Week 31: April 20th – April 25th MONDAY 20th TUESDAY 21st WEDNESDAY 22nd THURSDAY 23rd REGULAR SCHEDULE Boys Varsity Golf Evans Gill Tournament STRIVE – Computer Use ONLY Girls JV Tennis vs. Port Huron High School Girls JV Softball vs. Utica High Girls Varsity Softball vs. Utica High Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Romeo Girls JV Soccer vs. Grosse Pointe South Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Grosse Pointe South Boys JV Baseball vs. Romeo Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Port Huron High School Pine Valley Media Center Home Home Home Home Home Home AWAY AWAY 9:00 AM 2:15 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM REGULAR SCHEDULE STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE – Math, Science, Social Studies Prom Ticket Sales Coed Varsity Track vs. Warren Mott Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Dakota Girls JV Softball vs. Eisenhower Girls Varsity Softball vs. Eisenhower Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Utica High Boys JV Lacrosse vs. Eisenhower Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Utica High Room 638 Media Center Activities Office Home Home Home Home Home AWAY AWAY Lunch Hours 2:15 PM 2:15 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM REGULAR SCHEDULE STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY Prom Ticket Sales STRIVE – Math, Science, English Boys JV Baseball vs. Romeo Girls JV Tennis vs. Stevenson Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Stevenson Girls JV Soccer vs. Anchor Bay Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Anchor Bay Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Romeo Boys Varsity Golf vs. Romeo Room 638 Activities Office Media Center Home AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY Greystone Lunch Hours Lunch Hours 2:15 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM REGULAR SCHEDULE STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE - Math, Science, English Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Romeo Girls JV Softball vs. Dakota Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Cousino Room 638 Media Center Home Home Home Lunch Hours 2:15 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM FRIDAY 24th SATURDAY 25th Boys Varsity Golf vs. Grosse Pointe North Girls Varsity Softball vs. Dakota Girls Freshman Softball vs. Dakota Boys JV Baseball vs. Romeo Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Grosse Pointe South Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Dakota AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM REGULAR SCHEDULE Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Athens Girls JV Tennis vs. Anchor Bay Boys JV Lacrosse vs. L’Anse Creuse North Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. L’Anse Creuse High Coed Varsity Track vs. Anchor Bay Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Anchor Bay Girls Freshman Softball vs. Stevenson Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Stevenson Home Home Home Home AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM Boys JV Baseball vs. Troy High Boys Varsity Baseball-Lakeview Tourney-Kyte Monroe DH Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Sterling Heights High Home AWAY AWAY 11:00 AM TBA 8:00 AM April 27th STRIVE – Computer Use ONLY Girls JV Tennis vs. Cousino Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Cousino Girls JV Softball vs. L’Anse Creuse North Girls Varsity Softball vs. L’Anse Creuse North Girls JV Soccer vs. Eisenhower Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Eisenhower Boys Varsity Golf OPEN DATE Boys JV Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North April 28th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE – Math, Science, Social Studies Boys JV Lacrosse vs. Stevenson Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Stevenson Coed Varsity Track vs. Sterling Heights High Girls Freshman Softball vs. Eisenhower Girls JV Softball vs. Anchor Bay Girls Varsity Softball vs. Anchor Bay Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Utica High Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Eisenhower April 29th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE – Math, Science, English Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Avondale Girls JV Tennis vs. Chippewa Valley Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Chippewa Valley Boys Varsity Golf vs. Grosse Pointe South Boys JV Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North April 30th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE - Math, Science, English Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Anchor Bay Coed Varsity Track vs. L’Anse Creuse North Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Utica High Girls JV Softball vs. St Clair High Girls Varsity Softball vs. St Clair High Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Stevenson Boys Varsity Golf vs. Eisenhower Boys JV Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Grosse Pointe North May 4th STRIVE – Computer Use ONLY Girls JV Soccer vs. Stevenson Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Stevenson Boys Varsity Golf vs. Walled Lake Central Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Troy High Boys JV Baseball vs. Cousino Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Cousino