Class Syllabus Porterville College: Life Span Development – PTNV P010C Fall 2015 CRN: 70371 Units: 2 Instructor: Elizabeth Keele, RN, B.S.N. Home Phone: 559-793-1664 e-mail: or WEB Number Class contact: _____________________________________________________________ Class contact: _____________________________________________________________ Class contact: _____________________________________________________________ Hours/ Days: Wednesday: 9:20 AM – 11:25 AM @ HC2061 Course Description: Surveys the developmental process from conception to death. The emphasis is on mental and emotional development and developmental milestones of the normal individual. Grading: 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D < 60% = F Criteria: (Your grade is based on accrued points – there is no curve) Quizzes: Tests: Participation (iClicker): Projects Final Exam: Total: 100 points 130 points 130 points 125 points 100 points__ 585 points Office Hours: By appointment (I am usually available before and after class with advanced notice). Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, by phone (559) 793-1664 or e-mail (if I do not reply within 24 hours, please call me). Please do not phone after 10:00 PM or on Sundays unless it is an emergency. Document1 2/6/2016 1 Web Site: or go to go to and go to the instructors web sites and click on Elizabeth Keele. You may obtain power point presentation, handouts and class syllabus on-line. You may also find links to various information presented in class. Textbook & Required Materials: Journey Across the life span: Human Development and health Promotion; Elaine Polan & Caphne Taylor. (This text is required and necessary for a student to complete the course successfully). iClicker. This is a standard iClicker, which is absolutely required for this class. It is an electronic device used for in-class polling, quizzes, etc. One iClicker can be used by a single student for any number of classes at the same time and can be used again in future semesters. Each student MUST have his/her own iClicker and will need to bring it to class daily. Scan Trons #882-ES (@ 4) & #2 Pencil – for test taking purposes Quizzes: A quiz or test will be given on a daily bases. Quizzes consist of about 10 questions each and may be administered either by paper pencil or via the iClicker. Quizzes (especially the iClicker quizzes) are scheduled to begin the minute class starts and are timed at no more than 1 minute per question – or when all of the student who were in the room at the start of the question have answered the question. If you are late you may begin to participate in the quiz when you arrive, however, there will be no opportunity to answer the questions that have past. One quiz can be made up. The make-up quiz is scheduled during the final exam and will be used in lieu of one missed quiz. If you have not missed any quizzes, then the make-up quiz will be used to replace your lowest quiz grade. All students will be given the make-up quiz during the scheduled final exam. The quiz will consist of 10 questions/points. Quizzes are based predominantly on the subject matter that was taught in the most resent previous lecture; however they may include information from earlier lectures. Quizzes and tests are based on reading and lecture notes. Tests & Exams: There are three scheduled tests throughout the course and one final comprehensive exam at the end of the course. Please bring a scan-tron form #882-ES to all tests and exams. Tests, exams and quizzes are timed – 1 minute for each question. If you arrive late to class during a test or failure to use a scan tron a 10% penalty will be dropped from your test score. The opportunity to make up one missed exam will only be allowed if the student informs the instructor prior to the scheduled test or exam. Students will not be allowed to retake any exam or quiz on which an unsatisfactory grade was earned. Students may make arrangement with the instructor to review an individual exam up to two (2) weeks after the exam is returned. The final exam will not be reviewed. All cell phones, pagers, and/or electronic device must be turned OFF during exams/quizzes unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. Electronic devices other than a calculator may not be used for in-class calculations work (ie. Cell phones, PDA’s, etc) during exams. Cell phone calculators may not be used. Document1 2/6/2016 2 Participation: Participation points will be given in this class based on your use of the iClicker during class discussions. Participation points are awarded as an “all or nothing”; five points per class session. You may miss one iClicker participation question (during one class day) and still get full credit for the day, but if you miss more than one (a minimum of 90%), you will receive no participation points for the day. General: Attendance is vital for success. Please plan and organize your schedule so that you can attend regularly and fully. Students are expected to be on time and attend each scheduled class and assume responsibility for assigned activities, be active in the learning process and meet all established level objectives. Only excused absences will be given an opportunity to make up a test (see Tests & Exams). If you do not attend class two times without contacting the instructor, you will be dropped from the course. Homework/projects will not be accepted late unless excused by the instructor. Missing class is not an excuse for not turning in homework/projects. Projects are turned in electronically via Hard copies (paper copies) are not required. Cell phones and pagers should be placed on silent mode. Computers and computer usage are allowed in the classroom as long as they are not a distraction to other students. Children are not allowed in classroom. Reasonable Accommodation: If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or