphlet.
 You should include a history of excavations, current excavations and conservation issues related to your site. You
should present your findings in a paper or a Power Point/Prezi.
 Create a visitor’s guide to your site, or a conservation awareness pamphlet for your site.
Honors Latin Assignment
Grading Rubric
You fully researched your topic and included all major elements;
You included pictures when relevant; You provided your sources.
Research Presentation:
Your research is presented in your own words, with quotes cited as needed; You included pictures
where relevant; Your information is given in a logical, organized way and is of a presentational quality.
Your product is of a high quality, shows effort, and is representative of your research.