GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Significant Environmental Aspect: Site Remediation Revised By John Kleinschmidt & Bill Fieselman Revision Date July 1, 2012 Program Lead John Kleinschmidt Program Description DFC RCRA Facility Investigation and Remediation Legal and other requirements Reference Documents (used with this program) (SITE REMEDIATION) CDPHE - Consent Order 96-04-11-01 [Implement groundwater containment system] CDPHE - Consent Order 97-07-18-01 [Sitewide assessment of all contamination resulting from activities] RCRA RCRA Manual Location and/or DFC-QAPP with SOPs John Kleinschmidt Responsible Party Historic documents of DOP & DFC Pre-RFI DFC Objectives, Targets and Strategies Objective(s) Clean-up the surface and subsurface contamination on the Denver Federal Center and maintain compliance with CDPHE Consent Order by September 2017. Targets to facilitate the accomplishment of Objective(s) Strategies to meet the Target / Progress Indicators Proposed Completion Date Insert rows as needed 1 Background Investigate 1A Wildlife Assessment Investigate 2 3 Investigate and clean Federal Highways (FHWA)-Bldg 52A DCA source area Investigate and clean if necessary, 685 acres of the facility to Residential standards (Consent Order). Clean to other standard(s), such as “industrial” if possible, under new Colorado use restriction law. Investigate and clean Divide the DFC into 26 Investigative Areas (IA) Conduct Phase 1 RCRA Facility Inspection(s) per IA Conduct Phase 2 RCRA Facility Inspection(s) or No Further Action (NFA) per IA Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 1 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Targets to facilitate the accomplishment of Objective(s) (SITE REMEDIATION) Strategies to meet the Target / Progress Indicators Proposed Completion Date Implement Corrective Measures (CM) or NFA per IA 4 5 6 7 8 Long Term Groundwater Monitoring Groundwater leaving the treatment wall at Kipling below groundwater standards Define extent of IA13/NE-DFC offsite TCE groundwater plume and treat Train staff in proper handling of RCRA waste and excavation ‘dig’ permits Spill prevention Tasks driven by each Strategy Investigate and monitor Investigate and clean Investigate and clean Train staff Train staff and tenants Person Responsible Needed Resources Date completed / comments (1) Record generated Insert rows as needed Background Documents 1.1 JK CDPHE Comments Addendum Background Assessment of Lakewood ponds upgradient and down gradient of DFC RM Completed October 2004 KC-M Completed 2005 Wildlife Management Plan LW Completed May 2008 Public Notice completed as aprt of the Facility EIS LH Contracted May2009 GSA has contracted an update/revision of the Wildlife Management Plan. The plan will incorporate the changes based on the new Masterplan. 1.1.1 1.1.2 (1) Background Area Characterization – Draft Final 2001 (2) Rev.1 July 2005 (3) Rev.2 Mar. 2006 Addendum Background Assessment Background Assessment Wildlife Assessment 1.1.3 Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 2 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy 1.1.4 Environmental Assessment (EA) 1.1.5 Environmental Impact statement (EIS) Catergory Exclusion Check List (CATEX) 1.1.6 2.1 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 Person Responsible LW Needed Resources (SITE REMEDIATION) Date completed / comments (1) Record generated Property transfer of Parcels A, B, C (2). Property transfer of Parcels A, B, C (2). Completed February 2006 LW Completed May 2008 LH Contracted October 2009 Data Center Project Refer to FHWA list South RTD - Hospital Transfer Area #1 (27.02 acres). Soils RFI JK Completed August 2006 North RTD - RTD TOD Facility 30.2 acres). Soils RFI. MG Completed August 2006 IA10N East – Solar Park Site (6.7 acres). Soils RFI. JK Completed. August 5, 2008 (NFA Letter) Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) IA04F, Building 21. JK Completed. October 2008: FHWA No Further Action (NFA) Granted (NFA Letter) 3.1.4 IA01 - Unnamed Ditch (0.86 acres). Soils RFI. JK, CE, MC Completed. October 2008: (NFA Letter) 3.1.5 Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 3 of 11 Covered approximately 21000 (0.86 acres). sq ft of Asbestos contaminated soil in core campus area, removing immediate risk to tenants. Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) (to be requested) GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy NRTD (IA06) (11.23 acres). Soils RFI. Person Responsible MG Needed Resources (SITE REMEDIATION) Date completed / comments (1) Completed April, 2009 (NFA Letter) 3.1.6 Record generated Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt NFA Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt NFA Phase I RFI NFA IA04E Bd 25 (26.53 acres). Soils RFI. JK Completed May, 2009 (NFA Letter) IA14S Open Space (9.44 acres), Soils RFI WF Completed March, 2009 (NFA Letter) IA04B Daycare JK Completed January, 2004 (NFA Letter) Removal of Feature from Prehistorical Addendum Report IA13: Department of State Facility (DoSF) JK/MC Completed December, 2011 (NFA Letter) CM Rpt (Executive Summary) NFA IA04B Bd 53 GPO Space JK/MC Completed August, 2011 (NFA Letter) Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA Non DFC (Chavez Bldg) JK/MC Completed August, 2011 (NFA Letter) Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA MG Completed August, 2011 (NFA