MOUNT ISA STATE SPECIAL SCHOOL Whole School Curriculum & Assessment Plan 2014-2015 School information and data Sources for gathering information and data Total enrolments 18 Year levels 1-12 Student information 61% males: 11 39% females: 7 72 % Indigenous students: 72 % Indigenous students: Number of teaching staff: 4.45 FTE Number of teaching staff: 4.45 FTE Staff information Systemic Systemic priorities The top priorities for 2014 are: 1. Raising student reading levels. 2. Closing the Gap attendance data Identify systemic sources of information and data, e.g. NAPLAN, QCATs, Year 1 Literacy and Numeracy Checkpoints, Year 2 Diagnostic Net. • AIMS; • One School; • Australian Curriculum: • (Foundation, Year 1, Year 2); • General Capabilities (Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Personal & Social) • QLD Certificate of Individual Achievement School-based School-based priorities Our top four priorities for 2014 are: 1. Deliver curriculum focused on high quality teaching and learning experiences. 2. Develop consistency with students reading levels and intervention strategies. 3. Develop a rich and positive Culture of Reflective Feedback that informs and improves school capacity for change and improvement. 4. Develop stronger connections with our school community. Identify school-based sources of information and data, e.g. classroom assessment, whole year activities, QCATs. • Cars and Stars program; • Brigance; • PAT R and PAT M (modified for school collection only); • Communication Matrix; • Emerging Concepts of Print Assessment; • Magic 100 Sight Words; • PM Reading Levels; • Number Test; • Alphabet Test; 1 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 What we currently do. Mission Statement: We aspire to Prepare our Students for Positive and Productive Future, Excellence in Teaching, Provide Positive Safe and Challenging Learning Experiences. We Value Strong Community Partnerships, Positive Learning Environments, Diversity, Uniqueness, Honesty and Best Efforts. What are our future goals for teaching and learning? Identify the teaching and learning goals for your school beyond 2014 & 2015. What we are doing and will continue doing to improve teaching and learning? What we are doing and will continue doing to build staff capacity through continuing professional development? What we are doing and will continue doing to manage our resources effectively. What we are doing and will continue doing to ensure parent and community engagement. For each category below, identify the strategies being implemented at your school to improve teaching and learning during 2014 & 2015. For each applicable category below, identify the professional development activities that will build staff capacity during 2014 & 2015. For each applicable category below, identify how resources are being effectively managed during 2014 & 2015. For each applicable category below, identify how your school will engage with parents and the community during 2014 & 2015. Pedagogy focus: School leaders: Human resources: Parent engagement: • Explicit Instruction –research by Archer and Hughes • Data gathering and analysis – research by Sharratt • • Intensive Interaction MAKATON, Aided Language Stimulation Teaching expertise to support pedagogy focus: • Links and partnerships with Special Education Curriculum Cluster, QASEL, HOC role and contacts with other HOCs, • • • • • • FTE= 4.45 Take the Lead Program Teams: Executive Team, Curriculum Team, Data Management Team, SWPBS Team, Makaton Coordinator. • Great Results Guarantee- additional training, teacher and teacher aide resource programmed into the Curriculum. • Teaching staff: • Access to appropriate Professional Development as per Annual Improvement Plan • Focus on reading skill development (access expertise outside of school) Support staff: • • Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) • Curriculum 2014-2015 Promoting Alternative for Tomorrows with HopePATH) HOC role at .2 to enhance School Curriculum capability( identified in Teaching and Learning Audit, 2013) Financial resources: • • Annual allocation of funding Great Results Guarantee • Access to appropriate Professional Development as per Annual Improvement Plan • BSM State Conference • Physical resources within school that enhance student learning activities (eg. School bus) • Focus on ICT resources (eg. Symwriter, Boardmaker) Term 3: – Community Based Instruction – Townsville Challenge Games (July) – Review of students’ Individual Learning Plans – Welcome to parents assembly (1) • Term 4: – Community Based Instruction – Christmas celebrations – Welcome to parents assembly (1) • • Access to appropriate Professional Development as per Annual Improvement Plan Monthly meeting schedule Fund raising activities Community links: 2 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 • Term 2: – Community Based Instruction – Development of students’ Individual Learning Plans and Promoting Alternative for Tomorrows with Hope-PATH) – Welcome to parents assembly (1) Parents and Friends/Citizens Association: Ancillary staff: • Term 1: – Leaders’ Badges Presentation – 40th School Anniversary – Initial planning for ILPs and PATHs • Physical resources: • Catering for all learners: • • • Instructional Leadership • Senior students from Good Shepherd College pastoral care program • • • Woolworths-Pre-vocational training program TAFE- -Pre-vocational training program Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Our curriculum Our Context Mount Isa State Special School provides highly individualised programs for all students who are diagnosed with either intellectual disability or multiple disabilities including physical, visual and hearing impairments and autistic spectrum disorders. The school is organised into three sectors: Pre-Intentional learners, Middle and Senior. Students at M.I.S.S.S. are highly respected, valued and capable of achieving positive learning and social outcomes despite the impact their disabilities may have on their learning. M.I.S.S.S. strives to implement a culture of belief, understanding and practices that meet the obligations of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 & Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to ensure that all students regardless of their disabilities are entitled to engage, explore, manipulate and investigate a school curriculum that is of high quality, is rigorous, relevant and engaging, whilst being inclusive and offer all of