
2430 Floral Ave. /P.O. Box 1383 Selma, CA 93662
*(559)896-2412*Fax (559)896-3349*Email:
Regular Meeting of the
Thursday January 22, 2015
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
Chairman: Robert Allen
Vice-Chairman: Alfonso Caro
Trustee: Ron Baker
Trustee: Alan Langstraat
Trustee: Una Tristan
Staff Present: General Manager: Sandi Miller
Grounds Supervisor: Allen Wright
3. Public Comment: Members of the general public may address the
Board of Trustees.
Please be advised, the Brown Act prohibits action on items that are not listed on the agenda, or properly
added to the agenda under the provisions of the Brown Act. The Board may set such items for consideration
at some future Board meeting. Members of the general public may address the Board. Please observe a
time limit of five (5) minutes pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.3(b)
All items on the consent agenda are to be routine and non-controversial. However, if discussion is required, the
item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed after the consent agenda is approved.
1. Minutes: of the Thursday November 6, 2014 Regular Meeting of the
Board of Trustees
2. Disbursements: 10/16/14 through 01/15/15, disbursements
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion / Action
1. UP-Date on Break-in / Renovator: Our insurance adjuster found
us a renovator.
2. Property planning up-date: Paul Saito will be here to up-date us
and show us the changes to the plans. He will also be explaining
about the difference in the property lines.
3. Well up-date: The drilling is complete and Caruthers pump has
installed the pump and connected it to the house.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
1. Election of Officers: The Board must hold election of officers the
first meeting in the New Year.
2. SDLF Training Anaheim: Robert Allen, Una Tristan and Sandi
Miller attended this conference; they will give an update on it.
3. Painting Estimates: Attached are estimates for Reynolds and
Char’s Handy Man Manuel Dominguez for the painting of the
inside of the Bethel House.
4. Fence: Attached is an estimate for putting a fence around the
house and garage at the Bethel house.
5. Report on the Sexual Harassment Class: This class was attended
by Chairman Robert Allen, Trustees Una Tristan, Ron Baker and
Alan Langstraat.
6. Rental of Bethel House: Should be ready to move into the first
part of March.
7. Manager’s report: Allen Wright-Grounds Manager,
Sandi Miller-General Manager: Reports are attached
Trustees’ reports: Trustee: Robert Allen
Trustee: Alfonso Caro
Trustee: Ron Baker
Trustee: Alan Langstraat
Trustee: Una Tristan
8. Adjournment:
INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to
each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the District Secretary and are available for
public information. Any person who has a question concerning any of the agenda items may call the District Secretary
at 559-896-2412
ADA: A person with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may request the District
to provide a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in any public meeting of the District.
Such assistance includes appropriate alternative formats for the agendas and agenda packets used for any public
meetings of the District. Requests for such assistance and for agendas and agenda packets shall be made in person,
by telephone, facsimile, or written correspondence to Sandi Miller at the District office, at least 48 hours before any
public meeting of the District.
Regular Meeting
Thursday November 6, 2014
Consent Agenda
1. Call to Order: 4:30pm
2. Roll Call:
Chairman: Robert Allen - Here
Vice-Chairman: Alfonso Caro - Here
Trustee: Ron Baker - Here
Trustee: Alan Langstraat - Here
Trustee: Una Tristan - Here
Staff Present: General Manager: Sandi Miller - Here
Grounds Supervisor: Allen Wright - Here
3. Public Comment: Members of the general public may address the
Board of Trustees.
There were no members of the public at this meeting.
1. Minutes: of the Thursday September 25,2014 Regular Meeting of
the Board of Trustees
2. Minutes: of the Thursday September 25, 2014 Property Workshop.
3. Disbursements: 9/16/14 through 10/15/14, disbursements
Motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented by Trustee
Ron Baker, Second by Trustee Alan Langstraat. Vote: Ron
Baker - AYE , Alfonso Caro AYE , Alan Langstraat – AYE,
Trustee Una Tristan - AYE , Robert Allen - AYE – Motion
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion / Action
1. CalPERS Insurance: The resolution was copied and returned, the
next step is to get a password and sign up each employee.
Employees have been enrolled and have received their packets. The
California Choice insurance was canceled as of November 30,
2. Volunteer: I have returned the information to our insurance and
talked with Violet. She would like to start two mornings a week for
an hour or so to make sure we are a good fit for each other. I
thought this was a very good idea and checked on her references.
