careers in art assignment

Careers in Visual Arts
Learning Goals:
I can…
- identify different careers in the visual arts/ crafts;
- demonstrate an understanding of the responsibilities and requirements for a career in visual arts/
- conduct an online job search to discover real-world expectations and opportunities in that career;
- identify the knowledge and skills required in pursuing a career in visual arts;
- describe, through research, a variety of personal opportunities in our community to get involved
in visual arts/ crafts
“In the distant past, a young person who wanted to be an artist would pay a master artist for
permission to work as an apprentice in the master’s studio. These apprentices learned as they
observed and assisted the masters. Today students can develop their skills by taking courses in
high school and post-secondary schools. Vocational schools and professional art schools provide
the education for some art careers. Other careers may require a college degree. However, it’s
never too early to explore and prepare for a career in the arts.”
The word “art,” in its Latin form, means “skill.” The words “artist” and “artisan” were identical
concepts in fourteenth century Europe. As the result of developments during the Renaissance, the
term “artist” came to be separated from “artisan” and the artist became associated with a
specialized range of skills.
Today, we understand that art gives us:
- an appreciation of the world around us;
- self-confidence, self-knowledge, and individual responsibility;
- and increasing understanding and enjoyment of leisure activities;
- the ability to become selective consumers;
- problem-solving skills;
- ability to articulate our ideas in new and innovative ways;
- new and exciting careers.
Art Related Careers:
antique restorer, architect, animator, artist’s agent, art consultant, art editor, art designer, art director, art publisher, art
salesman, visual art teacher, art therapist, cabinet maker, calligrapher, caricaturist, cartoonist, cinematographer,
commercial photographer, colour consultant, costume designer, crafts counsellor, curator, design consultant, design
engineer, designer in glass, display artist, dressmaker, draftsman, exhibition designer, fabric designer, fashion
designer, fashion photographer, field exhibition artist, film editor, film maker, floral designer, foundry artist, functional
designer, furniture designer, gallery director, gallery educator, graphic designer, greeting card designer, illustrator,
industrial designer, industrial photographer, interior designer, jeweler, jewelry designer, landscape artist, leather
craftsman, letterer, lithographer, makeup artist, marine illustrator, market illustrator, medical illustrator, metal worker,
model maker, mock-up artist, muralist, package designer, painter, photographer, photo retoucher, potter, restorer,
scenic designer, scientific photographer, sculpter, set designer, sign painter, silversmith, sketch artist, special effects
designer, stained glass designer, stylist, technical illustrator, technological designer, textbook illustrator, weaver, web
site designer, woodcarver
1. Select three visual arts careers that interest you. You may select from the list given or find another from
your research.
2. Answer the following questions for each of the jobs you research:
a) What is the overall job description and responsibilities?
b) What are the essential skills and experience required?
c) What is the training/ education required for this career (including specific majors, degrees, and/or
training, and length of training)?
d) What courses should you be taking in high school to prepare for this career?
e) Name the specific colleges/ universities (name of school and location) you would need to attend to
receive an education for this career.
f) What is the typical salary range (from entry level to experienced)?
g) What is the means by which the artist might achieve recognition (promotion, additional work)?
h) How can this type of artist contribute to the society in which he/ she lives and works (e.g., How through
this vocation might I make the world a better place?)
i) Reflection (answer only once) - How can I use my talents gained taking an art course to assist in my
community or participate in art activities being offered in the community? Give specific examples found
through researching art/ craft opportunities in your community.
Success Criteria:
- required number of visual arts careers are accurately researched and recorded;
- information is clearly communicated in complete sentences;
- all required information is researched and recorded (all questions answered);
- use the language associated with selected career.