Bus Policy - Flowerdale Primary School

Flowerdale Primary School
‘Small schools are great schools’
School Bus Policy
This School bus policy provides guidelines to:
Ensure that all families with students attending Flowerdale Primary School are provided with
a safe and efficient bus service that respects the rights and well-being of others.
Ensure all students and staff are well protected from accident or incident while travelling on
Ensure that students are encouraged and supported to develop independent and safe
behaviours while travelling on buses.
Ensure that the interior bus environment is safe and provides a secure mode of transport for
students and staff.
Support staff duty of care requirements.
Teach students about road safety and safe procedures and behaviours while travelling in any
To ensure that school staff are informed of the identity and needs of students travelling on
the bus at any given time.
Ensure the bus driver that there is adequate support from the school.
To ensure that an appropriate bus timetable is available. This timetable should include
times, bus stop locations, names of students getting on and off at the various stops and the
name of the parents responsible for the students alighting from the bus.
Students travelling on the Flowerdale school bus are encouraged to demonstrate safe and
appropriate behaviours while travelling on the bus. This includes:
Remaining seated during travel, being seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
Courteous behaviour to other bus travellers.
Getting off at appropriate bus stops in a safe manner.
An awareness of road safety. No child will be permitted to cross a road unsupervised.
Demonstrating a respectful manner and behaviour towards the bus driver.
Parents will support the school to deliver a safe and functional school bus program by assisting
with the following:
Ensuring their children understand and agree to the bus behavioural expectations.
Communicating any changes to the student bus pick-up drop-off routine in a timely manner
via phone message or note.
Informing the school principal or bus coordinator promptly when any issues of concern
regarding bus travel or student behaviour arise.
Supervising their children at the bus stop in the morning and ensuring that school
recommendations are followed in that a designated adult is available to meet and escort
their children home after bus drop-off.
The school cannot be held responsible for unsupervised students at bus stops. However, we
strongly recommend that the guidelines provided here are followed in order to ensure student
Healthy physical environment
Students are reminded to:
 Remain with their parents for the morning bus pick ups
 Assemble in front of the F/1/2 room undercover at the end of each day when travelling on the
 Wait for the bus duty teacher to do a roll call before boarding the bus at the end of each day
 Remain in their seats until the bus comes to complete stop
 Bring a signed note (or phone call) from their parents when getting off at a different stop
 Bring a signed note(or phone call) from their parents when travelling on the bus for the first time
or occasional days (new students to the school must arrange for bus travel at the start of the
year through the school office).
 Listen to the staff instructions while travelling on a bus with teachers
 Talk to the students beside them rather than turning around in their seats
 Leave school bags on the floor and away from the aisle
 Refrain from putting their feet on the seats and keep feet clear of the aisle
 Ask the bus driver respectfully before opening windows or adjusting fans
 Refrain from drawing on fogged windows
 Keep food and drinks in bags
 Walk down the aisle
 Keep bags on back while moving through the bus
 Be tolerant and patient when waiting to board or disembark the bus
 Play games that are quiet and not distracting for the bus driver
Healthy social environment
Students are reminded to:
Model the correct bus travelling behaviour
Speak appropriately to everyone on the bus including the driver and refrain from bullying
Help each other when boarding and disembarking the bus
Use manners, patience and tolerance when travelling and moving on the bus
Tell teaching staff about problems on the bus each day
Let the bus driver know about inappropriate behaviour when the bus is still
Talk and play games with the person beside you (not behind, in front or across aisles)
Make good choices when choosing their seat at the start of the term
Listen to the bus duty teacher and bus driver at all times
Learning and skills
 Programs on road and vehicle safety will be implemented as needed
 Students will be encouraged to develop independence and self-regulation of behaviour
 Students must wait in line and wait for their stop off and pick up in a patient manner
Emergency Management
In case of emergencies which may include natural disasters, accidents or other, the following
procedures will be put in place:
Flowerdale Primary School Emergency Management Plan will be implemented. DEECD will be
alerted as per guidelines.
On Code Red days the school bus will not run and the school will be closed.
In case of emergency on the bus the Bus Emergency Plan will be implemented (see attached).
If a fire emergency occurs during the school day and it is not safe for bus travel (as per
department and emergency service guidelines) students will be cared for by staff at school until
alternative arrangements are made.
In case of bus breakdown the driver will notify the school immediately. Staff from school will
notify parents and if necessary, arrange for the conveyance of students to/from school.
The bus driver will have a Flowerdale Staff Contact List and will make contact with the school if
Behaviour Management
Staff and students are encouraged to discuss and revise the appropriate behaviours and familiarize
themselves with road safety in and around vehicles to assist with the implementation of this policy.
At any given time and on a regular basis, school staff will travel on the bus and reinforce acceptable
bus travel behaviour.
Consequences for unsafe and bullying behaviour exhibited while travelling by school bus will
result in the consequences outlined below:
A first incident will result in a warning. The principal may determine that a parent must
accompany their child on the bus for a period of time to monitor behaviour.
A second incident will result in suspension from the bus for a period of up to one week.
A third offence will result in a student being banned from the bus for a considerable length of
time, as determined by the principal. In cases of severe behaviour breaches the student may be
permanently expelled from the bus and should be driven to school by their parent.
Engaging children, educators, staff and families
Staff and families are provided with information on procedures and expected bus behaviours by
newsletters, verbal conversations, emails and reminder notes sent home.
Legislation and Standards
Bus Safety Act 2011
Monitoring and Review
The school council and staff regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of the School Bus Policy
yearly. This policy will be used in conjunction with the:
Student Engagement Policy
Flowerdale Anti-bullying Policy
Emergency Management Plan
Bus Emergency Plan
Bus Safety Act 2011
DEECD School Bus Program Policy and Procedures 2013
Review and ratified by school Council in June 2014
Next Review January 2015