Will see when she can start.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Action
1. Adair and Evans: Gary from Adair and Evans presented the
report. He started by thanking Sandi for her assistance in the
audit and informed the Board that she provided all the material
they asked for. They found no problems or issues and felt that
everything was fairly presented.
Motion to accept and record the Audit Report as presented by
Trustee Alan Langstraat, Second by Trustee Ron Baker. Vote:
Ron Baker - AYE , Alfonso Caro AYE , Alan Langstraat – AYE,
Trustee Una Tristan - AYE , Robert Allen - AYE – Motion
2. Architect Paul Saito: Paul Saito presented some plans he
prepared based on our last meeting and the comments made.
Other than there were a lot of trees that the Board and employees
felt would be too much work Trustee Ron Baker commented that
he doesn’t like Camphor Trees they are very messy, the overall
plan seems to be the direction we are looking to go. Chairman
Robert Allen brought up that we had wanted a trellis and vines.
The vines in the design are in front of the shop and to the south of
it. There was talk that the vines would be a lot of work; Paul
explained that he was trying to keep some of the vines in the plans,
as we had asked for.
3. Board Expiration Dates: The only trustee that needs to update
anything is Trustee Alan Langstraat. He needs to update his
ethics. General Manger Sandi Miller will get the information to
him, so that he can take his class.
4. Painting Estimates: The Board reviewed the estimates for Reynold
and Char’s Handy Man. Sandi would like to have the painting done
so when the well is ready so is the house. The board would like to
see another estimate, possibly from Manuel Dominguez. Trustee
Ron Baker will get her the phone number for Manuel.
5. Lake Tahoe Meeting: Chairman Robert Allen said he felt like the
interaction between other boards and districts was great, that the
entire board could benefit from attending these conferences. He
was one of the speakers and talked about Origination and the
process. General Manger Sandi Miller who sits on the CAPC Board
said she heard a lot of good responses to Chairman Robert Allen’s
class. Trustee Una Tristan said everyone seemed to love Chairman
Robert Allen’s class. That the whole experience was great. She
complemented the staff and board on the way it was run. They
discovered there is a lot of Districts that have problems. She too
recommended the conference to the full board.
Grounds Manager: Allen Wright
Renovation: We brought the renovator to the maintenance
shop to get it ready for the season. After the maintenance was
complete we took it back to the North.
Break-in at North: On Monday October 13, I went to put up
the flags and noticed the siding had been lifted on the shop.
They broke in stole our renovator. I had Sandi call Selma PD to
meet me at the location. The police officer wanted an estimated
price for it, I told them $3,500.00. We have a $1,000 deductible
and the insurance should cover the rest, if I can find another
one. For now we won’t be doing the renovating for this year, so
we scalped the ground as low as possible for this year.
Edger’s: The edger’s have finished for the year. Their last day
was October 24th, but if it continue to be as warm as it has been
we may have to edge the grounds one more time.
Person sleeping on property: On Thursday we had a problem
with a guy sleeping in the oleanders, we could see his feet and
whistled to try to wake him but couldn’t. So we called the police
to remove him and they ended up arresting him. I came in
Saturday for a service and he was back again I woke him and
told him he had to leave. Then on Monday morning we noticed
that someone had been sleeping on the porch again and had left
food behind.
Pump at Floral: The pump at Floral is out again. When they
came out before they showed me how to reset it and get it
running again. I tried this and it still wouldn’t start up. Called
Caruthers pump to come out again. They said the rain had
caused a surge in power. The pump will automatically shut
down, to keep from causing damage. It’s running again and I
know what to do should this happen again.
General Manager: Sandi Miller
Burials as of 9/30/14: 39 reported that we are closer to 45 now
Preneed Contracts: 8
Repair to back door of Office: I called Bruce Reynolds to give
me an estimate on repairing the back door of the office. He sent
his brother out to get the needed information. It has water
damage caused by the rain hitting that side of the building.
There isn’t an awning or cover to keep the water off the door. I
haven’t heard back at this point as to the cost. If anyone knows
of another finish carpenter that I can get an estimate from,
please let me know.
Palm Springs Conference: I was invited to be a guest speaker
at the CAPC conference and everything went very well. I talked
about my path to where I’m at with the district, and what kept
me motivated to continue. I’m going to be a motivational coach
for CSDA. I also took a tour of Palm Springs cemetery. They are
doing a lot of redesigning of their district to be more water
efficient. I really like the things they were doing.