our students educational opportunities on the ‘same basis’ as their peers. Our staff fully support and endorse this approach throughout our school community so that we can all work collaboratively to ensure: “that every day, in every classroom, every state school student is learning and achieving within a safe, supportive, inclusive and disciplined learning environment.” (United Pursuit of Excellence2012 – 2016)¹ Our teachers consistently engage with the Australian Curriculum² to develop teaching and learning programs that build on our students’ interests, strengths, goals and learning needs, while addressing the cognitive, affective, physical, social and aesthetic needs of all students. The Australian Curriculum² is across all states and territories, and outlines what students in Australian school should learn as they progress through schooling. It is the foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community. It sets out essential knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities and provides a national standard for student achievement in core learning areas. Our Content The core learning outcomes for our students have been selected from the Australian Curriculum² - Foundation, Year 1, Year 2 content descriptors. Our school has adopted outcomes that are rich, rigorous, engaging, relevant and important for our school population. By selecting these essential learning descriptors and deemphasising non-essential learning descriptors, we are aiming to increase students’ opportunity to actively participate meaningfully with the content (pp. 8. Archer & Hughes, 2011³). Currently our school is implementing the following Australian Curriculum areas: Mathematics English Science We aim to begin History within 2014 (semester 2). The following tables outline specifically the identified essential learning descriptors for Mathematics, English and Science. These essential learning’s were selected and organised at a whole school level, derived from rich robust discussions within the school community. Teaching staff then accesses the relevant learning content for each term (2014-2015) and make ‘reasonable adjustments’² to ensure that our students with disabilities are provided with opportunities to participate in education and training on the same basis as students without disability. Staff regularly consult with family and carers before adjustments are made to the curriculum (identified in Individual Learning Plans, signed off by parents / carers)². Our Assessment Teaching staff identify each individual student’s current level of functioning, and implement strategies to develop their skills onto the next level of achievement. M.I.S.S.S. implements many forms of school based assessment and data collection (see page 1 of this plan) to establish students current level of functioning. Students are therefore assessed at their current level of functioning and not against their chronological age. Assessment task are collaboratively planned and designed in a whole school process to address the diverse levels of functioning. Each assessment task is adapted to provide reasonable adjustments so that all students can access it. For a significant cohort of students within our school community, staff maybe required to use the general capabilities² in order for students to engage in and be assessed against relevant learning descriptors. ¹United Pursuit of Excellence: ²Australian Curriculum: ³Archer, A.L. & Hughes, C.C. (2011). Explicit instruction. Effective and efficient teaching. Guilford Press: New York. 3 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Semester 1 Year 1 English Foundation Year Level Subject Our curriculum overview 2014 Term 1 Semester 2 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Understand that language can be used to Understand that language can be used to Understand that texts can take many forms, can Understand that texts can take many forms, can explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429) explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429) be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430) be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430) Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know Recognise that sentences are key units for Recognise that sentences are key units for there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440) there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440) expressing ideas (ACELA1435) expressing ideas (ACELA1435) Know that spoken sounds and words can be Know that spoken sounds and words can be Share feelings and thoughts about the events Share feelings and thoughts about the events written down using letters of the alphabet and how to write some high-frequency sight words and known words (ACELA1758) written down using letters of the alphabet and how to write some high-frequency sight words and known words (ACELA1758) and characters in texts (ACELT1783) and characters in texts (ACELT1783) Retell familiar literary texts through Retell familiar literary texts through Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the performance, use of illustrations and images (ACELT1580) performance, use of illustrations and images (ACELT1580) communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646) communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646) Deliver short oral presentations to peers Deliver short oral presentations to peers Read predictable texts, practising phrasing and Read predictable texts, practising phrasing and (ACELY1647) (ACELY1647) fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649) fluency, and monitor meaning using concepts about print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649) Create short texts to explore, record and report Create short texts to explore, record and report Produce some lower case and upper case Produce some lower case and upper case ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651) ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (ACELY1651) letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653) letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653) Understand that language is used in Understand that language is used in Understand that the purposes texts serve Understand that the purposes texts serve combination with other means of communication, for example facial expressions and gestures to interact with others (ACELA1444) combination with other means of communication, for example facial expressions and gestures to interact with others (ACELA1444) shape their structure in predictable ways (ACELA1447) shape their structure in predictable ways (ACELA1447) Recognise sound-letter matches including Recognise sound-letter matches including Identify the parts of a simple sentence that Identify the parts of a simple sentence that common vowel and consonant digraphs and consonant blends (ACELA1458) common vowel and consonant digraphs and consonant blends (ACELA1458) represents ‘What’s happening?’, ‘What state is being described?