What has been discussed at our latest meeting: Monday 9th November 2015 1. Review actions since last meeting. Have any of the following ideas (discussed last time) started to be put into place? Penpots Pick things up Tuck chairs in Have a cleaning day for the whole school Cloakroom monitors for each area Table inspections in the classrooms More space for the year 5 and 6 cloakroom Everyone thinking eco friendly Make sure you flush the toilet All clothes should be labelled Council members confirmed that most of the above has now been addressed. Areas outstanding are: Have a cleaning day for the whole school Cloakroom monitors for each area (only some classes have done this) Everyone thinking eco-friendly (School Council members who are also Eco Warriors will talk to the Eco Warriors about this). All clothes should be labelled (Amelie to write a letter for Mrs Julyan to email to parents) 2. Councilors fed back on issues brought to their attention by their peers: Year 6 Milk bins for the playground. Permission was given to arrange for one to be purchased. George will talk to Mrs Wyatt. Library monitors – some have been appointed, but liaison needs to take place with Mrs Herrera. Y6 reps will ensure that this happens. Year 5 The guttering above the external door by the ICT suite is damaged and water is dripping onto children’s heads when they enter the building. Chloe is going to inform Mr G. Amelie’s Dad has spoken to Mr G about cleaning the mini-bus. Children are running down the muddy grass bank by the steps onto the playground. It was suggested that offenders get an orange peg. Mrs Julyan will let everyone know in assembly. Year 3/4 There is lots of fruit waste currently being put into the normal bin at playtimes. Hannah will raise this with the Eco Warriors and ask them to take this on as an action. There is sometimes no fruit bin on the big playground. Ewan will talk to Mrs Bowden who can ensure that the fruit monitors place the bins correctly. Idea: to improve tidiness, Mrs Julyan could do spot check visits to class rooms and feedback on tidiness. A ‘best’ class will be announced. Year 1/2 Everything has been covered. 3. School Council were formally invited by Mrs Julyan to join the school Curriculum Committee which is currently made up of governors and teachers. The Year 6 representatives will be invited to attend the first part of this meeting, which takes place termly. Council members thought this was a good idea. 4. A.O.B. Billy raised playtimes and sectioning off different areas for different activities. We decided that this will form part of the agenda next time. Council members to discuss improving playtimes and ‘zoning’ with their class mates in preparation for the next meeting. Next School Council Meeting: Monday 23rd November 2015 If you have any ideas you would like to share, please let your class representative know and we will discuss these at the next School Council Meeting! Thank You!