ATTACHMENT G Course Review Questionnaire COURSE REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Provider District: PEIMS Course Name: PEIMS Code: As part of the review process, your course will be measured against the iNACOL National Standards of Quality for Online Courses and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Completing Part 1 below will assist the reviewers in scoring specific areas within the National Standards of Quality for Online Courses. Completing Part 2 below will assist the reviewers in scoring coverage of the TEKS for those instances within an online course when the instructional activities led by the online instructor completes the coverage of state curriculum standards to ensure TEKS alignment. Instructions: Please complete Parts 1 & 2 for the specific course listed above. This document will expand as it is completed. Please note the following: Including more details in the document increases the opportunity for reviewers to locate evidence to support both The National Standards of Quality for Online Courses and the TEKS. Including screen shots assists reviewers in seeing specific examples of how the National Standards were addressed. Including URLs/web address links simplifies communications. Including specific directions for where to locate material within the course assists reviewers. Refer to the National Standards Supplemental Document to clarify the questions in Part 1. ( Part 1: National Standards 1) In what manner is information provided to students, parents and mentors on how to communicate with the online instructor and course provider, including information on the process for these communications? (NS A8) (Be sure to address all three audiences in detail and the process for these communications.) 2) Specifically describe the types and frequencies of planned interactions between instructor and students as well as the interactions among students. (NS B10) (Describe how the learning activities encourage meaningful exchanges between instructor and students as well as among students, through, but not limited to, emails, discussions, synchronous chats, simulations, lab activities, and group projects. Be sure to address the frequencies for all planned exchanges.) 3) Describe how assessment materials provide the instructor with the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways? (NS C5) (Describe how assessment instruments provide the instructor with the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways. Include specific examples and places to locate the examples.) 4) Where are technology requirements (including hardware, browser, software, etc…) specified for this course? (NS D5) (Describe where these technology requirements are specified and how students, parents, and school personnel will be able to view and be made aware of them. Be specific.) 5) How does this course incorporate the TxVSN Accessibility Guidelines and the nationally endorsed standards for online textbooks from the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS)? (NS D10) (Describe how course design has made this course accessible to all students, including those that may have a disability. Be sure to address the LMS and any documents contained in the courses, including supplemental materials such as textbooks or workbooks. Make sure to include specific examples and places to locate the examples.) 6) How does student information remain confidential, as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)? (NS D11) (Describe the course procedures for reporting grade and student information so that it complies with FERPA. Include specific examples and places to locate the examples within the course.) 7) How is the course evaluated regularly for effectiveness? Are findings used as a basis for improvement? How often is the course evaluated? (NS E2) (Describe in detail all methods used to evaluate the course’s effectiveness. Describe the frequency of conducted course evaluations and how findings are used to improve the course. Be sure to address how student, instructor, content expert, instructional designer, and outside reviewers are used to evaluate the course for effectiveness.) 8) How often is the course updated to ensure that the content is current? (NS E3) (Describe how often the course is updated so that the content remains current, engaging, relevant, and aligned with the TEKS and National Standards for Online Learning.) 9) Describe how the course provider offers the course instructor or school coordinator assistance with technical support and course management. (NS E6) (Describe the processes and procedures the instructor may use to obtain assistance with technical issues. Be specific and give examples.) 10) Describe how the course provider offers student orientation training prior to the course starting. List the basic objectives of the training. (NS E10) (Describe the method of delivery and objectives for this training. Be sure to include how the course orientation training addresses some of the practical aspects of distance learning such as using the LMS, managing time, hardware, and strategies for student success in an online environment. Be specific and give examples.) Comments (Optional): Please use the space below to explain anything additional that you would like Course Review to know about how this course meets the National Standards for Online Learning. Part 2: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Alignment Reviewers search courses to find evidence of the TEKS being taught. However, there may be instances where additional information may be useful in explaining how this course meets the TEKS. Comments (Optional): Please use the space below to explain anything additional that you would like Course Review to know about how this course meets the TEKS.