


• Understand how plants grow and reproduce.

• Recognize the life cycles of different types of plants.

Inquiry Investigation

What do plants need to survive? Make a Hypothesis!

What does a seed need to grow? Make a Hypothesis!

Vocabulary Chapter 1 Lesson 2

• Conea structure in conifers that makes seeds.

• Embryoa young plant inside a seed.

• Flowera structure in flowering plants that makes seeds.

• Fruita structure that holds seeds.

• Life Cycleall of the stages in an organism’s life.

• Pollena powder made by the male part of a flower or male cone.

• Pollinationthe process that takes place when pollen moves from the male part of a flower to the female part of a flower.

• Seeda structure that can grow into a new plant.

How do plants grow?

Did you know that when you eat corn, peas, or nuts, you are eating seeds? Seeds come in all shapes and sizes, but all have the same function. covering

Parts of a Seed

A seed is a structure that can grow into a new plant. It holds a young plant that is ready to grow. This young plant is called an embryo .

stored food

A seed has parts that help an embryo survive. It holds stored food that the embryo uses to grow.

It has a tough covering that protects the embryo.

From Seed to Plant

When a seed is planted in the soil, it can germinate , or begin to grow.

A seed needs water, nutrients, and the right temperature to germinate. When a seed begins to germinate, it soaks up water. That makes it swell up and break through its covering. The embryo grows out of the seed. It grows into a small plant called a seedling . A seedling can grow into an adult plant.

Parts of a Plant

Attract pollinators and make seeds that will someday grow into new plants

Supports the plant and carries water and nutrients up and down to all parts of the plant

Food factories! They catch energy from sunlight and use it to turn the air and water into food

Are hidden underground but are very important to the plant. Roots hold the plant steady in the ground, soak up water and nutrients from the soil and even store food for the future.

How do plants make seeds?

A flower is a plant structure that makes seeds. Pants that use flowers to make seeds are called flowering plants .

Flowers make seeds. Flowers have pollen and eggs. When pollen and an egg come together, a seed can form.

Wind may blow pollen from one flower to another. Bees can carry pollen too.

They drink a sweet liquid called nectar , from the flower. Sticky pollen clings to their bodies. Then they carry it to different flowers.

How seeds Travel

• Planting

• Wind

• Animals
