Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Year 8 USB colour changing lamp - Scheme of work over view Week 1 2 Teaching/Learning Introduction to the project Analysis of existing products Generation of initial ideas Inspiration and research 3 final design ideas Working drawing Sublimation demonstration Health and safety consideration 3 Health and safety assessment Using computers to aid designing (Sublimation files) Vinyl sticker files 4 Peer assessment/self-evaluation of work so far Sublimate Demo of marking out acrylic and using Hegner saw 5 Demo how to sand acrylic Carousel system of sublimating, cutting/sanding acrylic 6 Demo drilling acrylic Demo vinyl cutter Carousel system of vinyl cutter, drilling, cutting and sanding acrylic 7 Electronics theory Soldering the circuit Testing of the circuit 8 Assembly demo Cutting PVC Carousel system of processes 9 Final assembly Product testing Final evaluation Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 1: What is design? How can we individualise a product? Objectives Outcomes To be able to explain your opinions on good/bad design using PMI and ACCESS FM. To be able to identify individualisation and techniques for this. All will have analysed existing USB Lamps using PMI Most will have used ACCESS FMM to write a personal project specification Some will have begun to consider ways of identifying individualised projects/products i.e. identify the consumer S Explanation of PMI, using existing projects PMI in teams/tables to create an analysis poster M Using PMI posters, guide students with choosing a client and initial ideas generation Student Activity Teacher Input Show assessment levels and discuss/guide pupils with how to meet these. Direct pupils with setting themselves a target attainment level by the end of the project. Gather the class together to discuss ACCESS FMM of one existing product P Introducing the term 'specification'. S Pupils to complete the work sheet identifying the positives, minus’ and improvements of the product. M Pupils fill in appropriate pages of the work booklet. Pupils set themselves a personal target level for the project. Pupils write a specification for their project P Pupils participate in Q&A. Homework Pupils are to produce a mood/inspiration board relevant to their project specification. Achievement levels to be discussed during plenary. . Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW S Pupils understanding of the task will be assessed through Q&A in post task discussion. M Pupils work to be shown and discussed with the class at appropriate times. AFL Drawing/designing abilities will assessed through design ideas, marked by the teacher ready for lesson 2. P Pupils to share personal project specifications with the rest of the class, understanding will be assessed through discussion. S Existing products. Break down of PMI Paper Visual aids to keep/remind pupils of task. M Pupil work booklets Resources Project level descriptors PowerPoint and hand outs. P Pupil work booklets. Break down of ACCESSFM PowerPoint. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 2: Working drawing and sublimation Objectives Outcomes To understand how to design To be confident in the first steps to making a successful project. All Will have understood the first steps of making and be able to define the term working drawing. Most will have 3 design ideas and started a working drawing ready for making. Some will be able to indentify health and safety procedures needed to be successful in making. S Recap of homework level descriptors using PowerPoint. Initiate peer assessment of homework in work booklet using descriptors. M Demonstrate how to draw 3D Teacher Input Demonstrate how/why we need a working drawing Display task on the board throughout the lesson. Demonstrate how to sublimate. P Mind map health and safety precautions that may need to be taken throughout the project. S Assess the homework in work booklet of a peer using level descriptors. Present what they have assessed the rest of the group. M Contribute to discussions. Complete 3 initial design ideas. Complete a working drawing. Student Activity Watch demonstrations and take part in Q&A P Pupils will think about the elements to making and consider health and safety precautions that may need to be taken. Pupils will write ideas on a mini white board before the discussion Pupils will need to contribute to the class discussion to fill a mind map with ideas. Homework Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW S Peer assessment of pupils homework using level descriptors. Discussion of pupils marking to assess pupils understanding of how to assess using descriptors. M Assess understanding through Q&A in demonstrations. Teacher to circulate the room to assess design abilities and understanding of tasks given. P Verbal contribution from every study to assess understanding and ability to consider health and safety/dangers of the workshop. Using white boards so that every pupil has to contribute. Checks understanding/participation. AFL If understanding is not there, health and safety can be implemented into the next lesson. S Pupil’s homework. Pupils work booklets. PowerPoint with level descriptors. Level descriptor hand outs. M Pupils work booklets A4 Paper PVC, Heat press, Printed image on Sub paper. Drawing equipment. Resources Exemplar work. P White board. (main) Mini white boards. Health and safety images if pupils need prompting. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 3: Using CAD/CAM Objectives Outcomes To have an understanding of CAD/CAM All will have created a file image to be printed ready to sublimate. Most will have considered and begun making vinyl sticker files. Some will have completed CAD work and finished 3 design ideas/working drawing. S Initiate health and safety quiz. M Demonstrate how to use computer software to create a sublimation file. Student Activity Teacher Input Demonstrate how to use computer software to create vinyl sticker file. Put visual reminder of task on the board P Recap of today’s lesson. Q&A session, act on feedback from pupils. S Written health and safety quiz. M Pupils are to work in pairs at a computer to create a sublimation image file and a vinyl stick file (if needed) for their individual projects. Continue completing working drawing and design ideas. P Pupils are to feedback from the session recapping what they have learned using snowballing technique. Every pupil has to speak. Homework Subject specific vocabulary spelling and meaning/process revision. AFL S Written assessment test. