197 Careers Related to Visual Arts (compiled by Adele Newman, Department Head of Arts) advertising art director advertising commercial director advertising copy writer advertising creative director advertising illustrator advertising photographer aerial photographer animation director animator (digital/traditional) antique restorer architect architectural illustrator architectural technologist art auctioneer art consultant art critic art dealer art director-film/video/print art editor art historian art lecturer art librarian art publisher art therapist art/film critic artist-in-residence artists' agent assistant director automobile specialty painter background artist basketry artisan billboard designer book jacket designer buyer cabinet maker calligrapher car designer caricaturist carpenter cartographer cartoonist ceramic tile artisan ceramicist child/day care worker children's book designer children's book illustrator choreographer cinematographer color consultant combat photographer comic book inker comic book creator comic strip artist computer graphics designer conservator corporate designer costume designer court artist crafts artisan creative director-advertising curator cutter & editor dark room technician design consultant design engineer digital artist digital film maker diorama artist director display artist display designer documentary photographer draftsperson dressmaker editorial art director editorial illustrator editorial photographer exhibition designer fabric designer fashion buyer fashion designer fashion editor fashion illustrator fashion photographer fiber artist field-expedition artist film editor film/video camera operator film/video lighting designer film/video sound engineer floor covering designer florist foundry artist functional designer furniture designer gallery director gallery owner glass blower glass designer graphic artist graphic designer greeting card designer guide hair stylist haute couturier illustration agent illustrator-freelance industrial designer industrial photographer interior decorator interior designer jeweler jeweler designer landscape architect layout artist layout designer lecturer letterer lighting consultant lighting designer lithographer logo designer machine designer magazine designer make-up artist marine illustrator market researcher medical illustrator metalworker milliner mock-up artist model maker mosaic artist motion picture camera operator multi media designer muralist museum guide museum curator package designer painter parade float designer/builder paste-up artist performance artist photo journalist photo-retoucher photographer photography editor plastic surgeon police & legal photographer police artist primary teacher print maker properties artist product designer publicity director puppet maker renderer researcher restorer salesperson scenic designer scientific illustrator sculptor serigrapher set designer sign painter silversmith special effects technician stained-glass designer stonemason structural design engineer stylist tailor tattoo artist taxidermist teacher technical illustrator textbook author textile designer theatrical photographer tool designer tour guide toy designer travel photographer TV animator TV background artist TV commercials director TV director type designer typography designer upholsterer urban planner visual aids artist wallpaper designer weaver web page designer window decorator woodcarver Art Career Poster You may use a different art career than is listed Research your career and answer the following questions: 1. Definition or brief description of the career. 2. What qualities/interests are needed? 3. History of career. 4. What type of education is needed? 5. What are the qualifications for job? 6. What is the estimated salary? 7. Other: famous people in the career, interesting tidbits 8. Images/photos related to the career You will put all the information together into a final project on a poster. You will also be expected to present the project to the rest of the class. How Do You Get Your Grade? 1. Research-Did you answer the required questions? 2. Creativity 3. Presentation- Is it interesting and informing? 4. Quality of project Poster is 75% of the grade and Presentation is 25% for a total of 100 Due March 20th NO LATER This may be presented and turned in earlier Be Ready Monday February 9 with your poster topic it is first come first server. The same topic cannot be done twice in a class We will go to the computer lab twice. Once for you to research and the other to type up your information You may stay after school to use art supplies or computers.