Department of Civil Engineering CE 208 - Construction Materials Syllabus Spring 2014-2015 Coordinating Unit: Department of Civil Engineering Course Code: CE 208 Course Name: Construction Materials Year of Course: 2nd Compulsory/Elect.: Compulsory Pre-requisites: ME 203 - Material Science Co-requisites:CE 436 – Concrete Durability CE 437 – Advanced Concrete Technology Duration: One semester Contact Hours: 3(2,2) 2, Tuesday 10:30- 12:15, CLH Room 204 2, Friday 08:30- 10:15, CLH Room 203 Credits: 3 AKTS: 4 Attendance: %70 Mandatory Instructor: e-mail: Tel: Assist. Prof. Dr. Gozde Basak OZTURK 0256 213 7503 - Ext.3554 Course Description: This course is designed to provide undergraduate civil engineering students fundamental principles of the behavior, physical and engineering properties of various common civil engineering materials, including natural stones, sands, aggregates, cement, concrete and steel. Selection and design of materials based on their intended use in design and construction are emphasized. Written reports and oral presentation of experimental results will be required. Each class is typically presented in lecture format with images presented in parallel Power Point slides. The lecture is based on the text. This means that you must be attentive note-taker. It is quite possible that the content of a particular discussion will be used to frame a pop-quiz, or, be found as a test question within a scheduled exam. Course objectives: The goals of this course are: to provide students with a basic understanding of the properties of materials used in construction; how these properties are determined and used. The objective is to provide an opportunity for students to 1. To learn how to characterize and determine the basic mechanical and nonmechanical properties and behavior of widely used construction materials. 2. To get familiar with the properties and behavior of common construction materials. 3. To understand and master the fundamental knowledge of construction materials. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. achieve mastery of the fundamental knowledge of construction materials. 2. demonstrate ability to make selection of materials based on their properties, behavior and intended use in design and construction. 3. demonstrate understanding of the state-of-the-art concrete technology and the use of different types of cement and admixtures for producing good quality concrete. 4. have experience in writing reports and making presentations. Student Assessment Midterm Exams/Projects Final Exam Projects/Presentations 40 % 40 % 20 % Learning Outcome Assessment Reports and oral presentations. Midterm and final examination. Quizzes Pedagogical Methods Lecture Guest speakers Case study Role playing Student presentation Research project Simulation game Exercises and problems Service learning Internship Field study Company visits e-learning Independent study Others:____ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Text Book 1. M.S. Mamlouk, J.P. Zaniewski, Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 3/E, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2011. References 1. T.Y. Erdoğan, Materials of Construction, ODTÜ, Ankara, 2002. 2. P.K. Mehta, P. J. M. Monteiro, Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials, Mc Graw-Hill Professional, 2005. 3. A.M. Neville, Properties of Concrete, Pitman Pub., London, 1981. 4. A.P. Mills, H.D. Hayward, L.F. Rader, Materials of Construction, Their Manufacture and Properties, Wiley, New York, 1955. 5. M.L. Gambhir, Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, 1986. 6. N. Jackson, Civil Engineering Materials, Macmillan, London, 1976. 7. S. Mindess and J.F. Young, Concrete, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 8. T.Y. Erdoğan, Admixtures for Concrete, ODTÜ, Ankara, 1997. 9. T.Y. Erdoğan, Beton, ODTÜ, Ankara, 2003 (in Turkish). 10. T.Y. Erdoğan, Sorular ve Yanıtlarıyla Beton Malzemeleri, THBB, İstanbul, 2005 (in Turkish). 11. W.H. Taylor, Concrete Technology and Practice, American Elsevier Pub. Co., New York, 1969. Weekly Lecture Topics Week Dates Lecture Topic 1 09-Feb - 13-Feb 1. Introduction to course syllabus 2 16-Feb - 20-Feb 2. Basic concepts 3 23-Feb - 27-Feb 3. Nature of materials 4 2-Mar - 6-Mar 4. Steel 5 9-Mar - 13-Mar 5. Steel 6 16-Mar - 20-Mar 6. Aluminum 7 23-Mar - 27-March 1st MIDTERM EXAMINATION / PROJECT 8 30-March - 3-Apr 7. Aggregates, Portland cement 9 06-Apr - 10-Apr 8. Concrete 10 13-Apr – 17-Apr 9. Lime, Gypsum, Wood 11 20-Apr - 24-Apr 10. Masonry, Clay bricks 12 27-Apr - 01-May 13 04-May - 09-May 11. Asphalt 14 11-May - 15-May 12. Ferrous metals, alloys, and concrete reinforcement 15 18-May - 22-May 13. Polymers, Composites 16 22-May – 05-June 2nd MIDTERM EXAMINATION / PROJECT FINAL EXAMINATION Some Important Dates Date Importance February 09, 2015 Classes Begin February 09 – 13, 2015 Add-Drop and Advisor Approvals April 23, 2015 National Holiday (National Sovereignty and Children's Day) May 1, 2015 Labor and Solidarity Day May 19, 2015 National Holiday (Commemoration of Atatürk & Youth and Sports Festival) May 22, 2015 Last Day of Classes; undergraduate and graduate programs (except for thesis work and specialization field courses) May 22 – June 5, 2015 Final examinations June 12, 2014 Last day to submit the final grades (by 24:00) June 12, 2014 Announcement of final grades June 13 – 21, 2015 Resit examinations June 26, 2015 Submission of the grades of resit examinations Course Website: This course’s main communications platform will be course’s link on instructor’s individual webpage. Attendance: at least %70 regular class attendance is expected and mandatory. Late hand-in: Due dates will be set at the time of assignment and are published on the question sheet. Assignments and reports must be submitted on time. Late submittal (without prior instructor approval) will incur the following grade adjustments: -5% per day (including weekends) until the 7th day after deadline. After that point, you will receive 0% (an F) for the missed hand-in. Academic Honesty: Plagiarism, cheating, and facilitating dishonesty. Occurrences of any of those practices will be dealt with according to university policy. Original write-up of homework is required by each group/individual (as applicable) for a given assignment or report. Classroom Behavior: It is not permitted to consume food in the classroom. Smoking is also prohibited. Students are strongly encouraged to turn all cell-phones or other electronic communications devices during class time. Note: Cell phones and PDA’s must be turned off during class and exams. You will be asked to leave them on instructor’s desk during examinations. Any disruptive behavior will be sanctioned appropriately. No component of the course (printed and online materials, lectures, labs, discussion sessions etc.) may be recorded (audio or video), broadcast or republished without the written consent of the instructor.