Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 Program: Task 4 Units of Competency: HSC Indicative Hours Code Title Core/Elective AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 20 AHCPMG201A Treat weeds 10 AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather 15 Prerequisite Units Rationale: This program provides the opportunity for Clients to develop knowledge and skills required to work effectively in an environmentally sustainable manner. Clients will develop the specific knowledge and understanding to enable the skills to be developed and applied in the workplace. Environmentally sustainable work practices and procedures will need to be addressed throughout the HSC Primary Industries course. This program is designed to be delivered in an integrated approach with other units of competency as a part of the HSC Primary Industries course. It is not intended to be delivered as a program on its own. Trainers should look at the other units of competency that they are delivering Cluster { } to identify how and when elements of this program can be integrated with the development of other skills and knowledge. Employability Skills (please indicate) Self Management Planning and Organising Initiative & Enterprise Team Work Learning Problem Solving CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Communication Technology Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 HSC requirements and advice – key terms and concepts: Apply chemicals under supervision types equipment OHS chemical compliance working with chemicals integrated pest/resistance management Treat weeds CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Observe and report on weather weather and climate monitoring conditions managing conditions reporting and recording Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 1. Check application and personal protective equipment Element Performance criteria 1.1. Carry out preoperational checks of application equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specification and OHS requirements. 1.2. Prepare application equipment for use in accordance with manufacturer's specification and directions. 1.3. Identify and replace any damaged or worn components. 1.4. Check personal protective equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specification and OHS requirements. Content: HSC Requirements and Advice Range Statement The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. Chemicals may include: the application of liquid chemical mixes granular products and/or biological agents used in the control of pest, weeds and diseases including animal health products. types • types of chemical formulations used in primary industries: – dry – liquid • a range of types of chemicals commonly used in a primary industries workplace/ enterprise and their mode of action Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Students observe all available PPE for chemical application Class discussion – need for appropriate PPE Demonstration - correct wearing and fit of a range of PPE. integrated pest/resistance management • an understanding of integrated pest/resistance management • outline strategies for integrated pest/resistance management • alternatives to chemicals for pest/resistance management Chemical work booklet equipment • a range of chemical application equipment: – name and general features – purpose and limitations – considerations for selection: o task/job requirements o environmental factors – working knowledge: o pre-operational safety checks o prepare for use o safe work practices for operation o measures to minimise environmental impact o correct chemical output – fault identification: o signs of poor performance and inefficiency o common faults: • malfunctions • worn, broken or missing components o solutions to a range of common faults – maintenance: o operation and performance monitoring o cleaning and decontamination o scheduled servicing – operational records – storage CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 2. Prepare application equipment Element Performance Range Statement criteria Content: HSC Requirements and Advice 2.1. Apply label information regarding precautions for the chemical mix/substance being used. OHS • risk management in relation to the use of chemicals 2.2. Select and use appropriate personal protective and mixing equipment in accordance with MSDSs and chemical labels. 2.3. Measure, mix and load chemical mix or substances in accordance with directions on chemical label. • – o o o – – – storage • – o o o – – – – • – – – • – – personal protective equipment (PPE) used when handling chemicals: selection: correct for task maintenance of PPE importance of correct fitting use application cleaning and maintenance Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Correct procedure for reading the label. Risk assessment Class discussion - methods of limiting exposure. Role plays -respond to potential emergencies and apply first aid in the event of pesticide poisoning personal protective equipment (PPE) used when handling chemicals: selection: correct for task maintenance of PPE importance of correct fitting use application cleaning and maintenance storage How to read labels correctly Students provided with a range of chemical labels and a worksheet requiring them to identify and interpret information contained on the label. minimising risk of poisoning to workers using chemicals: path of entry: inhalation absorption ingestion injection limiting exposure first aid an awareness of the potential hazardous effects associated with the use of chemicals: for humans for animals Calculate correct application rate Students introduced to legislation Dangerous