May 5th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE – Math, Science, Social Studies Coed Varsity Track vs. Fraser Boys Varsity Golf vs. Eisenhower Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Fraser Girls JV Tennis vs. Eisenhower Girls Varsity Tennis OPEN DATE Girls Freshman Softball vs. Fraser Girls JV Softball vs. Romeo Girls Varsity Softball vs. Romeo Girls Freshman Soccer vs. Eisenhower May 6th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE – Math, Science, English Boys JV Lacrosse OPEN DATE Boys Varsity Lacrosse OPEN DATE Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Richmond High Girls JV Soccer vs. Grosse Pointe South Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Grosse Pointe South Boys JV Baseball vs. Cousino Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Cousino Andrea Geyer Nick Chambers Viviana Jaramillo Shauna Fulgenzi Steven Goralski Angela Sikorski Heather Blum Jeff Webster Derek Ganfield Angel Suvak Kristi Lively Jody Cuatt Matt Hayes April 22nd April 23rd April 24th May 4th May 4th May 5th May 8th May 12th May 21st May 24th May 26th May 29th May 31s May 7th STRIVE for SUCCESS – By Invitation ONLY STRIVE - Math, Science, English Cabinet Boys Varsity Lacrosse vs. Utica High Girls JV Tennis vs. Lakeview High Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Lakeview High Girls Freshman Softball vs. Romeo Girls JV Softball vs. Eisenhower Girls Varsity Softball vs. Eisenhower Boys Varsity Golf vs. Grosse Pointe North Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Romeo Boys JV Baseball vs. Cousino Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Cousino May 8th 4th Progress Report Ends Principal’s Advisory Last Day for Prom Tickets Girls Freshman Softball vs. Fraser Boys Varsity Golf OPEN DATE Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Utica High May 9th Boys JV Lacrosse vs. Romeo Coed Varsity Track vs. Dakota Girls JV Softball vs. Roseville High Girls Varsity Softball vs. Royal Oak Boys Varsity Baseball OPEN DATE SENIORS: Don’t forget, you have to make your college decision by the National Deadline of May 1. If you have been accepted at several universities, make sure you let the other schools know you are not attending – this will open the door for someone who has been waitlisted. SENIORS: Even if you don’t think you are eligible, you should be completing your FAFSA application. It will provide the college with necessary financial information so they can offer additional aid. Go online to fafsa.ed.gov today. The State of Michigan-Student Financial Services Bureau is available to assist Michigan students in funding their postsecondary education. Use these contacts for further information and financial guidance. 1-888-4-GRANTS (888-447-2687) www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid www.twitter.com/mistudentaid www.facebook.com/mistudentaid Seniors who are applying to college must first register at www.parchment.com. Click on the SIGN UP tab at the top of the page and follow the instructions. Once you have created an account you can request to have electronic transcripts sent to the schools they are applying to. Once you have requested transcripts, you can check the status online at any time. THIS IS A FREE SERVICE. SENIORS! Check out the updated Scholarship list in Family Connection!! Go to www.naviance .com, click sign in and Student and Family Sign In. Questions? Come down to the counseling office and we will help you out! Scholarship information is also available on the UticaK12 website! Find all these listing any more at www.UticaK12.org. Click on the Quicklink for Scholarships! NEVER pay money for a scholarship application or scholarship search!! These companies will provide the same information you can find for FREE by searching online or using the list below. SCHOLARSHIP EXPERTS.COM has a variety of scholarships available. Deadlines and requirements vary and new listings are updated frequently. Visit www.scholarshipexperts.com for more information. (NEW LISTING) SCHOLARSHIP GUIDANCE.COM is a website specifically designed to help students interested in post-secondary education find scholarships. New listings are updated frequently. Go to www.scholarshipguidance.com for more information. AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS ~ A variety of scholarships and awards are available to junior and graduating seniors in Michigan. More information is available online at http://michiganlegion.org/pages/scholar.html or email packet@michiganlegion.org for a packet. CARL LAROCK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ~ Three Awards of $1,000 each. Applicants must be graduating seniors from a UCS high School who are children or grandchildren of VFW Post 4659 members, maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, and have been accepted to a college or university. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Deadline is April 20, 2015. STUDENT VIEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~Award Amount: $4,000 - $500. This website has information about applying for other scholarships as well. Visit www.student-view.com for more information and to apply. Deadline is April 22, 2015. (New Listing) Stefan Oncia Memorial Scholarship applications are now available in the counseling center. Is available for any seniors who has overcome a hardship and plans to attend a postsecondary educational program after graduation. This scholarship is based on an essay. No other factors will be taken into consideration. Application are available in the counseling center. Deadline is April 24. HAVEL/UTICA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP ~ Two Awards of $250. Applicants must have attended Havel Elementary for all or part of their elementary education. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Deadline is May 1, 2015. NORDSTROM TEN4U SCHOLARSHIP ~ $10,000 for college! Apply online at www.nordstrom.com/scholarship. Deadline is May 1, 2015. VIBE CREDIT UNION SCHOLARSHIP ~ 5 $1,000 will be awarded to graduating seniors who plan to continue their education at a university, college or technical school. Applicants must be Vibe Credit Union members in good standing, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, and perform 20 hours of community service during their junior/senior years. Applications are available online at www.vibecreditunion.com/home/accounts/fuse-youth-accounts Deadline is May 1, 2015. CREDIT UNION ONE WILLIAM G. COYNE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ To qualify you must be a graduating senior, whose family is a member of Credit Union ONE for a minimum of 6 months, minimum 3.0 GPA and have completed 30 hours of documented, qualified community service during Junior/Senior year. Applications available in the counseling center and online at http://www.cuone.org/about/scholarships.aspx. Deadline is May 1, 2015. EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP ~ Award amount: $1,250 per year for up to 4 years. Applicants must be admitted to EMU, have a minimum 3.2 GPA and must be sponsored by a parent or grandparent who is an EMU Alumnus. Applications are available online at emich.edu/alumni. Deadline is May 1, 2015. DETROIT ECONOMIC CLUB SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Award Amount: 2- $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors. Scholarships are renewable for up to three years. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.2; demonstrate leadership and character through extracurricular activities, service in school and in the community, volunteer involvement and paid work experience, demonstrated financial need based on completion of the FAFSA, and overcoming hardship to achieve both academic and personal goals. Visit www.cfsem.org, click on scholarships, and scroll to the Detroit Economic Club. Deadline is May 1, 2015. COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN ~ A variety of scholarships and awards are available to graduating seniors in Southeastern Michigan. Visit cfsem.org and click on Scholarships for a list of available scholarships to apply for. Priority deadline is May 1, 2015. ARAB AMERICAN & CHALDEAN COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Open to applicants of Arab/Chaldean descent with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications are available in the counseling center. Entries must be received by May 1, 2015. MICHAEL J. GEORGE CHALDEAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Scholarship money available to Michigan high school & college graduates of Chaldean descent with a minimum 3.3 GPA. For more information contact Rula at rula@chaldeanfederation.org and applications are available online at www.chaldeangrads.com . Deadline is May 22, 2015. B. DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP ~Award Amount: $1,000. This website has information about applying for other scholarships as well. Information and application available online at www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm. Deadline is May 25, 2015. BROWNING ELEMENTARY ALUMNI SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP ~ Two Awards of $500 each. Applicants must have attended Browning Elementary for all or a portion of their elementary education. Applications are available in the Counseling Center. Deadline is May 29, 2015. NATHAN SCHROEDER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Up to $1,500 of renewable scholarship money available to high school graduates with a minimum GPA 2.0 who are accepted into the Automotive Technology Program at Macomb Community College. For more information and to apply online go to https://macomb.academicworks.com/opportunities/2113. Deadline is May 31, 2015. HOMER J. HOLLENBECK FOUNDATION ~ Award Amount: $2,000. Applicants must attend a Macomb County high school, maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrate a hardship which could otherwise prevent you prevent from attending college and attend college full-time in the fall of 2015. Applications are available in the counseling office. Deadline is May 31, 2015. ATHNET SPORTS RECRUITING SCHOLARSHIP ~ A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to current or former high school athlete. Applications must include a personal statement and a 400-500 word essay describing how the lessons you have learned through playing sports have positively impacted you as you pursue your college education. Information is available online at athleticscholarships.net. Deadline is June 1, 2015. “ASPIRING ANIMATION PROFESSIONAL” SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Award amount: $1,000 