Leadership Program for Emerging Leaders within State

Australia Awards
Australia Awards
Short Term Award Application Pack
Leadership Program for Emerging
Leaders within State-Owned
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Australia Awards
Goals and Purpose of Australia Awards Indonesia
The Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships and Short Term Awards
funded by the Australian Government. They offer the next generation of global leaders an
opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. The
goals and purpose of Australia Awards Indonesia are underpinned by five clearly defined
program outcome groups relating to the benefits gained by the Indonesian alumni through
the award experience. These include: the alumni’s use of knowledge, attitude and skills to
influence their professional fields and communities; the linkages between the alumni and
Australian organisations, Australians; and the positive perceptions that Alumni have of
Australia and Australians.
Award Name
Leadership Program for Emerging Leaders within State-Owned Enterprises
Award Objectives
Australia Awards Indonesia proposes to deliver a Short Term Awards in Leadership for
Emerging Leaders within State-Owned Enterprises that focused on training needs and
capacity development as a result of extensive consultations and discussions with Austrade
and Indonesian state-owned enterprises (SoEs). It was acknowledged that technical
capacity within SoEs is strong but there is a capacity gap in the broader leadership and
management areas. This award is targeting emerging future leaders within State-Owned
Enterprises who currently are holding middle to senior management roles in the selected
SoEs (Pupuk, PLN, KAI, Telkomsel, Pertamina, Bulog, Pelindo, Angkasa Pura, and RNI)
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives of the course are participants’ improved skills and ability to:
Demonstrated understanding of leadership principles – including
communication and influencing, managing for performance and coaching for
Demonstrated understanding of introductory principles of operational
effectiveness – lean operations and supply chains; dealing with variability;
organisation transformation (through business processes)
Demonstrated understanding of strategy development and marketing
principles – industry and company analysis; customer segmentation
Demonstrated understanding of finance and accounting foundations,
including financial ratio and statement analysis; value creation and return on
invested capital; discounted cash-flow analysis; capital markets and financing
structures; mergers and acquisitions
Demonstrated understanding of governance matters
Demonstrated understanding of the factors that drive organizational
performance in Australian organisations and companies (through site visits and
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Australia Awards
The learning objectives of the course are participants’ improved skills and ability to:
guest speaker series)
To achieve these outcomes, the proposed short course offers a structured learning process
for participants that will utilise a range of learning methodologies:
 Classroom sessions
 Case studies
 Site visits to Australian businesses
 Discussion and planning sessions
 Simulations and role plays
 Networking events
 Short Course Project model used across all Australia Awards Indonesia Short Courses
(participants develop a project, conduct required analyses, present the project at precourse workshop, further develop the project during the short course and present the
implemented project at the post-course workshop)
Dates and Location
The course will be delivered over a 3-week period in Australia. A pre-course workshop will
be held in Bandung approximately 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the short course.
A reintegration workshop will be held in Bandung approximately 3 months after the course,
dates to be confirmed. The final delivery dates will be determined in consultation with DFAT
and the provider selected through an open tender process. The proposed schedule is:
 Pre-course workshop: 23 – 25 February 2016
 Short course in Australia: 4 – 23 April 2016
 Post-course workshop: 1 – 3 August 2016
The majority of the training takes place where the training provider is located but may
include visits to other locations for benchmarking and networking opportunities, meetings
and site visits.
Awardees will be selected against the below selection criteria through a rigorous
selection process managed by Australia Awards Indonesia .
Course participant profile:
 Participant selection endorsed by the supervisor
 Indonesian citizens, holding middle to senior management roles in the selected SoEs
(Pupuk, PLN, KAI, Telkomsel, Pertamina, Bulog, Pelindo, Angkasa Pura, RNI)
 Degree qualified
 Commitment to prepare and implement a development project as part of the course
 Commitment to engage actively and foster networks with multiple stakeholders
 Commitment to disseminate learning from the course with colleagues and peers
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Australia Awards
 Minimum English proficiency level equivalent of IELTS 5.5 / TOEFL 550
Women and people with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application Form
Please find enclosed an application form (MS Word). Please fill in the required fields,
attach the documents indicated in application document checklist and return to the
contact email identified in the application submission details section.
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Australia Awards
Short Term Award - Application Form
Leadership Program for Emerging Leaders within State-Owned Enterprises
Your Full Name (as shown
on your KTP/Passport)
Your Position
Your Mobile Phone Number
Your Email
Your Organisation
Contact person at your
Australia Awards strongly encourages applications from people
with a disability. Support, in the form of ‘reasonable adjustments’
will be provided to successful awardees with disabilities for
participation in the pre-award, award and post-award workshop
Do you have a disability? 1
Are you willing to support a participant with a disability with (nonpersonal care) support during the course if necessary?
Application Document Checklist
Curriculum Vitae (CV) attached
Copy of latest (S1/S2) degree certificate attached
Endorsement Letter from supervisor attached
Copy of ID card (KTP) attached
Copy of IELTS/TOEFL test or other supporting details for English
language competence (e.g. details of studies overseas) attached
If the answer is yes, and you are selected for participation in the course, Australia
Awards will seek to obtain additional information from you about your disability, utilizing
the Washington Group set of questions and other tools to ensure that you receive
adequate support to participate.
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Australia Awards
Selection Questions
Please provide specific details in your answers, as your answers will be
assessed as one of the criteria to determine if you will be selected for
participation in the course
What are you personal and professional career objectives and how will you benefit
from attending this course?
Please describe how you will apply the leadership and management skills you will gain
through this course to your organisation and your broader professional field?
Briefly describe your current role and duties and any other relevant experience you
have as a leader/manager.
Please describe any English language studies that you have undertaken in the past
and/or any overseas forums/seminars/trainings you have attended (If no IELTS/
TOEFL evidence can be provided)
Application Submission Details
30 November 2015 (application received by Australia
Awards Indonesia)
(please write in the subject line: “Leadership Program
for Emerging Leaders within State-Owned
(021) 527 7648
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Australia Awards
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