Pupil Premium 2015-16 Number of pupils 120 PP funding £1320 Total allocation £158,400 Planned expenditure Resource Success Criteria Cost Sutton Trust Learning Mentor Additional 1.0 fte DSP Learning Mentor To support the social, emotional and attendance needs of pupils, ensuring that all children in the DSP make at least expected progress within their band of learning (Durham Data) £24,985 (inc on costs) Behaviour Interventions **** Additional Educational Psychologist support 20 additional sessions £5,000 Intervention Teacher Additional 1.0 fte teacher Educational visit subsidy Subsidy for educational visits Teaching AssistantsDSP and mainstream (1;1 and interventions) Additional TA hours – CK, TB, JP, CH, MS Educational Psychologist advice ensures that pupils make accelerated progress and their needs are effectively met. Target pupils make accelerated progress resulting in progress in line with national expectations, at least 12 points across Key Stage 2. Visits enrich the curriculum, particularly developing children’s opportunity for writing. Writing outcomes at Key Stage 2 in line with national expectations at Level 4 and closing the gap with national at Level 5. Target pupils make accelerated progress resulting in progress in line with national expectations, at least 12 points across Key Stage 2. £69, 211 Teaching Assistants ** Behaviour Interventions **** Early Years Interventions **** Small Group Tuition £30,024 (inc on costs) Phonics **** Small Group ** £3,385 **** Easter School – Y6 Staff salaries Accommodation Attendance rewards - Targeted pupils make at least 12 NC points progress across Key Stage 2 £3,100 Summer Schools ** Volunteer Reading Helper 2 volunteers and training £1,000 Small Group tuition ** Attendance strategy and parental engagement Breakfast Club -Attendance prizes - Family Learning Service SLA - Staff salaries £4,450 Parental Involvement *** Raising aspirations – University visits, Houses of Parliament, Violin, Children’s University etc - Visits - Music Service tuition SLA - Children’s University SLA - to provide specialised MFL teaching across Key Stage 2 Purchase of annual software - targeted pupils make accelerated progress in reading (Average progress 4 national curriculum points) - Attendance is at 96% by July 2015 - Parents engagement in family learning increase to at least 15 per session - Reduction in late pupils -Increase in attendance to 96% by July 2014 - Curriculum enrichment broadens pupils opportunities and experiences (Visits, Music tuition, extracurricular clubs and MFL teaching) -Children’s University registration – 70% of pupils registered. At least 40 pupils graduate from Children’s University in Summer 2015 - Tracking system is used across the school to analyse progress of Pupil Premium students and provide efficient intervention. - Assessment supports school in identifying next steps to improve provision for Pupil Premium students with SEN £600 Target Tracker Inclusion Quality Mark Re-assessment of Inclusion Quality Mark £4,735 £9,910 £2000 £158,400 After School Programmes ** Sports Participation **