Swampscott Energy Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at 7:00 pm Swampscott Town Hall, First Floor Meeting Room Members Attending: Neal Duffy, Wayne Spritz, Tara Gallagher, Christine DePalma, Thomas Dreeben Non-Members Attending: Pete Kane (Town Planner/Energy Manager), Dan Dragani (Asst. Town Engineer), Gargi Cooper (School Committee) Agenda 1) 7:00 to 7:10 - Approval of previous meeting minutes – approved 2) 7:10 to 7:40 – High School Energy Tracking Program – Dan Dragani, Tom Dreeben reporting. In collecting the data and looking at what the students collected, we learned that we did not know how everything at the high school was tied in. We are still trying to figure out how the solar panels are tied in. We need National Grid to tell us what the numbers mean, specifically on meter #2 and then we can connect the dots. There is a lot of data that makes a lot of sense. We see the main electric usage going down as we started doing the HVAC improvements. Possible future projects/project expansion could include senior projects where students could count lights in a hallway or in classes and then see what happens if they are turned off - they could see if there are savings. They could turn off the computers that are on at night. The students are going see how much the computers are drawing to see if there could be significant savings in turning them off. There is a control system for the lighting in the hallways and the students were going to experiment with that. Dan Dragani set the lights on a new schedule 11:00PM – 5:00 AM to shut off as a fail safe. We can possibly expand that schedule so the students can look at what the expected savings would be. The committee will invite Chris Ratley to our next meeting and discuss the program to date as well as future plans. 3) 7:40 to 8:20 – Green Communities Grant Application – Pete and Dan put together a breakdown of streetlight inventory. The estimate is over $250,000 but does not include the utility incentive that the town would receive. Part of the admin cost in the proposal may go to an energy expeditor (Energy company). Pete – remaining steps – we need to show proof of ownership. The utility has to provide a letter off support. We can get a letter of support from local reps. Streetlight project approved unanimously by the committee for submission to Green Communities. 4) 8:20 to 8:50 - HVAC Capital Improvements update – Dan Dragani – The HVAC capital improvements at the high school have shown significant savings. 15% reduction in power from Nat Grid (March) - $4,500. Total savings in Feb. because of HVAC and Cogen is $7,500. 17.5% reduction in gas savings. We are seeing savings without being weather normalized and assuming we are likely colder this year, the savings may be even more significant. The dollar savings for gas use is still hard to figure out. Dan met with a design engineer who came up with a list of items we should address with energy management system, boiler, systems in general. All low cost no cost items to implement. Dragani emphasized the importance of the program because the school and town worked together and achieved a great goal and we see the power of understanding what we have. 6) 8:50 to 9:00 - Any other business that comes before the committee – commissioning The committee discussed some recent HVAC issues with the Police Station. Committee members expressed concern that we were experiencing such issues so soon after the building was finished and wants to make sure that the town is holding contractors responsible for work performed. Dan will speak with the police chief about these issues.