awarded to a graduating senior interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited postsecondary school or college. Apply online at www.animationcareerreview.com/. Look for the scholarship link on the right side of the page. Deadline is June 1, 2015. “ASPIRING FASHION PROFESSIONAL” SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ~ Award amount: $1,000 awarded to a graduating senior interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college. Apply online at www.fashion-schools.org. Look for the scholarship link at the bottom of the page. Deadline is June 1, 2015. ABBOTT AND FENNER SCHOLARSHIP ~ Award amount: up to $1,000 to the winner(s) each year. Full details on the essay topic and application are available on line at www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm. Deadline is June 15, 2015. BIG SUN YOUNG ATHLETES SCHOLARSHIP ~ $500 scholarship. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. For more information, visit www.bigsunathletics.com. Deadline is June 19, 2015. Nursing Schools Almanac has just launched its inaugural 2015 Aspiring Nurse Scholarship. The website will award a $1,000 scholarship to an aspiring nurse who best demonstrates a track record of academic excellence, particularly in science and mathematics and a passion for the nursing profession and the overall field of healthcare. This scholarship competition is open to all high school seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. For more information and to apply visit www.nursingschoolsalmanac.com. Deadline is June 30. AES ENGINEERS SCHOLARSHIP ~ Award Amount: $500. Scholarship is awarded on the basis of character, as determined by evaluating the essays submitted. Visit www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm for more information and to apply. Deadline is October 7, 2015. Five Pre-College Programs at Boston University are available to high school students. Programs range from a six-week residential college program where student can earn up to eight transferable college credits to a one-week noncredit class where students can explore one subject of interest. Check out the offerings at www.bu.edu/summer/highschool . For more information on the variety of summer programs offered through the College for Creative Studies visit the websites below. For students ages 8-12: www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/one-week-at-a-time For students ages 13-19: www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/create-connect Precollege Summer Experience from July 5-25 www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/pcse If you are currently in grade 10 or 11, spend your summer at The Duke Summer College for High School Students! With a dynamic curriculum designed for your passions and talents, we set you up for Duke-caliber greatness in the setting of our gorgeous university campus. Make friends from all over the globe as you learn from the highly-trained, highly-intriguing faculty of Duke University and earn college credit. Register at http://summersession.duke.edu/high-school-students Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles, CA is hosting their 3-days of Fashion this summer. Hand-on workshops include Fashion Draping, Learning Fashion Sketching, Drawing Shoe designs and discovering the art of trend spotting. Space is limited. Students are responsible for airfare and hotel accommodations. Learn more by texting FIDMSummer to 57682. George Washington University offers students an extraordinary opportunity for an enriching academic summer experience. Courses range from 6-week online classes to opportunities in the Economics, Law & Government, Writing & Communications and Medicine, and more. To learn more or to register, check out www.precollege.gwu.edu Deadline is May 15. Arts, Kettering University offers the LITE (Lives Improve Through Engineering) two-week residential program for girls who complete 11th grade by July 1. To learn how using math, science and technology can helps us find solutions to human problems, go to www.kettering.edu/lite. (New Listing) New York University has many classes, workshops, and events designed specifically for high school students. Explore what NYU has to offer and find out which program is right for you by visiting www.nyu.edu/precollege. Oakland University's Career Exploration Summer Camps are a unique precollege experience for motivated and ambitious high school teens. Campers immersed in the fastest-growing career fields like healthcare, engineering, criminal justice, business, graphic design and more through: skill-building activities, hands-on team exercises, action-packed field trips, and dynamic discussions with OU faculty and staff. For more information and to register visit oakland.edu/careercamps. will be STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRE-COLLEGIATE STUDIES Open for high school student. Precollege programs are High School Summer College, Summer Humanities Institute, Stanford youth Orchestra, University-Level Online Math & Physics Courses, Stanford Online High School. Registration information available online at https://summerinstitutes.stanford.edu/ Michigan Tech offers numerous summer programs for students grades 6 – 11 including five competitive scholarship programs. For more information visit www.syp.mtu.edu.