Chemistry Unit 7 Review Alec Jotte Honors Chemistry Test Date: 3-21-13 Excited State vs. Ground State Excited State o Atom with excess energy. Ground State o Atom in the lowest possible state of energy Electromagnetic Radiation The dual nature of light o Wave and a Photon (packet of energy) o Wavelength () o The distance between two peaks or troughs in a wave Frequency (v) o Alec Jotte Number of waves (cycles) per second that pass a given point in space Speed (c) o Speed of light (2.9979 x 108 m/s) o c = v Visible Spectrum o In order from highest to lowest energy Quantized Emission Purple, blue, green, yellow, red Atoms give off light but must first receive energy and become excited. The energy is released in the form of a photon that corresponds exactly to the energy change experienced by emitting the photon. The energy levels of all atoms are quantized (analogy of the stairs) Hydrogen Orbitals Bohr’s Model of the atom o Different orbits around the nucleus. o Only certain types of photons are produced when H atoms release energy. Why? Since only certain energy changes occur, the H atom must contain discrete energy levels. o Bohr’s model does no apply to any atoms other than hydrogen therefore it is ditched. Orbitals: the sphere that contains 90% of the total electron probability. o This model gives no information about when an electron occupies a certain point in space or how it moves. o Orbitals do not have sharp boundaries. Hydrogen has discrete energy levels called principle energy levels. o They are labeled with whole numbers. o Each principal energy level is divided into sublevels labeled with numbers and letter which indicate the shape of the orbital. The letter s means a spherical orbital. The letter p means a two-lobed orbital. The x, y, and z subscript tells along which of the coordinate axes the two lobes lie. Orbitals are potential spaces for atoms, and so all atoms contain all of the orbitals. Electron Configurations Longhand and Shorthand (Noble gas configuration) o Y, ZR, Fe, Po, S, Mf Orbital Diagrams Orbital is a box grouped by sublevel containing arrow(s) to represent electrons o Li, Sc, Si, F, Ar, Se Periodic Trends In a principal energy level that has d orbitals, the s orbital from the next level fills before the d orbitals in the current level. After lanthanum, a group of fourteen elements called the lanthanide series, or the lanthanides, occurs. This series of elements corresponds to the filling of the seven 4f orbitals. After actinum, a group of fourteen elements called the actinide series, or actinides, occurs. This series corresponds to the filling of the seven 5f orbitals. Except for helium, the group numbers indicate the sum of electrons in the ns and np orbitals in the highest principal energy level that contains electrons (where n is the number that indicates a particular principal energy level). These electrons are the valence electrons. Bonding Forces that hold groups of atoms together and make them function as a unit. o No simple, and yet complete, way to define this. o A bond will form if the energy of the aggregate is lower than that of the separated atoms. Kinds of Bonding o Ionic bonding: Ionic compounds result when a metal and a non-metal react and electrons are shared. o Covelant Bonding: Electrons are shared by nuclei of two or more atoms. o Polar Covelant bonding: Unequal sharing of electrons between atoms in a molecule. One atom is more electronegative than the other (a difference of at least .4) and results in a charge separation in the bond, one side being partly negative and the other slightly positive. Ionization Energy The energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. o *Core electrons are bound much more tightly than valence electrons. o Ionization energy increases from left to right and decreses from top to bottom. Why? Electrons added to the same principal quantum level do not completely shield the increasing nuclear charge caused by the added protons. Electrons in the same principal quantum level are generally more strongly bound from left to right on the periodic table. The electrons being removed are, on average, farther from the nucleus as you go down on the periodic table. Electronegativity The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons to itself. On the periodic tale, electronegativity generally increases across a period and decreases down a group. The range of electronegativity is 7.0 for fluorine to 0.7 for cesium and francium (the least electronegative). The polarity of a bond depends on the difference between the electronegativity values of the atoms forming the bond. Lewis Dot Structures Show how valence electrons are arranged among atoms in a molecule. o Most important rule: Octect/Duet rules must be follow (exceptions: boron, beryllium, phosphorus). Steps for writing Lewis Dot Structures o Sum the valence electrons from all the atoms in a bond. o Use a pair of electrons to form a bond between each pair of bound atoms. o Atoms usually have noble gas configurations. Arrange the remaining electrons to satisfy the octet (duet) rule. Single Bond: covelant bond in which 1 pair of electrons is shared by 2 atoms. Double Bond: covelant bond in which 2 pairs of electrons are shared by 2 atoms. Triple Bond: covelant bond in which 3 pairs of electrons are shared by 2 atoms. o Resonance A molecule shows resonance when more than one Lewis structure can be drawn for the molecule. Dipole Moments Property of a molecule whose charge distribution can be represented by a center of positive charge. o An arrow is used to represent a dipole moment. The arrow points to the negative charge center with the tail of the arrow indicating the positive center of charge. o Represented using + and -, each referring to the charge of the atoms involved in the polar covelant bond. Molecular Structures The three dimensional arrangement of the atoms in a molecule. 3/20/2013 3:20:00 AM 3/20/2013 3:20:00 AM