College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences Plant Science Department 1110 Rotunda Lane N. Box 2140C, NPB 247 SDSU Brookings, SD 57007-2141 Phone: 605-688-4020 FAX: 605-688-4452 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 3 February 2010 Alfalfa Breeders and Seed Companies Vance N. Owens and Chris Lee Cultivar Entries for 2011 SDSU Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test Entries due 15 April 2011 Entries are being accepted for the 2011 Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test at South Dakota State University. One new dryland alfalfa trials will be planted at the Southeast Research Station near Beresford, SD in 2011. The experimental design will be a randomized complete block with 6 replicates. We plan to plant the trial during late April to early May. Plots will be planted into a firm seedbed at a rate of 18 lb pure live seed per acre. Phosphorous fertilizer will be incorporated during seedbed preparation. Later applications of fertilizer will be top-dressed at levels recommended by annual soil tests. Weeds will be controlled with herbicides as needed. Plots will be scouted for insects and insecticide applied when necessary. Certified Vernal obtained from Wisconsin will be included as the check entry. Yield data will be collected for three growing seasons after the seeding year. Yield may be measured during the seeding year if warranted; however, stand establishment will be the primary goal of seeding year management. Visual ratings prior to each harvest will include maturity and insect damage (if necessary). Varieties will be rated for potato leafhopper injury before harvesting when warranted. We will use the 5-point visual rating scale outlined by the North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Two to four annual harvests are expected. Plots will be harvested using a sickle type harvester from Swift Manufacturing (Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada). We continue to accept both released cultivars and experimental entries in our trials. The preferred way to send seed is through the distribution program with the University of Wisconsin or another university. Companies may instruct another university to ship seed to SDSU or may instruct us to request seed from another university. We will also continue to accept seed directly from companies and public institutions as long as a representative commercial seed tag accompanies the seed. Experimental entries may be shipped directly to SDSU. Please include accurate seed germination and purity information with your shipments. Yield results and potato leafhopper ratings will be sent to companies and public institutions by 1 December of each year. In addition, yield information will be posted on the internet. All results for released cultivars will be made available to South Dakota forage producers. Changing of experimental codes to cultivar names will be done according to guidelines developed by the North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Please complete an entry form for each cultivar or experimental entry. You can copy the entry form as needed or print it from the internet . If the entry is an experimental line, please indicate as such on the entry form and send seed directly to me. The entry fee is $400 per entry per location. There is no fee charged for experimental entries submitted by public institutions. State and local sales tax must be added for payments that originate within South Dakota. Payments originating outside of South Dakota are not subject to sales tax. It is very helpful to us and to you if you provide an email address for the contact person. Please submit entries by 15 April 2011. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding specific questions about the yield test. I look forward to your entry and thank you for your interest in the SDSU Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test. cc: Dr. Sue Blodgett 2011 South Dakota Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test Contact Information Office number Fax number email address Internet address Mailing address Vance Owens Chris Lee 605-688-6088 605-688-4501 605-688-4452 605-688-4452 Plant Science Department Plant Science Department South Dakota State University South Dakota State University NPB 247, Box 2140-C NPB 247, Box 2140-C Brookings, SD 57007 Brookings, SD 57007 One trial will be started at the Southeast Research Station near Beresford, SD in 2011. Completely fill out the Entrant Information and Entry Information sections below regarding entry and location. Copy the form or download it from the internet ( as needed. Please provide fall dormancy and disease and insect resistance ratings. Send entry form (fax, email, regular mail) and payment (regular mail) by 15 April 2011 to Vance Owens at the above address. There is no charge for experimental entries from public institutions. Entrant Information: Company / Institution: __________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________ FAX: __________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Entry Information: Location Entry Name Seed Marketer Is this an experimental line? Is this a multifoliolate line? Is this a potato leafhopper resistant line? YES ____ YES ____ YES ____ FD Bw Vw Fw An PRR APH NO ____ NO ____ NO ____ Testing fees are $400 per entry per location. Payments originating from South Dakota must also include state and local sales tax. Seed Procurement: Please deliver 1 lb. of seed per entry per location by 15 April 2011. How will seed be delivered to South Dakota State University (check one)? Seed and a representative seed tag will be shipped directly to SDSU from the company/institution. Experimental seed will be shipped directly to SDSU from the company/institution. Another university (such as Univ. of Wisconsin) will be instructed to ship certified seed to SDSU. SDSU is instructed to request certified seed from _________________________________. Seed Information: Germination: _________ Purity: __________ Date of test ________________ Any seed treatments? No: Yes: ______ If Yes, explain: