SGA Meeting Minutes for October 9, 2014 Members in Attendance President, Sally Sweere Vice President, Elizabeth Lackey Secretary, Sam Adkins Treasurer, Nikki Wheat Correspondent, Lauren LeGardye Senior Class President, McKenzie Martinez Junior Class Co-President, Sam Silva-Nash Junior Class Co-President, Rhi Small Sophomore Class President, Peyton Sorrells Freshmen Class Representative, Sarah Tallents Sponsor, Ms. Johnson On the Agenda I. II. Proposal Updates- Johnson a. Shirt Sales i. Original proposal (from summer) stated that we would be hosting a contest for students to submit entries of shirt designs, so we are having a contest ii. Judging will take place October 21 1. SGA Members to help judge a. Sarah, Elizabeth, Nikki b. Spirit Day i. Approved, need to get the word out c. Jingle Bell Jam i. No word yet Fall Fest- Zombie Encounter a. Volunteers i. Sign Up sheet to office and add to morning announcements 1. Frizzell’s Class? a. Sally to ask 2. Bowden’s Drama? a. 6th-8th graders 3. Parents? a. Ms. Johnson requested a few parent volunteers from PTO b. Finalized Rooms i. Simmons ii. Johnson iii. Schoonover iv. Need a map drawn III. IV. 1. Nikki c. Decorations and Make-up i. Have at school by November 5 ii. Create list of who is bringing what Fall Fest- Basket a. Have at school by October 30 b. Reminder i. Ms. Johnson- Cornucopia ii. Sally- Candle iii. Elizabeth- Bath and Body Works iv. Sam A.- Starbucks Gift Card v. Nikki- Carmel Apple Lollipops vi. Lauren- Coffee Mix: Pumpkin Spice vii. McKenzie- Pumpkin and paint viii. Sam S.- Baking set ix. Rhi- Air Freshener x. Peyton- Roasted Pumpkin Seeds xi. Sarah- Candy Corn Homecoming a. Game Date: January 9 i. Tailgate: No b. Dance Date: January 10 c. Budget/ Committee i. Venue: $500 1. Sally and McKenzie a. Call around over fall break, present options to SGA on October 23 b. Purchase by November 13 ii. DJ & Lights: $300 1. Rhi, Nikki,& Lauren a. Call around over fall break, present options to SGA on October 23 b. Purchase by November 13 iii. Proposal due by November 6 1. Sam A. 2. Need to know all details from all committees before writing proposal iv. Homecoming court ballots & vote on homecoming court December 8-12 1. Lauren LeGardye v. Purchase/Rent Arch, Crowns, and Flowers for court: $100 1. Elizabeth, Sarah, & Sam A. vi. Tickets Created and Ready to ell by November 21, start selling after Thanksgiving Break? vii. viii. ix. x. 1. Single Ticket: $20 2. Couples Ticket:$ 30 3. Lauren, Elizabeth, Peyton, Sam S. Decorations for Dance Purchased: $100 1. Elizabeth, Sarah, &Sam A. Food & Drink 1. Sam A. 2. By Donation? a. Class Presidents get food & drink from students/parents? (Have Class Meetings) b. Deadline: Have who is bringing what decided by December 11 Advertisements: Posters & Fliers to Promote Dance 1. Lauren, Elizabeth, Peyton Other 1. Photography a. Bowden? 2. Parent Volunteers a. Ms. Johnson to ask PTO for volunteers 3. Dance Theme a. Circus b. Colors i. Red, Gold, Metallic White