Department of Computer Science Internship Program Guidelines for the Final Report Follow the following guidelines and reporting format in preparing your final report. The report must be typed and printed. Each section has a grade weighting to give you an indication of the importance of that section. The page length limits are to encourage you to write in a concise yet meaningful way and to establish an overall balance in the report. You are strongly recommended to adhere to these limits. In grading this report I will value both your writing skills and the technical contents of the report. Students who demonstrate disciplined writing skills through a well organized and professional quality report will be rewarded with greater credit. Poorly written and disorganized reports will be rejected and the grade assigned will be NC or F. I strongly advise you to do peer review of your report. To clarify-- I am not your peer and I will not do any preliminary evaluation of your report. Any submission to the internship director will be deemed to be the final submission and will be graded as such. I will not read or grade any second submissions. Submission: All submissions must be through regular mail to be handed in person. Internship Director Dr. Mehran Asadi Department of Computer Science West Chester University of Pennsylvania 25 University Ave. #142 West Chester, PA 19383 Academic Semester: Summer | Fall | Spring Year 20_____ Intern’s Name (Last, First): Company Name: Intern’s Major: Company Supervisor: Intern’s Student ID: Supervisor’s Email: Academic Status: Graduate Junior | Senior | Supervisor’s Phone: Faculty Supervisor: Email: Phone: I certify that this report is a true description of my internship work experience. ____________________________________ Student’s Signature Date:_________________________ The work described in this report represents the tasks and accomplishment of the student intern. ____________________________________ Company Supervisor’s Signature Date:_________________________ Executive Summary <Expected ½ page; maximum 1 page. 5% On a separate page. Provide an overview of the work you have completed during the ENTIRE co-op internship period. Mention company and department, summarize different tasks done; focus on completions and accomplishments.> Company and Organization <Expected 1 page, maximum 2 pages. 15%. Provide a BRIEF description of the company profile. Use your own words. Do not copy your description from company brochure or publicity material. List the departments and sections you worked in and what type of work they do. Provide specific information, not generalities. > Your Assignments <Expected 2 pages; maximum 4 pages; use more if you had many assignments. 35% List each of your significant assignments (those demanding more than 80 engineering hours or more) in chronological order. For each assignment describe the following: A sequence number and approximate time period Describe the initial objectives of the assignment Accomplishments and your role in achieving these What engineering knowledge and skills were needed (from your college course work or material that you learned on the job) > Value of your internship <Expected ½ page, maximum 1 page. 15%. Briefly describe the value of your internship experience. What specific knowledge and skills did you gain? Avoid generalities such as “it was a great experience that will serve me well in the future” or “it made me grow professionally”, Such statements are nice to read but are too subjective to be useful. Better- I learned skills for conducting technical inspections, I learned how to design digital filters for xxxxx, I learned how to conduct unit testing with automated tools. What aspects of your college education were useful in doing your work? What other optional courses would have been more useful for doing your work? How did you learn the new techniques and concepts? What books/reports/journals did you read? List training courses attended, if any.> Report quality <30% Spelling and grammar Organization and writing style (professional quality expected). Precision in writing (succinct writing, no irrelevant information)> Outcomes (to be answered by the supervisor) 1-Student demonstrated the ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 2-Student demonstrated the ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 3-Student demonstrated the ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 4-Student demonstrated the ability to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 5-Student demonstrated the ability to have understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 6-Student demonstrated the ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 7-Student demonstrated the ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 8-Upon graduation, Student will be well prepared to enter a career or graduate school: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A 9-Student demonstrated the ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity: Outstanding Good Average Poor Unsatisfactory N/A