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (ACELA1451) represents ‘What’s happening?’, ‘What state is being described?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (ACELA1451) Know that regular one-syllable words are made Know that regular one-syllable words are made Express preferences for specific texts and Express preferences for specific texts and up of letters and common letter clusters that correspond to the sounds heard, and how to use visual memory to write high-frequency words (ACELA1778) up of letters and common letter clusters that correspond to the sounds heard, and how to use visual memory to write high-frequency words (ACELA1778) authors and listen to the opinions of others (ACELT1583) authors and listen to the opinions of others (ACELT1583) Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, Engage in conversations and discussions, Engage in conversations and discussions, writing, performance and digital forms of communication (ACELT1586) writing, performance and digital forms of communication (ACELT1586) using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions (ACELY1656) using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions (ACELY1656) Create short imaginative and informative texts Create short imaginative and informative texts Write using unjoined lower case and upper Write using unjoined lower case and upper that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams (ACELY1661) that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams (ACELY1661) case letters (ACELY1663) case letters (ACELY1663) 4 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Foundation Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Foundation Year 2 Mathematics Science Establish understanding of the language and Establish understanding of the language and Connect number names, numerals and Connect number names, numerals and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point(ACMNA001) processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point(ACMNA001) quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond (ACMNA002) quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond (ACMNA002) Sort and classify familiar objects and explain Sort and classify familiar objects and explain Compare and order the duration of events using Compare and order the duration of events using the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005) the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005) the everyday language of time (ACMMG007) the everyday language of time (ACMMG007) Sort, describe and name familiar two- Sort, describe and name familiar two- Answer yes/no questions to collect information Answer yes/no questions to collect information dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009) dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment (ACMMG009) (ACMSP011) (ACMSP011) Develop confidence with number sequences to Develop confidence with number sequences to Recognise, model, read, write and order Recognise, model, read, write and order and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero (ACMNA012) and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero (ACMNA012) numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line(ACMNA013) numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line(ACMNA013) Investigate number sequences, initially those Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences. (ACMNA026) increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences. (ACMNA026) Recognise, describe and order Australian coins Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value (ACMNA017) according to their value (ACMNA017) Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020) Count and order small collections of Australian Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020) Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value (ACMNA034) coins and notes according to their value (ACMNA034) Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to' (ACMMG039) language of 'past' and 'to' (ACMMG039) Living things have basic needs, including food Living things have basic needs, including food Objects are made of materials that have Objects are made of materials that have and water (ACSSU002) and water (ACSSU002) observable properties (ACSSU003) observable properties (ACSSU003) Science involves exploring and observing the Science involves exploring and observing the Science involves exploring and observing the Science involves exploring and observing the world using the senses(ACSHE013) world using the senses(ACSHE013) world using the senses(ACSHE013) world using the senses(ACSHE013) Respond to questions about familiar objects Respond to questions about familiar objects Explore and make observations by using the Explore and make observations by using the and events (ACSIS014) and events (ACSIS014) senses(ACSIS011) senses(ACSIS011) Living things have a variety of external features Living things have a variety of external features Everyday materials can be physically changed Everyday materials can be physically changed (ACSSU017) (ACSSU017) in a variety of ways (ACSSU018) in a variety of ways (ACSSU018) Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021) Respond to and pose questions, and make Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024) predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024) Living things grow, change and have offspring Living things grow, change and have offspring Different materials can be combined, including Different materials can be combined, including similar to themselves (ACSSU030) similar to themselves (ACSSU030) by mixing, for a particular purpose (ACSSU031) by mixing, for a particular purpose (ACSSU031) Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) Respond to and pose questions, and make Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS037) predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS037) General