Goods Act Small group discussion. Share responses with class. Chemical work booklet CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision Performance Range Statement criteria Content: HSC Requirements and Advice 2.4. Follow legislative and regulatory requirements regarding chemical use including OHS. chemical compliance • the handling and use of chemicals in a primary industries environment: – the purpose and intent of related legislative requirements – in accordance with workplace/enterprise policy and procedures and manufacturer’s instructions – with consideration of safe work practices and the environment licensing requirements for chemical use working with chemicals • use and interpret chemical labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS): – the information provided the meaning of symbols 2.5. Confirm instructions from chemical MSDSs in the event of a spill 2.6. Check that output of application equipment is correct and in accordance with application/spray plan 2. Prepare application equipment Element Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Read Safety Data Sheets Chemical work booklet methods and techniques for measuring and calculating chemical use: – importance of accuracy – units of measurement – measuring equipment used when handling chemicals – the calculations performed: addition subtraction division multiplication percentages ratios volume – an understanding of: calibration decimal points estimations ‘rounding off’ mixing chemicals • CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 3. Apply chemicals Element Performance Range Statement criteria 3.1. Assess and record meteorological conditions and forecasts prior to and during application. 3.2. Select and use appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with MSDSs and chemical label. 3.3. Apply chemical in accordance with the application/spray plan and/or instructions 3.4. Assess and minimise risks to others, product integrity and the environment prior to and during application. Content: HSC Requirements and Advice • procedures for loading chemicals into application equipment Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Read and interpret chemical label correctly Select appropriate PPE • safe and effective chemical application in a primary industries workplace: – assessing and recording meteorological conditions and forecasts – following an application/spray plan re-entry and withholding periods • workplace/enterprise procedures in the event of a chemical spill Students complete a risk assessment Scenario and Hierarchy of Control Develop a flowchart to demonstrate the correct procedures for managing a chemical spill. CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 4. Finalise work Element Performance Range Statement criteria 4.1. Clean and store Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and application equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specification and OHS requirements. 4.2. Dispose of excess chemicals and use triple rinse drums in accordance with label and MSDSs requirements. 4.3. Complete incident reports as required in accordance with legislative and/or regulatory requirements. 4.4. Complete application records. 4.5. Store unused chemical/products in accordance with label requirements and MSDSs. 4.6. Adhere to all re-entry and withholding periods Content: HSC Requirements and Advice clean up procedures related to working with chemicals: requirements for disposal: excess chemical waste containers triple rinse purpose and importance of recording and reporting chemical use: – inventory – pre-treatment notification – application details • storage of chemicals • – – • Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Post chemical application requirements discussed Demonstration and practical of cleaning and storage of equipment post use to industry standard Completion of application records Completion of application records Safe storage of chemicals demonstrated and practiced Discussion and demonstration of Maximum Residue Level ,WHP,EST and re-entry CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision 5.1. Confirm precautions for the transport and handling of chemicals. 5.2 Transport and handle chemicals in accordance with legislative and/or regulatory requirements. Content: HSC Requirements and Advice Learning experiences/ Assessment activities • SDS and DG inventory and storage manifest transport requirements when handling chemicals Discussion of Chemical Transport Legsilation 5. Transport and handle chemical Element Performance Range Statement criteria CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 Treat Weeds 1. Prepare to treat weeds Performance Element criteria 1.1 Weeds which impact on commercial crops, gardens and turf, and natural areas are recognised by common name. 1.2 Details of the weed occurrence are recorded and reported to the supervisor 1.3 Treatment methods are selected in consultation with the supervisor. 1.4 Equipment is selected and prepared for use according to enterprise guidelines and manufacturers specifications 1.5 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazards are identified and safety concerns reported to the supervisor Range Statement The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole Weeds may include: all plants that are classified as weeds Content: HSC Requirements and Advice Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Class notes identification of noxious weeds Class is lead through pasture and weeds are identified Class completes a weed incident report Implement an Integrated Pest Management Strategy Select and calibrate Weed spraying equipment Safety audit is conducted ,correct PPE is identified CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 Treat Weeds 3. Carry out post treatment operation 2. Treat weeds Performance Element criteria 2.1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used and maintained according to procedures. 