Plant Reproduction Notes Outline

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Date _________
Block _____
Plant Reproduction Notes
Reproductive Structures of Seed Plants
The tiny ___________________ (gametes)of seed plants consist of only a few cells.
An immature male gametophyte of a seed plant is a ___________ _________, which has a thick
protective wall.
A female gametophyte of a seed plant develops inside an ______________.
Following fertilization the ovule and its contents develop into a
Because the gametophytes of seed plants are very small, seed plants are
able to reproduce ____________ without water.
___________ and _____________ transport pollen grains to the
structures that contain ovules.
The transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive structures of a plant
to the female reproductive structures of a plant is called
When a ___________ grain reaches a compatible female reproductive
structure, a tube emerges from the pollen grain.
This tube called a __________ __________, grows from a pollen grain to an
ovule and enables a _________ to pass directly to an _______.
Seeds contain the _____________ of seed plants.
A seed forms from an _________ after the egg within it has been ________________.
The outer cell layers of an ovule harden to form the __________ _________ as a seed matures.
The tough seed coat ________________ the embryo in a seed from
mechanical injury and from a harsh environment.
Different kinds of seeds __________________ under different conditions.
Some seeds must dry out before they germinate.
Other seeds must be exposed to ___________.
In other seeds, chemicals that ____________ germination must be washed
away by rain.
Often, a seed must be exposed to cold temperatures or the seed coat must be
_________________ before the seed can germinate.
Seeds enable the embryos of seed plants to ____________ conditions that are unfavorable for plant
growth for long periods of time.
Seeds contain tissue that provides nutrients to plant _______________.
The seeds of angiosperms develop a nutritious tissue called ____________________.
Endosperm originates at the same time an egg is ______________.
In some angiosperms (such as corn and wheat) endosperm is still present in mature seeds.
In other angiosperms (such as beans and peas) the ______________ in the endosperm have
already been transferred to the ___________ by the time a seed is mature.
Leaf-like structures called _______________, or seed leaves, are part of a plant embryo.
Cotyledons function in the transfer of nutrients to the embryo.
In the flowering plants, the embryos of _____________ have one cotyledon, and the embryos of
____________ have two cotyledons.
The gametophytes of gymnosperms develop in ____________, which consist of whorls (circles) of
modified leaves called _____________.
Gymnosperms produce two types of cones.
Male cones (____________ cones) produce pollen grains within sacs that develop on the
surface of their scales.
Female cones (____________ cones) produce ovules on the surface of their scales.
Many gymnosperms produce both male and female cones on the same plant.
In some gymnosperms, male and female cones form on separate plants.
Pollen cones produce large quantities of ___________ grains that are carried by wind to female cones.
At the time of pollination, the ____________ of a female cone are open, exposing the ovules.
When a pollen grain lands near an ovule, a slender _____________ tube grows out of the pollen grain
and into the ___________.
The _____________ moves through the pollen tube and enters the ovule.
Seed cones close up after pollination and remain closed until the seeds within them are mature.
This process can take up to two years.
In angiosperms, gametophytes develop within _______________.
Flower parts are arranged in concentric whorls.
The outermost whorl consists of one or more
_____________, which protect a flower from
damage while it is a bud.
The second whorl consists of one or more
_____________, which attract pollinators.
The third whorl consists of one or more
______________ which produce pollen.
Each stamen is made of a threadlike
________________ that is topped by a pollen
producing sac called an _____________.
The fourth and innermost whorl consists of one or more
____________, which produce ____________.
Ovules develop in a pistil’s swollen lower portion, which is called the _______________.
Usually, a stalk, called the ___________, rises from the ovary.
Pollen lands on and sticks to the ___________, the swollen, sticky tip of the style.
Flowers may or may not have all four of the basic flower parts.
A flower that has all four parts is called a _____________ flower.
Flowers that lack any one of the four types of parts are called ________________ flowers.
If a flower has both stamens and pistils, it is called a ______________ flower.
Flowers that lack either stamens or pistils are called _________________ flowers.
Flowers and Their Pollinators
Many flowers have brightly colored petals, sugary nectar, strong odors, and shapes that ____________
animal pollinators.
Flowers are a source of food for pollinators such as insects, birds, and bats.
A ________ gets coated with pollen as it visits a flower and then carries that pollen to other flowers.
Bees locate flowers by __________ first and then by color and shape.
Bee-pollinated flowers are usually blue or yellow and often have markings that show the location of
_____________, which feed at night, tend to visit heavily scented white flowers which are easy to find
in dim light.
__________ may pollinate flowers that smell like rotten meat.
Many flowers are not pollinated primarily by insects.
Red flowers may be pollinated by ___________________.
Some large white flowers that open at night are pollinated by ________.
Many flowers, such as those of grasses and oaks, are pollinated by __________.
Wind pollinated flowers are usually small and lack bright colors, strong odors, and nectar.
Asexual Reproduction
Some plants are able to reproduce ______________.
The new individuals that result from asexual reproduction are genetically the ___________ as the
parent plant.
Plants reproduce asexually in a variety of ways that involve nonreproductive parts, such as stems,
roots, and leaves.
The reproduction of plants from these parts is called _____________________ reproduction
(or vegetative propogation).
Many of the structures by which plants reproduce vegetatively are modified stems, such as
______________, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and ____________.
Stems Modified for Vegetative Reproduction
Horizontal, above ground stem
Airplane plant,
Bermuda grass
Very short, stem with thick, fleshy
Onion, Daffodil, Tulip
leaves; only in monocots
Very short, thickened, underground
Gladiolus, Crocus
stem with thin, scaly leaves
Horizontal underground stem
Iris, Fern, Sugar cane
Swollen, fleshy, underground stem
Potato, Caladium
Asexual Reproduction
Vegetative reproduction is ___________ than sexual reproduction in most plants.
A _____________ plant can spread rapidly in a habitat that is ideal for its growth by reproducing
A mass of hundreds or even thousands of individuals, such as a stand of grasses or ferns, may have
come from _______ individual.