
科目名 Course Title
Soil Mechanics [土質力学 E]
講義題目 Subtitle
西村 聡 [Satoshi NISHIMURA] (大学院工学研究院)
担当教員 Other
開講年度 Year
時間割番号 Course Number (E3)
092201 (31007)
開講学期 Semester
Number of Credits
補足事項 Other Information
キーワード Key Words
Geomaterials, Deformation characteristics, Strength, Laboratory testing, Field testing, Constitutive model
授業の目標 Course Objectives
This lecture course will discuss fundamental behaviour of geomaterials based on findings from laboratory and field testing, and
its interpretation through constitutive modelling. The students are expected to learn the significance of soil’s mechanical
characteristics in making prediction of ground deformation and failure. This will enable them to devise appropriate investigation
schemes and select analytical methods in practice.
到達目標 Course Goals
(1)Learning a range of laboratory and in-situ testing methods, with their advantages and disadvantages properly understood.
(2)Learning fundamentals of soil mechanics and soil behaviour.
(3)Learning how to make geotechnical predictions based on knowledge of soil behaviour.
授業計画 Course Schedule
1. Fundamentals of continuum mechanics (2 weeks): Fundamental concepts in continuum mechanics, such as stress and strain,
are revisited in particular reference to soil mechanics application.
2. Effective stress and pore water pressure (1 week): The concept of effective stress, a cornerstone of the present-day soil
mechanics, is revisited, with simple analysis of soil-water coupled compression.
3. Elasto-plastic description of soil behaviour (3 weeks): Fundamentals of elasto-plasticity are introduced and their application
to describing soil behaviour discussed. Two examples of elasto-plastic soil models, Mohr-Coulomb model and Modified Cam
Clay model, are introduced.
4. Compression behaviour of soil (1 week): Compression behaviour of soil is discussed to demonstrate the influence of
geologically-occurring natural structure on soil characteristics.
5. Soil behaviour: From small to very large strains (6 weeks): The stress-strain behaviour of a wide range of geomaterials is
reviewed at different strain levels, along with relevant theories and concepts. They include: non-linearity of stress-strain
relationships, cross-anisotropic elasticity theory, cyclic behaviour, dilatancy, etc. Laboratory and field tools to investigate
soil’s deformation characteristics are introduced.
6. Further topics (1 week): The topics that cannot be covered in this lecture but are nevertheless important are given a brief
look for students’ further study. They include, among others, unsaturated soil’s behaviour, thermal effects, and time-effects.
準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework
While preparation for lecture sessions is not essential, the students are instead encouraged to review well the highlights of the
lectures afterwards. Assignments, handed out at regular intervals (typically 5 small assignments in total), will assist their
成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System
The full score consists of attendance (30 %) and assignments (70%), with additional scores given to those who actively
participate in the lectures by invoking useful discussions and inputting constructive thoughts. The assignments may either be
in English or Japanese. The work may involve venturing out of the contents delivered by the lecturer and finding additional
information elsewhere.
テキスト・教科書 Textbooks
Documents will be distributed online where necessary; see the URL below.
講義指定図書 Reading List
参照ホームページ Websites
研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory
備考 Additional Information
Students who do not specialise in civil engineering may attend the class but basic knowledge of soil mechanics is required.