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW M Teacher to walk around assessing abilities. Peer help, mixed ability pairs. P Verbal assessment/Q&A Using snowballing technique, each pupil has to lead on from the other around the room. Assesses knowledge of each pupil. S Health and safety quiz sheet. (in work book) M Computer Visual aids Resources PowerPoint presentation Help sheet. Pupil work booklets P Random name generator on PowerPoint Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 4: Where am I? Beginning to manufacture. Objectives Outcomes To begin the firsts steps of making safely To know where about you are in regards to initial target level. All will have your sublimation paper ready to sublimate and marked out acrylic ready for cutting. Most will have sublimated onto PVC. Some will have begun to cut out acrylic using the hegnar saw safely. S Run through exemplar of assessment page in booklet. Set the task M Q&A of sublimation Teacher Input Demonstrate how to mark out acrylic and use the hegnar saw. Set up carousel system of marking sublimating and cutting. P Spelling/meaning test Read answers S Self assessment of progress so far against target level. Decide which level they are currently working at. Peer assess work, decide if they agree, comment with improvements. M Feedback to teacher on sublimation Watch demonstration considering health and safety precautions and answering questions. Student Activity Mark out acrylic using working drawing and use the hegnar saw to cut it out. Sublimate image onto PVC plastic. P Complete spelling/meanings test in work booklet. Words learned as homework. Mark peers’ test. AFL Homework Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW S Self assessment and peer assessment. Teacher gains an understanding of where the pupils think they are and where they actually are. M Assessed through Q&A and ability to use machines accurately. P Test. Assessing subject knowledge. S Pupils work booklets Resources PowerPoint presentation with exemplar assessment sheet. M Pencils, Acrylic, masking tape, hegnar saw, heat press, sublimation prints, PVC plastic, pupil work booklets, PPE. P Spelling and meaning answers. Pupil work booklets Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 5: Cutting, sanding and sublimating Objectives Outcomes To be able to work individually completing processes accurately. Put skills and knowledge into practice in order to make progress with manufacturing. All will have made significant progress with the manufacturing process and have a sound knowledge of each task at hand. Most will have completed at least 1 manufacturing processes and ticked it of in your booklet. Some will have completed at least 2 manufacturing processes and have enough knowledge and understanding in order to help a peer. S Lay out ordering/matching game. Display task on the board and explain to pupils. Student Activity Teacher Input M Demo how to sand acrylic. Q&A with pupils. Show pupils different levels of sanding. Pass round sanded acrylic. Remind pupils of health and safety and set today’s task. P Lead a discussion on what the next manufacturing process could be and how we could individualise the lamps even more, perhaps extra features that could be added. S As a table pupils are to order and match up processes and descriptions in the order of manufacture and discuss why and the effects if the order changed or a step was taken out. M Pupils are to watch demonstration on how to sand acrylic and answer questions. Pupils are to work around the carousel system, sublimating, marking out/cutting acrylic and sanding acrylic as appropriate. P Pupils are to use mini white boards, table to discuss the next steps of manufacturing, and how the lamps could continue to be individualised. AFL Homework Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW S Working as a team. Assessing subject knowledge and understanding. Assessed through group work and how many tables get the right order/answer. M Visually assessed on ability to stick to specification. P Understanding will be assessed through the group’s abilities to come up with different logical ideas. S Match up card game PowerPoint Presentation Resources Answer sheet M Masking tape, Pencils, wet and dry sand paper, hegnar saw, heat press, and sublimation prints. Pupils work booklets. P Mini white boards and pens. Mind map display. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 6: Objectives Outcomes To understand the positives and negatives of each manufacturing process. To understand the importance of accuracy when making a product. All will know how to use the vinyl cutter and drill acrylic accurately Most will have completed at least 2 of the manufacturing processes to a high standard Some will have the skills and knowledge to have progressed onto helping peers. S Explanation of task displayed on the board. Teacher to focus on key words and definitions/processes. Q/A to check understanding. M Demonstrate marking out and drilling acrylic. Demonstrate cutting out vinyl stickers (more able students only) Student Activity Teacher Input Set up carousel system – vinyl cutter, drilling/cutting/sanding/marking out acrylic, sublimation (if still needed) Recap of health and safety Stop the class for progress check. P Q&A session – initiate review activity, show frame work S Participate in activity. Using the sums to figure out the jumbled letters which will then need to be re-arranged into a key word for today’s lesson. Answer teacher’s questions on subject knowledge/key word knowledge. M Watch demonstrations answering teacher’s questions. Rotating around the carousel system completing personal project work as appropriate. Considering health and safety precautions of each process. P Answer teachers questions, self evaluate progress so far. Decide what next steps will be, decide if they are making progress toward their target grade. What has gone wrong/right, why? Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Homework Simple Circuit worksheet. How does a circuit work, what are the essential components? Activity work sheet. S Assesses ability of simple maths which will be used within the project. AFL Assess subject knowledge through Q&A of words found from the maths word puzzle. M Assess abilities, knowledge and understanding through pupil progress review/feedback mid lesson. P Assess abilities, knowledge and understanding through self review. What the pupil thinks. Written feedback from pupil to the teacher. S PowerPoint with number sum quiz displayed. Resources Hand outs with differentiated number quiz for each pupil. M Vinyl cutter, wet and dry sand paper, acrylic, hegnar saw, hand drill, masking tape, heat press, printed sublimation files, PowerPoint presentation, post it notes. P Self review sheets in pupil work booklet, PowerPoint presentation. