Morning Announcements 3-12-2015

Brush High School
Morning Announcements
Thursday, March 12, 2015
All students wishing to participate in the Senior Art Show please sign up with Ms.Curry in C106. The last day to sign up
will be Friday, March 27th. All work needing a mat must be delivered to C106 by April 6th. (3/27)
ATTENTION BOOK CLUBBERS AND SLACKERS! I hope you can join us this Friday after school to watch
"Sarah's Key." Also, our next book club book will be available to pick up later this week. Stop by the library for more
information! (3/13)
Attention to any student who FORECASTED for Brush Chorale (kor-AL) or any student interested in participating in a
high level vocal ensemble at Brush. Chorale auditions will be held today Thursday, March 12th from 4:30-7:30pm and
tomorrow, Friday, March 13th from 3:15-4:00pm. Sign up immediately for an audition time outside of room C109. If for
some reason you aren't able to come to the available audition times. See Miss Ballou to schedule a separate time. (3/13)
Peer Tutors Attention Peer Tutors and students who attend study tables: Due to next week's OGTs, we will not have
study tables on Monday March 16th or on Wednesday March 18th. See you the following week!(3/13)
Members of the Mock Trial and Debate Team should see Mrs. Sorrells TODAY for a field trip opportunity. (3/12)
MAC Diamonds will meet on Monday, March 16th at 3:15 in the library. This is a dress up meeting.(3/16)
Attention all Drama Club Members: Their will be a short meeting this Thursday 3/12 right after school in C115. If you
would like to be involve or help out with this year's musical, Into the Woods, in some way, please attend this meeting!!!
Spring OGT Testing will begin on Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20.
Make ups will be the following week March 23rd – March 27th
Prom Fashion Show Rehearsal will be held on Thursday, March 19th
Prom Fashion Show will be held in the PAC on Friday, March 20th
Spring Break is coming! It begins Monday, March 30th through Friday April 3rd.
SENIORS: As of today, the “Senior Class Important Information Booklet” has been updated. The updated booklet
is now “GREEN”. The Green Booklet is to make sure you are reading the current information. You will find updated
information regarding fees and other items of interest that lead to Commencement Day! Please stop in the Principal’s
Office for a new copy. Mrs. Sanford has also sent a copy to your email. PLEASE SHARE THE BOOKLET and THE
o If you are following the timeline of your booklet the next Important Date is the Senior Class Meeting on
April 16th at 8:10am in the PAC. Also the following is a list of your new fee deadlines:
April 17th for Students on Senior Project
April 24th for Cosmetology Students
May 8th for the entire 12th Grade Class
Keep in mind …Fees that are not paid, will prevent you from participating in the Commencement and getting
your diploma.
Keep up with your dates, you must read your booklet! Save the dates on the calendar in your phone and be knowledgeable
of your events!(3/30)
Seniors are requested to turn in photos to be used in the Senior Send-Off Program. Deadline for photos is March 27,
2015. Photos are to be turned into Mr. Laplanche in D-210. All photos should have your name, address, and telephone
numbers on the back. No email photos are accepted.(3/27)
Any girls interested in track must see Coach DeWitt in D205 today to be on the team. So girl's track, we are ending
sign-ups for the team this week. Make sure you see the coach today or tomorrow.
Varsity Sports Today: (None)
GUEST TEACHERS and Support Staff
Ms. Bair (Apex Lab)
Mrs. Johnson (Fuller)
Mrs. Reiger (Weldon)
Ms. Unsdorfer (Secy)
Mrs. Haynes (Cerrato)
Mrs. Benjamin (Guzik)
Mr. Rosenberg (Macauda)
Mrs. Adell (Mikes)
Mr. Ralston(Spielman)
Mrs. Spolar (Misc.)
Mr. Pressman (Misc.)
Mr. Jacono (Misc.)
Mr. Krol (Misc.)
Thank you for your service! To read announcements in their entirety, go to the Brush Homepage on our website at and select “Morning Announcement”. All announcements are posted for one week.
Finally; Attention Students a reminder from the PBIS Team:
As you go through the week please follow the Arc’s Creed…
A-arrive on time
R-respect self and others
C- cooperate at all times
and S- focus on success.
Thank you from the BRUSH PBIS Team!
fws 3/12/2015