Y3/4 2015/16 Autumn 1 Aztecs Autumn 2 Animals Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Volcanoes Living things and their habitats. Romans Fieldwork in the local area Creating their own creature habitat Recounts Roman dictionary scrapbook Discussion (Roman numerals) Instructions Habitats Achievements of earliest civilisations Outcome Literacy non-fiction Focus Playscript for a myth Information leaflet Report Explanation Explanation of how a volcano works. Persuasion States of matter Adaptation Electricity Design and make your own chocolate bar Advertising poster for chocolate bar. Food and nutrition Make own volcano to support the next half term’s Topic work. Science Tolerance Freedom of speech DT Computing e-safety Research using the WWW Art and Design PE Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect Languages TBC Mutual respect and tolerance TBC Mutual respect and tolerance Music Composing (advert) TBC Mutual respect and tolerance Play and perform RE Special places and places of worship Mutual respect and tolerance Christmas and Hanukkah Mutual respect and tolerance Founders of religions Jesus and Allah Mutual respect and tolerance Outdoor learning/visitors Cadburys world 70s and 80s music Artists linked to living things Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect TBC Mutual respect and tolerance Staff and musical notation New life and new beginnings Mutual respect and tolerance Sounds Use software to create a game linked to the Romans (SCRATCH)/debug any problems Mosaics Sketching Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect Indoor Outdoor Mutual respect TBC Mutual respect and tolerance TBC Mutual respect and tolerance Sounds and vibrations Listening to music from the roman era Pilgrimage Christian pilgrimage (Lourdes) Muslim pilgrimage (Mecca/MaKKah) Mutual respect and tolerance Derby museum Chad park