2.2. Treatments are prepared according to supervisor's instructions and manufacturer's guidelines. 2.3. Treatments are applied in such a way that non-target damage is minimised. 2.4. Treatments are applied according to OHS and environmental regulatory requirements. 3.1. Equipment is shut down and cleaned with full consideration of environmental impacts and OHS requirements. 3.2. Treatment waste is disposed of causing minimal environmental damage. Range Statement Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Content: HSC Requirements and Advice Safety audit is conducted ,correct PPE is identified and selected Chemical labels are deciphered . Read labels correctly Mix chemicals correctly Selection of appropriate methods of control Treatment is applied after teacher demonstration of correct procedure All equipment is cleaned according to industry standards and all chemicals and equipment are stored correctly Correct post operation procedures are carried out Environmental regulations are researched and observed CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 Observe and report on weather Element Performance criteria 1. Check weather and climate information 1.1. Weather and climate information is checked to determine likely conditions. 1.2. Changed weather and climate situations are recognised. 1.3. Likely impact of changes in weather and climate are anticipated in respect to work tasks, safety of others, property, natural resources and local environment. 1.4. Report is made to supervisor of anticipated impact of weather and climate Content: HSC Requirements and Advice Range Statement The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole. Weather information may include: reports warnings data collected from property weather stations internet research grazier alerts. monitoring conditions • • • access and use of a range of sources of weather and climate information: – Bureau of Meteorology – media – technology: internet interpretive tools weather station – word of mouth range of different types of weather and climate information relevant to primary industries: – data – grazier alerts – reports – updates – warnings forecasting techniques for monitoring weather conditions: – interpreting weather maps – taking local measurements: temperature – – precipitation air pressure interpreting weather and climate information importance of maintaining current information Learning experiences/ Assessment activities Students use The Land newspaper to observe weather forecasts Class notes – distinguish between weather and climate - long term forecasts Assessment task Class notes –high pressure systems low pressure systems . Class exercise – reading weather maps Predict weather maps in set locations Grazing alert scenario is reviewed CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather Resources Registration/ Signature and Date Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 3. Monitor weather and climate 2. Carry out preventative action 2.1. Information and advice is promptly disseminated to relevant personnel 2.2. Preventative action is determined according to the known effects on livestock, crops and work tasks. 2.3. Actions to minimise loss and damage are implemented. 2.4. Livestock, horticultural or crop management program or schedule of work tasks are adjusted and revised according to weather and climatic changes. 3.1. Regular updates are accessed to determine ongoing suitability of current programs. 3.2. Viability of livestock, horticultural or crop management practices are reviewed to ensure suitability within meteorological conditions. managing conditions • an awareness of potential implications of weather and climate changes for a primary industries workplace on the following: – crops – commercial decisions and activities – environment – livestock/grazing – natural resources – property – safety – work tasks • primary industries workplace/enterprise planning (long-term and contingency) for climate and weather conditions: – workplace/enterprise operations – work practices – schedule of work tasks preventative action to minimise loss, damage or harm as a result of changes in weather and climate conditions, including revision and adjustment of work program and work tasks reporting and recording • lines of communication to appropriate personnel within a primary industries workplace • industry and workplace/enterprise requirements for documentation in relation to recording and reporting weather and climate conditions and changes • purpose and importance of disseminating information to supervisors, colleagues and others Practice moving stock to sheltered area (shed, high ground) Affect of frost on plants Covers put on frost affected plants Work plan Calendar of yearly planting Demonstration correct procedure –Read- rain gauge -Thermometer -Ahemometer CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather 3. Monitor weather and climate Primary Industries Curriculum Framework AHC10v4 3.3. Research on forecasting techniques is undertaken to maintain currency of information. 3.4. Relevant information is documented and recorded according to enterprise requirements. Discussion regional crop and livestock areas ,class notes Exercise- collect rainfall data, min and max temperatures for one month . Graph results CEO Wollongong RTO 90487 Teaching Program Task 4 AHCCHM201A Apply chemicals under supervision /AHCPMG201A Treat weeds/ AHCWRK201A Observe and report on weather