you have questions related to any accommodation for testing, note takers, readings, etc., please speak with the instructor as soon as possible. Students may also contact the Disability Resource Center (559) 791-2215 with questions about such services. Instructor’s Intellectual Rights: Individual instructors retain intellectual property rights to lectures and class presentations and related material; notes or other class materials may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation or for any other purpose other than study by the individual student enrolled in the class. Unauthorized use of class notes or recordings is subject to the federal Copyright Act, California Civil Code, and Program policy and may subject an individual to failure of the course and/or legal proceedings brought by the instructor, as well as the Health Careers Department. Examples of violation of this policy include, but not limited to, audio recording, and any electronic posting such as YouTube, blogging, podcasting, etc. Students may not tape record during any test preview or review; however students are welcomed to record lectures for their own review and benefit. Honesty: I require honesty on tests and assignments. Following Porterville College policy, if a student cheats on a test or assignment, or plagiarizes, I will give an “F” grade (0/zero points) on that assignment and I will report the incident to the Dean. The student will have to meet with the Dean of Students to determine whether further disciplinary action is necessary. Document1 2/6/2016 3 Using This online source checks your paper for plagiarism, which is very helpful to instructors. It is very simple to use: Go to If you already have an account, simply log on and follow the instructions to add a class using the Class ID and password below. If you do not already have a Turnitin account, follow the instructions for new users on the web page. Follow the instructions to create a user Enter your e-mail address Create a password for yourself Enter your first and last name (please use your name as it appears on my role) Class ID: 10347859 Enrollment password: nursing (all lower caps) Class Name: Life Span Fall 2015- WEDNESDAY When it’s time to submit assignments: Log in to Click on the name of the class. Click on “submit” with the square paper icon. You must submit the paper as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF document to Follow the upload instructions for the first assignment. (Note that TII cannot process documents uploaded in WPS format from MS Works – if you are using Works, you will need to save your documents as RTF files or simply use the cut and paste option when uploading.) For all subsequent assignments, simply log in and pick the correct assignment to upload. Document1 2/6/2016 4 Student Behavioral Objectives: By the completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate behaviors consistent with those of a successful student learner. 2. Identify and describe major developmental theories. 3. Describe the concepts of human development from newborn to late adulthood. Course Content: The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians state approved course content is as follows: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Describe the fundamental concepts and contributions of the following developmental theorists: a. Freud b. Erikson c. Paiget d. Kohlbert 2. Describe the general process of human development from conception through the neonatal period to include consideration of significant milestones. 3. Discuss the influences of the following on human development: a. Genetics b. Environment c. Achieving minimum and maximum potential (reaction range) 4. Describe major features of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development during: a. Infancy b. Early childhood (preschool period) c. Late childhood (school period) d. Adolescence 5. Describe adulthood including: a. Challenges of early adulthood b. Changes in role of self-concept for middle adulthood c. Social and cultural influences on adults 6. Describe the aging processes including: a. Physiological changes b. Mental changes c. Changing social roles in: i. Retirement ii. Disengagement iii. Death iv. Special needs Document1 2/6/2016 5 Course Outline, Schedule and Assignments: Date August 26 Lecture Topics Tests / Quizzes/ Assignments Sept 2 Introduction to Course Chapter 1 – Healthy Lifestyles Chapter 2 – Culture Sept 9 Chapter 3 – The Family Sept 16 Chapter 4 - Communication Sept 23 Chapter 5 - Theories of Growth and Development Chapter 5 - Continued Sept 30 Oct 7 Chapter 6 – Prenatal period to 1 year Oct 14 Chapter 7 – Toddlerhood Oct 21 Chapter 8 – Preschool Oct 28 Chapter 9 – School age Nov 4 Chapter 10 – Puberty and Adolescence Nov 11 Nov 18 NO CLASS – VETERANS DAY Chapter 11 – Early adulthood Nov 25 Chapter 12 – Middle adulthood Chapter 13 – Late adulthood Dec 2 Quiz #1 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Quiz #2 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Project #1 Due (25 pts) Quiz #3 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Test #1 (40 points) Participation (5 points) Quiz #4 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Project #2 Due(25 pts) Quiz #5 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Quiz #6 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Test #2 (50 points) Participation (5 points) Quiz # 7 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Quiz #8 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Project #3 Due (25 pts) Test #3 (40 point) Participation (5 points) Quiz # 9 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Project #4 Due (50 pts) Quiz # 10 (10 points) Participation (5 points) Final Exam (100 pts) 7:30 – 9:30 AM Make-up Quiz (10 pts) Chapter 14 – Death & Dying Review for Final Dec 7 MONDAY Document1 Score 2/6/2016 6