Reg Rev #1 Prologue

Name: ________________________
Regents Review #1: Prologue
1. Observation: uses one of the 5 senses: Ex: __________________________________________
2. Inference: Something that you figure out based on your observations.
Ex: __________________________________________________________________________
3. To find the volume of a cube: _____________________________________________________
4. To find volume of a rock: place object in graduated cylinder. The volume is _________________
5. Cutting an object in half does/does not change density.
6. Heating an object makes it more/less dense; compressing an object makes it more/less dense.
7. If two objects are made of the same material, they will have ______________________ density.
8. Objects that are less dense than water sink/float. Objects that are denser than water sink/float.
9. Density of water = _______ g/mL or _______ g/cm3
10. What is the density of this object? Express your answer to the nearest hundredth and SHOW
11. On the floor of the classroom, the temperature is 20°C. 4 meters higher, the temperature is 24°C.
What is the gradient? SHOW YOUR WORK
12. Changes like the moon phases, tides, & the rising and setting of the Sun are cyclic/noncyclic and
predictable/unpredictable because they repeat over and over.
13. Warm air rises because it is more/less dense than cold air.
14. Dependent variable goes on the X/Y- axis (the vertical/horizontal one)
15. Independent variable goes on the X/Y- axis (the vertical/horizontal one)
Regents Review #1: Prologue (KEY)
1. the sky is cloudy.
2. Since it is cloudy, it will probably rain later.
3. length x width x height
4. the amount the water level rises.
5. does not
6. Heating an object makes it less dense; compressing an object makes it more dense.
7. the same
8. Objects that are less dense than water float. Objects that are denser than water sink.
9. Density of water = 1 g/mL or 1 g/cm3
10. First figure out the volume:
V = 6m x 6m x 8m = 288m3
Then use the density formula:
D = 600g
11. Gradient = change in field value
12. cyclic and predictable
13. less
14. Y- axis (the vertical one)
15. X- axis (the horizontal one)
D = 2.08g/m3
G = 24ºC – 20ºC
G = 4ºC
G = 1ºC/m