Home & School Meeting – Oct. 7, 2015 – Pizza Shoppe – 6

Home & School Meeting – Oct. 7, 2015 – Pizza Shoppe – 6-7 pm
Attendees: Anne Cahill, Ann Becker- Schutte, Brenda Cisper, Kristen Graham, Lisa Moore, Teri Seck,
Amy Cooper, Elisa Pomianek, Tricia Becker, Christina Steffens, Sarah Walsh, Lori Radosevic, Jennifer
Sumner, Julie Lewer
Principal’s Report:
Thank you for the Mexican Fiesta lunch that H & S provided! The staff really enjoyed it and the
food was wonderful.
School pictures went home with the students on Monday. Picture retakes will be done on Oct.
15th for those who missed or were not satisfied with their originals..
Oct. 16th- The end of first quarter. Grade cards will go home on Oct. 23rd.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Oct. 29th from 1:00 -8:30 pm. The students will
dismiss at noon that day. Conference sign-ups will be going on soon.
Nov. 3, 2015- STM School Spelling Bee
Welcome Committee: Tricia Becker has agreed to lead this committee.
Communications: Thank you to Kylle Clemons for creating our first Home & School
newsletter. We’re excited to have another avenue for parents to receive information about
STM and all of our events.
Facebook Pages/School Website: It was brought to our attention that the Website needs to
be utilized more. Teri Seck & Anne Becker-Schutte are going to talk with Tim Waris and
explain the concerns of the website vs. Facebook and the advantages of items being put on
FB. It has been shared that the STM website is sometimes difficult to find items on and that
FB is automatically put right in front of people. Home & School would love to put a link to
the meeting minutes on the website as well as their Facebook page.
Directory: Julie Lewer shared that we have the option of doing a digital directory. It was
stated that a paper copy is still a must have for families, whether the digital is also available
or not. The 2015-2016 School Directory should be ready for distribution at the beginning
of November.
Catholic Schools Week: Lisa Moore & Christina will have their first meeting on Oct. 21st at
7 pm in More Hall Room C. They have already met with both Fr. Don & Mr. Borgmeyer to
share their thoughts and ideas.
Trunk-or-Treat: This is scheduled for Tuesday, October 27th. Parking & set-up will be from
5-6 pm and Trunk-or-Treat will go from 6-7 pm. The location has been moved to behind
the school. Overflow will go into upper lot by the Parish Office. Wilma’s Food Truck will
serving various foods; Mac & Cheese, Meatloaf Slider, Brats, Chicken Salad, etc. Detailed
information will go home with students so parents are aware of this dinner option. There
will be a trunk decoration contest with a cash prize. Canned food donations will be taken
at the entrance. Candy will be collected the week before in the office for those that will not
be parking a car to hand out candy.
Room Parents: Ann Becker-Schutte reported that there are still a few classrooms that do not
have a Room Parent. Mr. Shaver’s classroom currently only has one room parent. Mr.
King/Mrs. Knapp’s classroom is still in need of Room Parents. Please share this information
with any 5th, 6th or 8th grade contacts you might have. If needed, Mr. Borgmeyer will
request volunteers through a School Reach call. 3rd Grade Room Parents need to be
prepared to host the 1st Reconciliation reception on Nov. 12th. The first school party is Dec.
4th – St. Nick’s Party
Book Fair: The Book Fair is scheduled for the week of Oct. 26th. Amy Cooper & Brenda
Cisper will work with Ms. McGovern. A sign-up genius has been distributed and there are
only a few slots still open. The book fair will be delivered to STM on Wed. Oct. 21st. Set-up
will be in Flanagan Hall on the stage. It will be open Monday-Thursday- closed during
lunch shifts. Thursday it will be open all day for parents to shop during their conference
time. Banners and advertising has been purchased with Scholastic money that was
Battle of the Books: Kathy Schimmel and Lori Radosevic will be meeting with all team
coaches on Monday, Oct 12th at 8 am in Flanagan Hall. There are 99 students participating
in grades 3, 4 & 5. There are 8 teams in each 3rd & 4th grade and 2 teams in 5th. 4th & 5th
will combine. Coaches will be asked to meet with their teams 3 times before Christmas
Fundraising Chair: We are still in need of a volunteer for this position.
Next Meeting: TBD