CSDA Local Chapter: Just before I left for the Palm Springs
conference Monica from CSDA stopped in to see me. I had
attended a meeting in Fresno and some of the people there
would like to see a local chapter started. She said that the new
person from our Fresno LAFCO and two others would be
interested in helping me to get one started. I will be checking
into the amount of time and work required to do this, I will let
you know if I feel I have the time to help get it started. I think
it’s a great idea, if we have a local chapter and could have
classes in Fresno, it would save time and travel to get the
needed education to stay current; It might allow some of the
board members who simply can’t travel out of town to attend
some of the classes.
Repair to my computer: I came in on Monday after being gone
to the conference in Palm Springs and my computer hard drive
had crashed. I don’t know how or why this happened, but I had
to get it repaired and was lucky enough that we didn’t lose any
of our data. I had Joey from Leon’s computers repair it, the cost
was $240.00.
December Meeting: Our December meeting falls on Christmas
day, I need to know if we are going to skip this meeting or go
ahead with it.
The Board voted to not hold this meeting, but if necessary
we can schedule a special meeting for the property.
7. Trustees’ reports:
Trustee: Robert Allen – He had a complaint
about the people walking in the cemetery. The person making the
complaint felt it was disrespectful. There was some discussion
about this and it was determined there really isn’t much we can do
about it at this point.
Trustee: Alfonso Caro - Nothing
Trustee: Ron Baker - Nothing
Trustee: Alan Langstraat - Nothing
Trustee: Una Tristan – Nothing
8. Adjournment: 5:42pm
Respectfully submitted
Sandi Miller
General Manager-recording secretary
Robert Allen
Chairman of the Board
Board of Trustee’s Meeting
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Grounds Manager: Allen Wright
Removal of Tree: We had to remove one of the trees along the
back side between us and the school. We have tried several things
to keep it from pushing on the fence and nothing has worked. So
on Thursday December 18th we removed the tree and will replace it
with the same type of tree.
Gravel at Bethel: When Arthur and Orum finished with the well
they left a large pile of gravel behind. We pushed this between the
garage and the shop to help cut down on the dust and dirt.
Renovator: Is here, it has been refurbished and painted. We paid
Klopping and the insurance is going to reimburse us the difference
in our deductible and the cost.
General Manager: Sandi Miller
Burials as of 1/7/15: 77
Preneed Contracts: 10
Collections: I hired Jacqueline Garcia a local Paralegal, to file
small claims against the guy that hit the fence at the North and for
a returned check from a service. The court date is January 29th, I
will be the one going to court, and the paralegal does not go to
court with us.
CAPC Conference in March: The dead line to register for this
conference is coming up; anyone wanting to attend should let me
know ASAP.
Prop 1: It’s going to be interesting to see how this works out. At
this point it looks like farmers will be charged for the ground water
they use to water their crops. There is talk of putting water meters
on the wells.
Labor Law Update: Bob and I attended the Labor law update for
this year. I will be making the necessary changes to stay
compliant. Sierra H R Partners make the actual changes to our
hand book. I’m hoping by February we will have a draft to present
to the Board.
Transparency Certification: I found out that I do not have 2 have
outside people verify our information prior to applying. That if I
send the information to CSDA they will verify it and give us our
award. I’m hoping to have it in, so we are able to get the award at
Legislative Days.
CSDA Local Chapter: I went to a meeting with CSDA and LAFCO
on Tuesday December 16th. I think once we get past the original
start up it’s not going to be much work. Monica from CSDA was
explaining that local chapters usually only have meetings once a
quarter. There seems to be enough interest to spread the work
Employee Christmas luncheon: We normally have Sal’s, but for a
change this year we had Port of Subs. Barbara was away with her
family. Una, Alan and April Langstraat attended the luncheon. For
those board members that do not know, we give the employees a
choice of Ham or Turkey for Thanksgiving and Ham or Prime Rib
for Christmas. Allen and I normally buy a small gift for each
employee at our own cost.
Funeral Home Meeting: I would like to have the meeting in
January; we usually do a lunch meeting. We plan to invite some of
the funeral homes from Fresno that we have been getting more
business from. I have made a list of rules for them to follow and
will be going over it at the meeting to get their feedback. I want to
make sure we are not creating a hardship for them or for us, and
that everyone understands the rules. Any Board member that
would like to come is more than welcome to attend just let me
know and I will contact you when I have a date that works for the