
ASSIGNMENT 1: Group Project Proposal
Due Week 4 at beginning of class
Weighting: 15% of course weighting
Marks allocated: 100 (Check requirements against Marking Criteria given below)
Identify an organisation and a managerial problem. Gain permission from the organisation
for the project. Prepare a proposal showing agreement between the organisation and the
project group. The project proposal will look to resolve an issue/problem facing its
management, for example:
 Resourcing
 Organisational structure/restructure
 Systemic change
 Business process re-engineering
 Other
1) Introduction: Introduce the business, its organisational purpose, structure, and roles
performed by managers. Briefly discuss activities and operational activities, e.g. people,
products/services, formal systems, leadership, teamwork, and communication as
appropriate and relevant. Include key issues in the general and business operating
2) Problem Identification with rationale: Clearly identify the problem and indicate issues
around the problem
3) Project Plan: Provides the scope of the project, identify resources required (e.g. time,
costs, manpower, equipment, and time frame.)
4) Problem solving model(s) and management concepts: Provide suitable problem solving
model(s) and other management concepts and/or tools to be used.
5) Research design and process to be used. Identify and clearly explain the specific
research goals of the project. List the objectives using ‘SMART’.
6) Application of theory: The application of theory must be provided to support
approaches to the proposal content
7) Citations and references: Make sure that you cite any information that is not your own
ideas. Detail all sources of external information used to compile the proposal in a
reference section. Your references must be in the correct APA format.
It is critical to refer to the marking schedule, given below, when preparing the assignment
to ensure you have covered all areas of the proposal.
CONTRIBUTION TO FINAL GRADE: 15% (Approx. 1000- 1200 words)
Note: If your Project Proposal is unsatisfactorily prepared you will need to resubmit it
to enable you to continue with the course.
Cover Page
Title page
Presentation quality
Identification and
rationale (Tavita)
Project Plan
Problem Solving
Model(s) and
concepts (Herbert)
Research Design
and Process
(Nadia & Herbert?)
Application of
Theory (Tua)
Total Marks
Cover page provided and correctly filled-out
Proposal accurately typed, professionally presented and has a high
standard of grammar and spelling. Marks may be deducted if
students do not comply to these requirements
Name of organisation and brief nature of the business given (2
Identifies the problem (2 marks)
Identifies key issues in the general and business operating
environments that may impact on the solution to the problem. (4
Describes the nature of the problem. (5 marks)
Provides the rationale by indicating the significance of the problem
and its effect on the organisation. (5 marks)
Provides scope of the project, resources required (e.g. time, costs,
manpower, equipment etc.). (7 marks)
Provides a timeline for managing the project e.g. Gantt chart, or table,
with rationale (5 marks)
A suitable problem solving model(s) is/are provided (7 marks)
Other management concepts and/or tools to be used (7
Research Aim: Clearly identifies and explains the specific aim of the
project (8 marks)
Research goals and key objectives: Overall goals and key objectives
needed to achieve these goals. Use of the SMART objective
approach i.e. Specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant,
time oriented (10 marks)
Research Design: Indicates how the investigation of the problem will
be carried out e.g. Questionnaire, interview (who and why?),
observation, focus group (who and why?), primary data and
secondary data (9 marks)
Explains how the data analysis will be undertaken. (7 marks)
The application of theory must be provided to support approaches to the
proposal content
Citations are used and are accurate. Full details of all sources of external
information used to compile the proposal– references are in the correct APA