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 7: Systems and Control Objectives Outcomes To introduce further elements of the project in order to realise a final outcome. To understand the how a simple circuit functions. All will have handled a circuit and have some understanding of what each components function is. Most will have soldered in at least one component. Some will a full understanding of each components function and will have soldered all of the components into the circuit board. S Break down homework sheet. Look at how much pupils have understood from the homework and answer/ask questions. Teacher to now have a realisation of how much prior knowledge of systems and control pupils have. M Explanation of how the circuit works. Break down of each component and its function. Demonstration of how to solder a circuit. Teacher Input Guide offer support to pupils as they begin to solder their circuits. Test pupils completed circuits. (higher pupils only) Emphasise health and safety. P Recap lesson. Question pupils on furthered knowledge. S Mark homework sheet and show the teacher how much was understood. M Participate in electronics theory breakdown. Answer/ask relevant questions. Student Activity Listen/watch demonstration of how to solder a circuit. Begin to solder circuits working in a pair. Help partner. P Answer questions and feedback from what has been learned in today’s lesson. Feedback something new they have learned. Resources AFL Homework Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW S Pupil’s prior knowledge assessed through marking peers homework. M Pupils understanding and learning assessed through Q&A P Pupil’s progress and topic understanding assessed through pupil verbal feedback to teacher. S Pupils homework, homework answer sheet, M PowerPoint, video, reference/tutorial handouts, circuits, solder, soldering iron, components. P PowerPoint presentation, paper. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 8: Objectives Outcomes To create a realisation of what steps still need to be completed. Know how to assemble a final product. All will know how to cut the PVC down to size and how to assemble their final product. Most will be finishing the last manufacturing processes and know what to do in order to ensure finishing on time. Some will have begun to consider how to assemble the final product having completed every manufacturing process. S Ensure each pupil sets themselves 2 things they have to get finished and 1 thing they would like to get finished on a post it note. Explain the target, and how to use it throughout the lesson. M Demonstrate how to cut PVC Teacher Input Demonstrate how to assemble product. Set up carousel system – support pupils Recap at appropriate points for moving of targets P Recap target, question pupils on progress made using post it’s they’ve placed on the board. S Set themselves 2 things they will get finished and 1 thing they would like to get finished on a post it note. Place this on the board in the appropriate place. Listen to teacher’s explanation/breakdown. M Watch PVC cutting and assembling the final product demonstrations answering teacher’s questions. Student Activity Rotate around carousel system as appropriate. Move target post it as and when needed. Answer teacher’s questions from review points. P Understand why they have or have not reached the targeted amount. Answer teachers questions. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Homework Finish any paper work in order to achieve original targeted level. S Pupil’s time keeping and understanding of what needs to be done assessed through self target setting and using the target on the board. M Pupils subject knowledge and understanding will be assessed through Q&A Pupils progress will be assessed by mid point reviews and teacher monitoring target on the board. P Question pupils on their realisation of why/why they didn’t meet all targets set in order to assess knowledge and understanding/pupil effort. AFL Resources Pupil’s progress is assessed through securitisation of pupils personal targets/aims and where about they are on the large target. S Post it notes, Target M All practical equipment. Target. P Target and post its that are on it. Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW Week 9: Final Assembly Objectives Outcomes To hold a working finished product. All should have a finished and tested working product. Most will have a finished working product that meets initial target grade. Some will have a finished working product which has been self assessed above target grade, using every element possible with extra features. S Explain importance of today’s session and recap ensuring understanding of success criteria for each level. M Set up carousel system, support pupils with completing projects. Photograph finished working projects. P Explain evaluation page of work booklet, assist pupils to complete these pages accurately with clear precise information. Ensure pupils booklets are in order, with all pages completed. S Listen to teacher input; decide whether target level is a realistic target against the recap of sublevels. M Rotate around carousel, ensuring every manufacturing process is completed to high level. Extension: help a peer to finish project. P Fill in evaluation of final product, swap with a peer and evaluate their product against their target grade and specification. Ensure booklet is completed and in order. AFL Homework Student Activity Teacher Input Man a test station, testing finished projects. S Pupil’s ability to judge realistic target and managed time is assessed through Q&A and self review. Resources Daisy Skinner - Y8 Colour Changing Lamp - SOW M Pupils subject knowledge and abilities are assessed through problem solving and the ability to help others. Project final effort grade. P Pupil’s ability of accurate assessment is assessed through self evaluation and peer assessment/feedback. S Breakdown of project sub levels, pupil work booklets. M All practical equipment, camera P Pupil work booklets, evaluation break down.