Mrs Noble and Mr Taylor`s curriculum newsletter

Mrs Noble and Mr Taylor’s Classes
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Over the coming term we will be studying a unit of work entitled ‘Britain since 1930’. During this unit we will be
working on the following things:
In Science, we’ll be:
Associating the brightness of a lamp or volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used
Comparing and giving reasons for variation in components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the
loudness of buzzers and on/off position of switches
Using recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit diagram
In Geography, we’ll be:
Locating countries involved in the Second World War
In Technology, we’ll be finding out:
How to make shelters
In History, we’ll be learning about:
The 1930’s depression in England - ‘Jarrow Crusade’ and comparing this to the closing of ‘Scunthorpe
Steel Works’
The causes of the Second World War
The evacuation and the effects of this on the lives of evacuees
The Blitz/Air Raids – bombings and the role of the ARP warden
The Battle of Britain
Influential figures - Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler
The Home Front
Rationing Food
The bombing of Pearl Harbour
The story of Anne Frank
Concentration Camps
In Physical Education, we’ll be learning:
Team games
In Music, we’ll be learning:
War Time Songs
In R.E, we’ll be finding out:
About codes of conduct and rites of passage in the lives of faith members
About the impact of religious codes of conduct on believers of different faiths
Maths, we’ll be working on the following areas:
Fractions of quantities, equivalent fractions and the links between fractions, decimals and percentages
Using the four rules of number with fractions
Ratio and proportion
Properties of shape
Basic algebra
In English, we’ll be working on the following areas:
Poetry based on the senses
War time biographies
Narratives set in the 1930’s
Propaganda Posters
Diary entries from the time
We already know the interest you take in your child’s work. If you can, please discuss with your child the work
they have done as the term progresses and let them teach you!
Thank you for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Noble and Mr Taylor
Britain since 1930
Do you have any skills, resources or expertise in any areas of our topic?
If you have any skills or expertise within this topic and are willing to help out then we would love to hear from
you! Please fill in the contact details below and return to the class teacher.
Name of child:________________________________________________
I am able to offer skills, expertise or resources relating to the following areas of the topic:
Name of Parent/Carer: ______________________
Phone number:_____________________________
Email address: __________________________________________________________________