Letter) Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 IA06 BD95 (USGS Bldg) Circle Drive Area 3.1.13 Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 4 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy NRTD (IA08/10N/11/12N/17) Person Responsible MG Needed Resources Completed 3.1.14 Date completed / comments (1) Record generated Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt NFA Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt NFA CMWP Performance Monitoring Report IA13 NE Corner (Pre Asbestos) RM Completed IA13/16 GW Treatment RM Completed IA06 USGS GW Treatment MG Completed Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA IA12S (West End, St Anthony’s Construction Parking) CE Completed Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA IA09 (St Anthony’s Laydown Area) CE Completed Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA IA09 (East Meander) CE Completed Interim Limited CM Rpt NFA IA01 (SW Landfill) CE Completed CM Rpt (Subtitle D Cap) NFA 3.1.15 3.1.16 3.1.17 3.1.18 (SITE REMEDIATION) 3.1.19 3.1.20 3.1.21 Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 5 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy IA10N West – Solar Park Site Person Responsible WF 3.1.22 WF CDPHE review and approval IA10S West Mounds WF CDPHE review and approval 3.1.24 3.3 CDPHE review and approval IA10S East Mounds – Solar Park Site 3.1.23 3.2 Needed Resources (SITE REMEDIATION) Date completed / comments (1) Record generated Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMWP CM Rpt (NFA) NFA Requested Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 6 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy Person Responsible CE Needed Resources (SITE REMEDIATION) Date completed / comments (1) Record generated 3.3.02 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA02/18 Ph1 MG Completed August 2006, further activities have been defined and an appropriate % of studied acres out of Phase II See above 3.3.03 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA14N Int Ph1 RM Completed See above Phase I RFI DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA13 Int & Ext Ph1 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA04F Int & Ext (Sewer Line) Ph1 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - SRTD Ext (Sewer Line) Ph1 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI – IA09 Ph1 RM Completed See above Phase I RFI JK/MC Completed See above Phase I RFI MG Completed See above Phase I RFI WF Completed Phase I RFI JK Completed October 2008 further activities have been defined and an appropriate % of studied acres out of Phase II March 2009 See above December 2009 anticipated Phase I RFI DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA01 Ph1 Completed 3.3.01 3.3.04 3.3.05 3.3.06 3.3.07 Phase I RFI Phase I RFI 3.3.09 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - West IA10N Ph1 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA04B Int & Ext Ph1 3.3.10 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI – IA14S Ph1 WF Completed March 2009 See above Phase I RFI 3.3.11 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI – IA10S Ph1 WF Completed March 2009 See above Phase I RFI WF Completed July 2009 See above Phase I RFI 3.3.13 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA04D Int & Ext Ph1 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI - IA03 Ph1 WF Funding Unknown Phase I RFI 3.3.14 DFC - Implement Phase I Soils RFI – IA19 Ph1 WF Funding Unknown Phase I RFI 3.3.08 3.3.12 Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 MC 85% total completed Page 7 of 11 Phase I RFI GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy 3.4 3.4.1 Person Responsible Needed Resources Date completed / comments (1) DFC - Implement Phase 2 Soils RFI - IA14N Ext (southern portion) Ph2 DFC - Implement Phase 2 Soils RFI - IA8 Ph2 WF Contracted December 2010 Anticipated JK, MG, WF Completed DFC - Implement Phase 2 Soils RFI - NRTD Ph2 MG Completed DFC - Implement Phase 2 Soils RFI – IA09 Ph2 WF Completed August 2008, further activities needed for NFA or CM August 2008, further activities needed for NFA or CM May 2008, further activities needed for NFA or CM 3.4.3 3.4.4 CE 1 Env. FTE 3/10/10 3.5.1 DFC - Implement CMWP – IA14N (northern portion) WF, MC Contracted CMWP Implemtation Plan & Funding 3.5.5 3.5.6 December 2010 Anticipated DFC - Implement CMWP - Data Gaps - NRTD (Transportation Oriented Development) MG, JK, CE, BM, MC, WF 5 Env. FTE/ 15% total 3 Env. FTE/ 15% total DFC - Implement CMWP - Data Gaps - SRTD (Hospital Ph1) Determine extent and source of IA13 TCE plume and migrating off site towards the northeast Remediate IA13 TCE plume MG, JK, CE, RM, MC, WF RM Completed December 2009, further activities needed for remediation January 2009 Complete December 2007 3.5.3 3.5.4 Phase I RFI Phase II RFI Phase I RFI Phase II RFI Phase I RFI Phase II RFI Phase I RFI Phase II RFI Corrective Measures DFC - Implement CMWP – IA01 3.5.2 Record generated Phase II RFI 3.4.2 3.5 (SITE REMEDIATION) Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 RM Page 8 of 11 Implementing Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMS CMWP Phase I RFI Phase II RFI CMS CMWP CMWP Data Gap CMWP Pilot Test Results CMWP January/ February 2010 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Tasks driven by each Strategy 3.5.7 Corrective Measure to improve treatment efficiency of wall Other 4.1 Long Term Groundwater Monitoring 5.1 Training 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1 5.3 6.1 Train all PMs and relevant team members on dig permits for all soil activities on DFC. Facilitates confinement of contamination and quality assurance of Investigations Train new PMs and relevant new team members on dig permits for all soil activities on DFC. Facilitates confinement of contamination and quality Inspect/Issue Dig Permits All Projects on DFC (tenant/GSA) are issued permit EPG inspect soil for ACM/ACS as part of each dig permit or other type soil action EPG visits one team each quarter to do review of their projects for compliance with dig permit Person Responsible JK, MC Needed Resources Completed (SITE REMEDIATION) Date completed / comments (1) Record generated 2006 CM [on the wall] JK, WF, CE Ongoing LTM QTR Repts MG/JK Ongoing MG Completed November 2004, 90% PMs trained Ongoing New employee's hired June 2008 MG, JK, RM, WF 2 Env. FTE/ 20% MC, JK, Contractor 2 Env. FTE/ 20% Ongoing 50% of dig permits issued are inspected. Ongoing 100% of dig permits issued are inspected. Dig Permit Dig Permit MG 2 Env. FTE/ 10% Ongoing, 90% compliance February 2005, 80 % reduction in probability of spill SPCC - 2004 MG/JK/RM/SG Establish relationship and lines of communication with tenants for potential spill containment by formalizing an MOU and using the SPCC language for tanks. Establishes procedure for notification and responsibility in case of spill or contamination at facility due to tenant activities. SC, MG, JK 4 Env. FTE/ 5% total Environmental Procedures (ISO 14001: Operational Controls) Title or Activity Addressed Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Person Responsible Forms Used Monitoring & Measuring (control maintenance) Page 9 of 11 Record(s) Generated Action(s) if Procedure Fails GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN Title or Activity Addressed 90-Day Storage Area Emergency HazWaste Spill Response EDR - Property Due Diligence Person Responsible MG Monitoring & Measuring Forms Used (control maintenance) (1) Contingency Plan Notification Form (2) Emergency Information Form [EPA ID# CO05670990105] Spills MG Environmental Divestiture Audit MG, MC (1) Acceptance Space Check List (2) Environmental Divestiture Audit Checklist Assess leased space for possible contamination Excavation Permit MG,MC ‘Dig’ Permit Disturbance of soils in possible contaminated areas and to protect stormwater Air Pollutant Emission Notice - & - Application for Construction Permit Particulate matter [dust] Fugitive Dust Management Spill Response MG JK, MG (SITE REMEDIATION) Record(s) Generated Action(s) if Procedure Fails (1) Contingency Plan Notification Form (2) Emergency Information Form 1) EDR review of potential property for new Govt Property (1) Acceptance Space Check List (2) Environmental Divestiture Audit Checklist (1) Excavation Permit Excavation (2) Inspection Report (1) Notice & Application for Construction Permit (2) Fugitive Dust Control Plan for Land Development Spills Tracked Accomplishments for each target (reference target numbers) Performance Metric Completion Date Competence of Persons Responsible for Targets, Tasks or Controls Title Basis for Competence [JK] John Kleinschmidt, Senior Environmental Scientist, DFC Environmental Manager & Hazardous Waste signatory, PG, RG Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA, Certified Asbestos Inspector (CABI) and expertise in field. [BC] Beverly Carery, Contracting Officer Knowledge, training and expertise in field. Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 10 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form GSA ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (8) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN (SITE REMEDIATION) Competence of Persons Responsible for Targets, Tasks or Controls Title Basis for Competence Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA, CABI) and expertise in field. Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA) and expertise in field. Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA) and expertise in field. Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA) and expertise in field. Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA, CABI) and expertise in field. [MC] Mike Carr, Environmental Scientist/Geologist, PG [CE] Carl L. Eriksson, Environmental Scientist/Geologist, PG [WF] Bill Fieselman, Environmental Scientist/Geologist, CPG [DZ] Dan Zigich,Environmental Scientist/Geologist, CPG [MG] Mike Gasser, Environmental Engineer, RG, PG [RK] Robert Kipper, Contracting Specialist Knowledge, training and expertise in field. [RM] Robert Melvin, Environmental Scientist/Geologist, RPG, CPG Knowledge, training (i.e. OSHA-HAZWOPER, RCRA) and expertise in field. [LW] Lisa Wild, Senior Program Manager, AICP Knowledge, training and expertise in field. (LH) Lisa Haskins, NEPA Coordinator Knowledge, training and expertise in field. (1) (2) Date completed / comments: If task is not completed, use No or NA. Parcel A = portion of IA10W, IA06, IA05 and IA17, Parcel B = portion of IA12S, IA10W, IA06 and IA05, Parcel C = IA01. Note 1: [SC] Shelly Clubb, DFC Environmental Manager up to April 2006. [Env. FTE] Environmental Full Time Employees. [KC-M] Kimberley CurryMcCoy [RFI] RCRA Facility Investigation Form Rev. Date: 04/28/2008 Page 11 of 11 GSA R8 SEMS EMP Planning Form