Topic Name of Speaker Neural correlates of conscious auditory perception Rhodri Cusack: Discovering and representing patterns in sound sequences Maria Chait: Music cognition Henkjan Honing: Biosonar: Using sounds to probe the world Annemarie Surlykke AMS@BIOLOGY.SDU.DK Environmental acoustics Dick Botteldooren: Neurobiology of speech perception Sophie Scott: New approaches in cochlear implants Bernhard Laback: Sound and space Matt Coombe uk Neil Rose 8.009.00 9.0010.30 Monday July 16 Introduction of the participants by one-slide presentation Lecture by Rhodri Cusack: The neural correlates of conscious auditory perception I. Tuesday July 17 Wednesday July 18 Thursday July 19 Friday July 20 Monday July 23 Lecture by Maria Chait: Discovering and representing patterns in sound sequences I. Coffee break Lecture by Henkjan Honing: Musical cognition I. Lecture by Dick Botteldooren: Environmenta l acoustics I. Lecture by Bernhard Laback: Hearing impairments I. Student’s presentations Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Lecture by Henkjan Honing: Musical Cognition II. Lecture by Dick Botteldooren: Environmenta l acoustics II. Lecture by Bernhard Laback: Hearing impairments II. Student’s presentations Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lecture by Sophie Scott: Speech perception I. Lab session: Lab session: Cochlear models and simulators Matt Coombes and Neil Rose: Sound And Space seminar 10.3011.00 11.0012.30 Coffee break 12.3013.30 13.3015.00 Lunch Lecture by Maria Chait: Discovering and representing patterns in sound sequences II. Lunch Lecture by Annemarie Surlykke: Biosonar: Using sounds to probe the world I. Tea break Lab session: Perceptual experiment on regularity extraction from complex auditory scenes 15.0015.15 15.1516.45 16.4517.00 17.0018.00 Lecture by Rhodri Cusack: The neural correlates of conscious auditory perception II. Lecture by Annemarie Surlykke: Biosonar: Using sounds to probe the world II. Tea break Discussion of Student’s projects Tea break Tea break Lecture by Sophie Scott: Speech perception II. Students collect sound and visual material for space-related performance Tea break Tea break Tea break Tea break Group work Group work Group work Group work Immersive Vision Theatre Performance with student materials