Capabilities For our students who are not yet functioning at a foundation level achievement, opportunities are provided via the general capabilities for literacy, numeracy and personal & social. All students will engage in the appropriate context of learning (i.e science), however the learning experience for students with significant learning needs may require the application of the general capability learning outcomes to enable full and meaningful access to the curriculum area. See appendix A – General Capabilities 5 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Year Level Year 1 English Foundation Subject Our curriculum overview 2015 Semester 1 Term 1 Semester 2 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Understand that English is one of many Understand that English is one of many Recognise that texts are made up of words and .Recognise that texts are made up of words and languages spoken in Australia and that different languages may be spoken by family, classmates and community (ACELA1426) languages spoken in Australia and that different languages may be spoken by family, classmates and community (ACELA1426) groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434) groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434) Understand that punctuation is a feature of Understand that punctuation is a feature of Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432) written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432) authors and illustrators (ACELT1577) authors and illustrators (ACELT1577) Understand the use of vocabulary in familiar Understand the use of vocabulary in familiar Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in Identify some familiar texts and the contexts in contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437) contexts related to everyday experiences, personal interests and topics taught at school (ACELA1437) which they are used (ACELY1645) which they are used (ACELY1645) Identify some features of texts including events Identify some features of texts including events Identify some differences between imaginative Identify some differences between imaginative and characters and retell events from a text(ACELT1578) and characters and retell events from a text(ACELT1578) and informative texts (ACELY1648) and informative texts (ACELY1648) Use interaction skills including listening while Use interaction skills including listening while Participate in shared editing of students’ own Participate in shared editing of students’ own others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784) others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact (ACELY1784) texts for meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops (ACELY1652) texts for meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops (ACELY1652) Use comprehension strategies to understand Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650) and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650) Construct texts using software including word Construct texts using software including word processing programs (ACELY1654) processing programs (ACELY1654) Understand that people use different systems of Understand that people use different systems of Explore different ways of expressing emotions, Explore different ways of expressing emotions, communication to cater to different needs and purposes and that many people may use sign systems to communicate with others (ACELA1443) communication to cater to different needs and purposes and that many people may use sign systems to communicate with others (ACELA1443) including verbal, visual, body language and facial expressions (ACELA1787) including verbal, visual, body language and facial expressions (ACELA1787) Recognise that different types of punctuation, Recognise that different types of punctuation, Explore differences in words that represent Explore differences in words that represent including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks, signal sentences that make statements, ask questions, express emotion or give commands (ACELA1449) including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks, signal sentences that make statements, ask questions, express emotion or give commands (ACELA1449) people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACELA1452) people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACELA1452) Discuss features of plot, character and setting Discuss features of plot, character and setting Discuss characters and events in a range of Discuss characters and events in a range of in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts (ACELT1584) in different types of literature and explore some features of characters in different texts (ACELT1584) literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, making connections with students' own experiences (ACELT1582) literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, making connections with students' own experiences (ACELT1582) Use interaction skills including turn-taking, Use interaction skills including turn-taking, Respond to texts drawn from a range of Respond to texts drawn from a range of recognising the contributions of others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace (ACELY1788) recognising the contributions of others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace (ACELY1788) cultures and experiences (ACELY1655) cultures and experiences (ACELY1655) Construct texts that incorporate supporting Construct texts that incorporate supporting Reread student's own texts and discuss Reread student's own texts and discuss images using software including word processing programs (ACELY1664) images using software including word processing programs (ACELY1664) possible changes to improve meaning, spelling and punctuation (ACELY1662) possible changes to improve meaning, spelling and punctuation (ACELY1662) 6 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Foundation Compare, order and make correspondences Represent practical situations to model addition Represent practical situations to model addition between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289) between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning (ACMNA289) and sharing (ACMNA004) Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide actions (ACMMG008) which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language (ACMMG006) Year 1 actions (ACMMG008) which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language (ACMMG006) Describe position and movement (ACMMG010) Describe position and movement (ACMMG010) Count collections to 100 by partitioning Count collections to 100 by partitioning Represent and solve simple addition and numbers using place value(ACMNA014) subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts (ACMNA015) Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts (ACMNA015) Recognise and describe one-half as one of two Recognise and describe one-half as one of two Measure and compare the lengths and Measure and compare the lengths and equal parts of a whole. (ACMNA016) equal parts of a whole. (ACMNA016) Describe duration using months, weeks, days Describe duration using months, weeks, days capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units (ACMMG019) capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units (ACMMG019) and hours (ACMMG021) and hours (ACMMG021) Give and follow directions to familiar locations Give and follow directions to familiar locations (ACMMG023) (ACMMG023) Name and order months and seasons Name and order months and seasons Use a calendar to identify the date and Use a calendar to identify the date and (ACMMG040) (ACMMG040) determine the number of days in each month (ACMMG041) determine the number of days in each month (ACMMG041) Daily and seasonal changes in our Daily and seasonal changes in our The way objects move depends on a variety of The way objects move depends on a variety of environment, including the weather, affect everyday life (ACSSU004) environment, including the weather, affect everyday life (ACSSU004) factors, including their size and shape (ACSSU005) factors, including their size and shape (ACSSU005) Engage in discussions about observations and Engage in discussions about observations and Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012) Share observations and ideas (ACSIS012) use methods such as drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233) use methods such as drawing to represent ideas (ACSIS233) Observable changes occur in the sky and Observable changes occur in the sky and Light and sound are produced by a range of Light and sound are produced by a range of landscape (ACSSU019) landscape (ACSSU019) sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020) sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020) Represent and communicate observations and Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play (ACSIS029) ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play (ACSIS029) Year 1 Foundation and sharing (ACMNA004) Connect days of the week to familiar events and Connect days of the week to familiar events and Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide numbers using place value(ACMNA014) Year 2 Mathematics People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022) when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022) when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022) Earth’s resources, including water, are used in Earth’s resources, including water, are used in A push or a pull affects how an object moves or A push or a pull affects how an object moves or a variety of ways (ACSSU032) a variety of ways (ACSSU032) changes shape (ACSSU033) changes shape (ACSSU033) Represent and communicate observations and Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and awritten language, drawing and role play (ACSIS042) ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play (ACSIS042) Year 2 Science Compare, order and make correspondences when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022) People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) General Capabilities For our students who are not yet functioning at a foundation level achievement, opportunities are provided via the general capabilities for literacy, numeracy and personal & social. All students will engage in the appropriate context of learning (i.e science), however the learning experience for students with significant learning needs may require the application of the general capability learning outcomes to enable full and meaningful access to the curriculum area. See appendix A – General Capabilities 7 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Our assessment overview 2014 Curriculum Assessment: Outlined in class term planners – assessing learning outcomes Subject Systemic Data: School Reports / ILPs / SET Plans / QCIA English Mathematics Cars and Stars / Brigance / PAT R and PAT M (modified) / Communication Matrix / Emerging Concepts of Print / Magic 100 Sight Words / PM Reading Levels / Number Test / Alphabet Test Semester 1 Term 1 CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) Science School Based Data: Semester 2 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance All student assessment is highly individualised. Unless student is able to function at their chronological age, all assessment tasks are assessed at the student’s current level of functioning. For some students with significant learning needs, assessment may incorporate the general capabilities (i.e. The assessment may be set within a science context – yet the learning outcome that will be assessed will be a literacy capability or a numeracy capability). 8 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Our assessment overview 2015 Curriculum Assessment: Outlined in class term planners – assessing learning outcomes Subject Systemic Data: School Reports / ILPs / SET Plans / QCIA English Mathematics Cars and Stars / Brigance / PAT R and PAT M (modified) / Communication Matrix / Emerging Concepts of Print / Magic 100 Sight Words / PM Reading Levels / Number Test / Alphabet Test Semester 1 Term 1 CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) Science School Based Data: Semester 2 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 4-5 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 9-10 Date collection (learning outcomes) SCHOOL BASED: PAT M (modified school use only) Number Test (100) Brigance CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Individual Learning Plans – Review / Rewrite Senior Educational Training Plans – Review / Rewrite SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence CURRICULUM: Week 2-3 Base line data (learning outcomes) Week 7-8 Date collection (learning outcomes) Week 8-9 Moderation Week 9-10 Reports SYSTEMIC: QCIA data collection – ongoing Collation of portfolio of evidence Regional moderation of evidence School Reports SCHOOL BASED: PAT R (modified school use only) PM Reading Levels / Cars & Stars Sight words Concepts of print Communication Matrix Alphabet Brigance All student assessment is highly individualised. Unless student is able to function at their chronological age, all assessment tasks are assessed at the student’s current level of functioning. For some students with significant learning needs, assessment may incorporate the general capabilities (i.e. The assessment may be set within a science context – yet the learning outcome that will be assessed will be a literacy capability or a numeracy capability). 