Pupil Premium report for April to August 2014

Wayland Junior Academy Watton
April 2014 – August 2014
Pupil Premium Funding
Funding for this period was £29,292
The academy received
£953 for Year 3-6 FSM6 pupils
£900 for LAC pupils
£300 for Forces pupils
(numbers: 49) £20,648
(numbers 2 ) £1,800
(numbers 1 ) at £900
Key objective for 2014 Summer Term:
To improve attainment and achievement across the Pupil Premium pupils in all
years (Yr 3 – Yr 6) with a clear focus on raising standards in Writing and
Mathematics enabling pupils to get at least a secure L4.
1.Use of Teaching Assistants to:
Take small intervention groups (E/M)
with focus on weakest pupil premium
pupils Y4-6
Pupil Premium pupils close to L4 and to
speed up slow progress
Provide in-class support for weak Pupil
Premium readers who are making
slower than expected progress
Provide in-class intervention support in
Literacy and Numeracy in Y3 to ensure
progress does not slow down over
W - PP pupils made faster progress than the
other Y6 pupils (+0.6 APS)
R – PP pupils made more progress than the
other Y6 (+0.8 APS)
M – PP pupils made the same progress as the
other pupils
W – PP pupils made far less progress than other
Y5 (-0.6 APS)
R – PP pupils made less progress than other Y5
pupils (- 0.4 APS)
M – PP pupils made far less progress than other
Yr 5 pupils (0.5 APS)
W – PP pupils made slightly less progress than
other pupils (0.3 APS)
R – PP pupils make more progress than others
(+1.1 APS)
M – PP pupils made less progress than other Y4
pupils (-0.4 APS)
W – PP pupils made faster progress than other
pupils (+0.8 APS)
R - PP pupils made slightly less progress than
other pupils (-0.2 APS) but still above expected
progress targets
M – PP pupils made greater progress than
others in Y3 (+0.7)
2. Use of Inclusion Officer to:
In-class emotional/social support to PP
pupils who are struggling with learning
To provide specialist inclusion support
for those pupils whose behaviour or
emotional state is impacting on their
learning and those around them.
3. Specialist teacher support to promote high
attainment in Gifted and Talented pupils in
Maths in Y5-6 aiming to increase L5 and gain a
L6 (through small intervention groups and
breakfast group).
Numbers of pupils referred to
Inclusion Officer
PP =
Non PP =
Summer Term
Number of G&T Maths PP Pupils in Y6 who
achieved L4 ( %)
L5 ( %)
L6 ( %) First L6
(against others)
4. Accessing social and emotional development,
raising self-esteem and key skills through:
a) PP pupils accessing residential trip
b) PP pupils accessing after academy clubs
5. All PP pupils in Y6 to access a ‘Maximise
your Potential’ day to explore transition and
study skills ready for Y7
6. To provide basic resources, common and
tailored across the year groups to support the
weakest Maths PP pupils in Y4-6.
Numerical training for staff
Numerical resources
Number of PP pupils referred to incidents of
poor behaviour or absent at transition academy.
Positive transition further reinforced by Summer
Resources available across the academy, several
staff trained to work within class or in smaller
intervention group activity.
Staff / Resources
Breakdown of Costs
TA Team
1. (i)
TA @ 0.6 FTE
TA @ 0.8 FTE
TA @ 0.5 FTE
Cost %
TA @ 0.2
TA @ 0.5FTE
TA @ 0.6FTE
2. (i) Inclusion Officer @ 1FTE
Teacher @ 1 FTE
(phased timings shared costs with WAN)
Residential Trip
Transition Skills training day
Resources for NUMICON
(weakest Maths PP Pupils)
£320 (training)
£262 (resources)