9 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 Appendix A – General Capabilities Literacy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Level 1a Level 1b Level 1c Level 1d Students: Students: Students: Students: Comprehend texts Comprehend texts Comprehend texts Comprehend texts use behaviours that are not intentionally directed at another person to: use informal behaviours that show consistent anticipation of events in regular routines to: use conventional behaviours and/or concrete symbols consistently in an increasing range of environments and with familiar and unfamiliar people to: use conventional behaviours and/or abstract symbolsconsistently in different contexts and with different people to: attend to, respond to or show interest in familiar people, texts, events and activities attend consistently to familiar texts respond consistently to social interactions with familiar people demonstrate anticipation of predictable events respond to questions respond to requests respond to a sequence of gestures, objects, photographs and/or pictographs, for example follow a visual schedule to complete a task respond to texts with familiar structures, for example by responding to a question respond to requests work out the meaning of texts with familiar structures, such as illustrated books, printed words, Braille texts and pictographs , using knowledge of context and vocabulary respond to questions, sequence events and identify information from texts with familiar structures use information in texts to explore a topics Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Level 1a Level 1b Level 1c Level 1d Students: Students: Students: Students: Compose texts Compose texts Compose texts Compose texts use behaviours that are not intentionally directed at another person to: use informal behaviours to intentionally communicate a single message consistently in familiar environments with familiar people, such as to: use conventional behaviours and/or concrete symbols to intentionally communicate more than one idea at a time consistently across an increasing range of environments with familiar and unfamiliar people, such as to: use conventional behaviours and/or abstract symbolsconsistently in different contexts and with different people to communicate intentionally and consistently in different contexts and with different people to: refuse or reject reflect a preference or desire reflect state of wellbeing, for example contentment, joy, worry, pain reflect a physical state, for example hot, cold, nausea refuse or reject express a preference request the continuation of an activity request something new request more request attention refuse or reject request items, people or events present at the time create texts, for example to comment on a recent event, story or shared experience create texts with familiar structures such as speech, simple print texts, keyboard texts, illustrations, pictographs comment on people, events and objects in the past, present and future and to ask questions convey knowledge about learning area topics Numeracy Each capability includes online examples Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Level 1a students: Recognising and using patterns and relationships Level 1a students: Understand and use numbers in context demonstrate concepts of counting using every day experiences Estimate and calculate recognise the effects of adding to and taking away from a collection of objects Use money identify situations that involve the use of money Recognise and use patterns and relationships recognise simple patterns in everyday contexts Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Level 1a students: Using spatial reasoning Level 1a students: Interpret proportional reasoning recognise a ‘whole’ and ‘parts of a whole’ within everyday contexts Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects sort or match objects according to their features Interpret maps and diagrams demonstrate awareness of position of self and objects in relation to everyday contexts 10 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015 Interpreting statistical information Level 1a students: Using measurement Level 1a students: Interpret data displays display information using real objects or photographs and respond to questions about the information displayed Estimate and measure with metric units use informal language and/or actions to describe characteristics of length, temperature, mass, volume,capacity and area in familiar environments Operate with clocks, calendars and timetables sequence familiar actions and events in a variety of ways. Personal & Social Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Social management Level 1a Students: Level 1a Students: Level 1a Students: Level 1a Students: Recognise emotions recognise and identify their own emotions Express emotions appropriately recognise and identify how their emotions influence the way they feel and act Develop self-discipline and set goals make a choice to participate in a class activity Work independently and show initiative attempt tasks with support or prompting Become confident, resilient and adaptable identify people and situations with which they feel a sense of familiarity or belonging Social Awareness show an awareness for the feelings, needs and interests of others Social Management respond to the feelings, needs and interests of others Recognise personal qualities and achievements express a personal preference Understand themselves as learners select tasks they can do in different learning contexts Develop reflective practice recognise and identify participation in or completion of a task 11 Mount Isa State Special School Curriculum and Assessment Plan 2014-2015 G:\Coredata\Teachers\School Wide Curriculum Plan 2014 and 2015